A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

Stop living this lie

My heart was pounding as I sat in the deathly silent limo. Seth decided that he should still keep his flight since there was no reason for him to stay in London. This comment made me really nervous because I wondered whether or not he was mad at me for continuing this charade considering the circumstances. I didn't blame him, it was his unborn child that I was potentially putting on the sideline to help Harry out.
But it was a weird feeling knowing that you're part of someone's final request. What is he tells me that I'm not good enough for his son? Or worse, what if he tells me that he hopes Harry and mine's relationship last? Can I really do this?
“You ready Hay?” Harry asked me. I was so busy thinking that I didn't realize we had pulled up to the private entrance to the hospital.
“Yea,” I said, not sure if I really meant it.
We walked to the I.C.U and that's where we met up with Kate and William.
She might have been stressed out from her father-in-law being sick, but Kate seemed to loose the warmth that she reasonated when she talked to me.
“He wants to see you and Haylie together,” Will told Harry.
“Okay,” Harry looked like he was going to have a mental breakdown. To comfort him I put his hand in mine.
We slowly walked to his father's bedside, and slowly my heart rose into my throat. Why wouldn't it stay put?
“Hey father,” Harry greeted so softly that I wondered if Prince Charles heard what he had said.
Prince Charles looked signifigantly thinner than the last time I saw him. I was only a comedian, but I had a definite feeling that he was moments away from dying.
There seemed to be chords sticking out of every inch of Prince Charle's body, he seemed to be more machine than man. There was also an oxygen mask on his mouth and nose to help him breath. He took it off in order to talk to us.
“Harry,” His voice struggled to get the words out. “I want you to know how proud I... I am... of.. you...” he fought to say the words. But he had to put the oxygen mask on to breath.
I felt like I was watching a movie. The only difference is that I felt awkward that I was watching it, as opposed to crying my eyes out.
I'm proud of you Harry.... And.... I have... always... been... proud....” Charles wheezed.
I quickly looked at Harry, and he had tears streaming down his face. Charles took a second to get air once again.
“Haylie,” Charles began. “You're a beautiful woman... with... with a heart... of Gold,” He smiled awkwardly at me. “I can see why.. why... my son likes you as much as he does,” He added then once again went for more oxygen.
I felt guilty at his words. Was I really lying to a man on his deathbed. The weight of the guilt, and seeing him lying there, about to die, made me started to cry as well.
“You guys could really go the distance,” he said it like he really meant it. “But I know it is a lie,” He announced dramatically.
Harry and I looked at each other, dumbfounded.
“What?” Harry managed to get out.
“I know about Chad, and I know about the fact that you're gay,” Charles managed to say without pause.
“How?” Harry asked, his tears still falling.
“It doesn't matter son,” Charles started to choke. “All the matter is that I love you. But I really am dissapointed that you put on this whole lie, and convinced Haylie to lie as well,” He told him.
Harry was now holding his father's hand, and bawlig. “I'm sorry father, all I ever have wanted to do is to make you proud,” he admitted, I suspected, for the first time. “You've always commented on how I really never had a relationship so that's why I did what I did. Please tell me how I can make it up to you,” he begged for forgiveness, this movie playing out in front of me was breaking my heart.
“Stop... denying... who... you... are,” Charles was having more and more trouble breathing.
“Okay Dad, I promise,” Harry cried as he wiped his tears away.
Suddenly, Prince Charles flatlined and Harry started to weep over his lifeless body. I was also bawling my eyes out.
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I can't believe how many nice comments I'm getting from people! I thank all of you guys for your kind words, I really do appreciate it and it keeps me wanting to keep updating. As for the cliff hanger, I am most likely going to be updating tonight again since I probably won't get to do it tomorrow since it's Labor day. I also didn't update last night cause I went out with my best friend.