A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

You're tied together with a smile but you're coming undone

I got to JFK around seven that night. The Paparazzi that were there when I was with Seth looked very confused at my second presence there that day.
Harry and I left so quickly that we didn't even have time to really talk. On the way home since Harry refused to tell me what happened with his family in public so I started to talk about the fight Seth and I had right before I left for the airport.
"I'm so sorry Haylie, would you like me to talk to Seth for you?" Harry offered.
"No, when Seth and I fight like this, we usually don't talk for a day, and then one of us will call the other out of habit and we will just forget about why we were fighting," I laughed.
Harry started to laugh. "You really do love Seth, don't you?" he asked seriously.
"Yea, I do," I noticed that I had a really dumb goofy smile on my face.
"You're lucky, you get to go out with anyone one you want," Harry told me in the most depressing voice I have ever heard.
"What do you mean Harry? Why can't you date a person you want?" I asked innocently.
Harry was still refusing to talk to me about what is going on until we were safely back at my apartment. So the first thing I did when we got in was sit down on the couch.
"Okay, tell me what's going on," I tried desperately to convey how much I was worried about him.
Harry told me all about what happened the day he left England. Evidently him and his father got into another fight about Harry not being in a relationship with anyone and that his father worried that he would never get married.
"I really don't understand where your father is coming from Harry, I mean your brother only just got married last year, why is he so hell bent on making you get married?" I asked him as I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water for us.
When I got back Harry looked like he was trying to hold something back, but at the same time he wanted to tell me something.
"Here," I smiled giving him the water. Harry opened it and took a long drink.
"Well, I think you should call Seth Holley," Harry suggested.
"I will patch things up tomorrow," I pushed the suggestion away. "I'm more worried about you, how come I have a feeling you're hiding something from me?" I pressed.
"Nope, not going to tell you anything until you call Seth," When Harry's stubbornness got in the way I knew I couldn't argue with it.
"Okay!" I groaned pulling out my phone. Then calling Seth.
I stood up and went to the window and waited for Seth to pick up.
"Wow, this was a really short fight, don't you think?" Seth asked as soon as he picked up. I started to blush.
"Yea," I let out a little laugh. "I'm sorry I got mad at you, I shouldn't have been so eager to jump to Harry's rescue.." I started but then Seth cut me off.
"No babe, it's my fault, I just got jealous over Harry, i mean he is so much of a better catch than I am," Seth admitted. "Why are you with me when you have a chance to be with him?" he asked me.
"Because Seth, Harry and I are just friends, and it will never be anything more," I promised him.
"Well then, I believe you then," Seth decided. "I promise never to mistake your incredible kindness for philandering ever again," he added trying to be serious.
"And I promise to take care of your sexual needs first," I joked.
Seth couldn't keep it together after that one. "So Do you and Harry want to get a late dinner?" he asked.
"I'll ask.. Hey Harry you want to go get something to eat with Seth?" I asked him.
"Sure," Harry shrugged.
I said goodbye to Seth and promised him I'll meet him at our favorite restaurant.
"You are going to love this restaurant," I promised him as I went to put back on my coat.
"Haylie, I'm gay," Harry blurted out while I was in the middle of describing the menu to him.
I took a second to process what Harry just told me.
"So do you want to talk about it more, because I am totally wanting that cheeseburger," I hope me being casually to his confession didn't make him mad.
"Sure, we can go out," Harry gave me a small smile.
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Okay, so I hope you guys don't hate me. But just take a second and think about how hard it would be to be Harry and be gay. Of course I am not speculating about whether or not he is or isn't, and quite frankly, I don't think it matters, but it would still be hard for Harry cause of everyone else in the world. -Holleywholly