A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

My Heart, Heart, Heart is so jet Lagged.

That morning I took a really long shower to get the hair product of last night's hairdo out of my hair. I was really stupid for going to sleep with it still in my hair, and I was paying for it in knots that I was forced to tear out.
I was packed and ready to go downstairs for dinner when Seth called me.
"Hey beautiful," Seth smiled as soon as I answered, this made me blush that the first voice I heard that morning was someone telling me I was beautiful.
"Hey handsome, sorry I didn't call you last night, I was sick," I told him. Which was true, once again I was throwing my guts up over the fancy food that tasted so good.
"Aww, I'm sorry, but you didn't get sick at your dinner with Will and Kate did you?" He asked seriously.
"No, my delicate stomach is so not used to all this fancy cuisine, but I can't NOT eat cause then that would be rude," I laughed as I zipped my luggage up.
"That's true, and I can't imagine you passing up food Ms. Liz Lemon," He teased.
"Oh I wish I was as pretty as Tina Fey," I scoffed.
"So when should I pick you up tonight?" He asked.
"My itinerary says I should be in around six," I was able to tell him so quickly cause I actually had the things in my hands.
"Okay, well I can't wait to see you," Seth sounded like he truly meant it.
"Well I am going down to breakfast, so I will text you when I'm about to take off," I promised, I really couldn't wait to see him either.
"Okay, I love you," Seth replied.
"Love you more," I told him, then we hung up.
I got in about ten minutes late than what was expected. But Seth was waiting for me outside of the gate, and he had flowers for me, daffodils, which were my favorite.
"Aww thank you so much!" I blushed taking the bouquet out of his hands, and Seth took my luggage from my hands.
"Well I thought you should know that I really missed you," Seth shrugged. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a paparazzi guy taking Seth's and I picture.
"Oh no Haylie, get ready for everyone to print stories saying You, Harry and I are involved in a dirty love triangle," Seth replied, indicating that he saw the paparazzi also.
"Well just know, in this fake love triangle, in the end of the movie when I'm forced to choose, I'd choose you," I replied happily.
To give the paparazzi a show, before we left the airport, we kissed. I didn't know how much I would love screwing with the paparazzi until I actually started playing these games.
Seth wanted to take me out to dinner, but all I wanted to do was sleep, so I promised to go out with him tomorrow night.
"Okay babe," He smiled giving me a kiss as we stood at the doorway of my apartment. "I will see you tomorrow," he added after he kissed me for the second time.
After my trip to London, I had three weeks of nothing to do before I started my speak-out tours, so I spent it researching London culture, spending days eating nothing but cookies, and watching a lot of TV while write up a decent script. I really was a real life version of Liz Lemon from '30 Rock." Only I had a boyfriend and was friends with Prince Harry. Haha take that Liz Lemon.
Harry and I started talking a lot, and I learned so much about being royalty, that I felt really bad about the assumptions I've made before I met Harry.
When I screw up, it really wasn't a big deal since I was just a celebrity, it was almost expected from me to do something crazy. But when Harry screws up, he just doesn't make headline news, he brings disgrace to his family name. Like when he went to a Halloween party dressed as a Nazi, his father refused to even look at him for a month. It made me sad that he feels like the only person who has given him unconditional love from the beginning was his mother.
"I wish I could come see you," Harry admitted as I was laying down on my bed over the covers staring at the ceiling.
"You can come see me any time you want," I assured him.
"I can't just pick up and leave," Harry argued.
"I can, and I'm not a Prince," I told him. "If you want to go to New York, you should be able to," I added.
"Well, we will see, I should go, I have a long day tomorrow," Harry replied.
"Yea, I do too," I sighed. Which really wasn't a lie, I was meeting with Karen, the girl that I have chosen to run England's "Speak-Out Tours."
"Okay Hay, have fun with your movies, and Ice cream," Harry didn't believe that I had a long day tomorrow. Sure I only had one meeting, but still it was way more than I have done in the last week.
"Bye bro," I ended the conversation.
The meeting with Karen went really well, and she was actually pretty excited that I trusted her with a job that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wanted done. After I was done with the meeting I went to go see Seth who said he had really exciting news to tell me about.
"Hey babe, sorry I'm late," I said as I walked up to our table. He stood up to give me a hug.
"It's alright, I've only been here for about five minutes," Seth shrugged. "I also ordered you the cheeseburger you like so much," he added.
I gave him a goofy smile. It was because during the drive over here I found myself thinking about nothing but that cheeseburger.
"And here's your Dr. Pepper," he added pushing the glass towards me, I took it greedily.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked seriously after I set my Dr. Pepper down.
"My script I wrote got picked up by a production company in Canada, they want me to fly out tonight to start working on the pre-production process," He announced happily.
"Ohmigosh, that's so amazing Seth!" I was so happy for him. "How long are you expected to be gone?" I asked.
"I'm due back the week before SNL starts back up," Seth answered.
This made me frown. That was two months, and with me doing the Speak-Out tours, I would never get a chance to see him.
"I'm sorry babe, but I am pretty sure we can find at least two or three days in our schedules where we can just spend the day together," Seth noticed how unhappy I was.
I shook away the unhappiness, this wasn't about me, it was about Seth being able to follow a dream.
"No it's okay babe," I smiled. "I really want you to be happy," I added.
Seth was relieved to hear me say that.
The next day I went with Seth to the airport. I didn't really want to let go of him as we stood there just off to the side of the Airport security line.
"Babe, it will be okay, I will be back the week before SNL starts up again, and then it will be like these two months never happened," Seth promised.
"I know," I sighed knowing I was being stupid.
"You're so cute when you're trying to be supportive but you're upset underneath," Seth laughed.
"I am just going to miss you a lot," I mumbled looking at my feet.
"I know, but I'll be back," Seth suddenly made a funny face to make me laugh.
We hugged and kissed one more time, and then he had to get in line for security.
"I love you! I'll be thinking of you when the TSA agents are groping me," Seth yelled as soon as I tried to walk away.
I couldn't help but blush. "I love you too! I'll be thinking of you when the male escort I'm hiring for tonight is.. well you get the idea," it took all of me not to burst up laughing.
That night I went to work finishing the scrapbook that I had started as soon as I came home from London. I wanted to finish it so I can take it with me while I am doing the tours. I looked at the picture of Harry and I that night we went out with his friends. For some reason I really loved it a lot and it made me really happy.
The Speak-out tour went amazing. I loved touring around the country and performing my show, and most of all I loved seeing the difference I made in people's lives. To date, I have had about a hundred kids come up to me and tell me that they were being abused at home or at school.
When I wasn't doing things for the tour, I was constantly talk to Seth or to Harry. I was proud to say that I was immune to the "Fairytale High" that I had gotten when I first met Harry. Harry was a cool guy and everything, but I couldn't lead the life he has. Besides, I don't even think Americans can marry royalty. But of course Harry's brother married a commoner. So even though Harry's generation broke rules all over the place, I think they'd draw the line at dating an 'ignorant' American.
But it still made me feel special that there were two guys in my life that called me every single day just to ask me how my day was. What girl wouldn't love that?

I came back to New York before Seth did, so I was able to pick him up at the airport.
As soon as we were close enough to each other we kissed for what seemed like eternity. I really missed tasting his lips.
I drove back to my place cause I wanted him all to myself that night. As soon as we got home, Seth started studying the place like it was the first time being in there.
He stopped at the photos I finally got around to hanging up yesterday, and he looked at each one. There was five small frames in the shape of a pyramid. There was one of Seth and I on the first day we met, one of Obama and I at the White House Correspondence dinner, a picture of Ellen Degeneres, Seth, and I one day when we went on her show, a picture of Oprah and I, and then the picture I took of Harry and I the night we went out to dinner with Will and Kate.
"You really did look beautiful that night, I can almost kick myself for not going with you," Seth commented pointing to the picture of Harry and I.
I playfully kicked him in the butt and responded, "There, I did it for you."
Seth pretended to be shocked, "Oh, you think you could do that just because you're beautiful, don't you?"
"Oh I don't think, I know," I teased him by sticking out my tongue.
I started to run down my hall, and Seth started to chase me. Since we both acted like we were five, this kind of stuff happened quite often. Whether it was in our apartments, or through the studio at NBC.
Seth caught me by the arm when I entered my bedroom, then he started to tickle me with his free hand.
"Stop it!" I laughed.
"Say you're sorry," Seth announced that this was the only way that he was going to stop.
He ended up pushing me so I fell unto my bed, still laughing. He then climbed on the bed to tickle me some more.
"Never!" I declared in between breathes of laughter.
"Well then I'll have to tickle you to death!" Seth promised tickling me even harder.
"Okay I'm sorry," I yelled. He immediately stopped tickling me and began kissing me.
We began to get hot and heavy. I felt Seth's cold hand on my stomach, and I ran my fingers through his hair. I loved him so much.
Suddenly my phone began to ring.
"Ignore it," Seth suggested in between kissing me.
I knew I couldn't cause I was expecting a call from Karen about whether or not London school had accepted the script that I had written.
"I'll get rid of them as fast as I can," I promised giving him a kiss.
Seth was kissing my neck when I answered the phone. I didn't even look at the caller ID.
"Hello?" I answered trying to stifle the giggle that I did every time Seth kissed me on my neck.
"Haylie, I'm in a lot of trouble, and well, I kind of need your help," I heard Harry's voice ring out from the line.
"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked urgently, they I waved to Seth to stop for a moment. Seth got off of me, but was still straddling my lap.
"I got into a fight with my father, and it was so far that I got kicked out of the apartment that I was staying at," Harry explained.
"Well where are you right now?" I asked.
"At JFK, I wanted to get away, and you were the first person I thought of," Harry told me.
"Okay, I am coming to get you," I told him, it was then Seth got off my lap, I could tell that he was frustrated.
"Oh Haylie, you don't have to do that," Harry sighed.
"Nope, I'll be there in a few," I told him, then I hung up the phone.
"What's going on?" Seth asked, I could tell he was trying to hold back his anger.
"Harry got into a fight with his family and he is at JFK wanting to see and talk to me," I told him as I walked to my closet to get a sweater and shoes.
"He's a Prince, why does he constantly want to run to you every time he has a problem," Seth asked.
"Because he got into a fight with his family, he doesn't have anyone," I told him in a condescending tone.
"Well maybe I don't like someone hitting on my girlfriend every chance he gets," Seth argued, not even trying to disguise his anger.
"First off, last time I checked I am nobody's property and can talk to anyone I damn well please. Second, Harry has never tried to make a move on me, not once," I started to raise my voice. "You're being a grade- A Asshole right now by the way," I added as I pulled on my sweater.
"Oh, I'm being the asshole?" Seth started to laugh crazily. "Well what about you Haylie? I have seen you in two months, and the first thing you do when I get home is come when little Harry tells you to. Don't tell me you don't want to be with him, cause I can tell you like him just by the way you talk about him," He argued.
"I've had enough of your jealous Seth, Harry and I are just friends, and if you can't accept this FACT, I suggest you GET THE HELL OUT OF MY APARTMENT!," I screamed the last part at the top of my lungs.
"FINE!" Seth screamed, and he left without another word. Before I left to pick up Harry I picked up one of my throw pillows and screamed in it at the top of my lungs. Then I went to go get Harry.
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The next chapter will be short, but the most revealing of the whole story. -Holleywholly