Status: hopefully active!

Get Better With Time

chapter 5

“Miss Chloe Hart, daughter of Elizabeth and Travis Hart, escorted by Mister Gage Travers.” Chloe walked down the staircase smiling and waving at the guests. Once she was safely at the bottom, the announcer started Zaila’s introduction. I took deep, calming breaths as I awaited my turn. Draco stood tall and strong, next to me. I knew that it wasn’t a mere coincidence that he was my escort tonight. Every person in the crowd would understand that he was to be my husband, without a true announcement ever being made.

“And now, the lady of the hour, Miss Kalen McGreggor daughter of June and Connor McGreggor, escorted by her fiancé, Draco Malfoy.” I took a deep breath and then picked up the edge of my dress, revealing my shoes. Draco held my arm as we walked slowly down the steps to the sounds of the crowd applauding. When we reached the bottom, we smiled at each other fakely before turning to greet the guests. After several minutes of greeting, it was time for the first dance, which, of course, would be led by Draco and I. The band began a simple waltz and Draco and I began the complicated dance to go with it. When the song was over, we bowed and curtsied to the other dancers. I leaned up to his ear to whisper.

“I’m going to go change dresses. I’ll be back in just a moment.” He nodded and turned to go find the drinks. I found Chloe and Zaila and headed up to my bedroom.

“Well that wasn’t too terrible now was it,” Zaila asked as she untied my dress. I shrugged.

“I’m just having a hard time realizing that I’m engaged now. Officially. This isn’t a silly little game anymore. Whether I like it or not, Draco’s my prince charming. The only one I’ll have for the rest of my life.” Chloe shoved my shoulder a little bit.

“Come off it. At least he’s the slightest bit attractive. And his family has a lot of pull around town. This is a great thing love. Now you just have to learn to like him a bit more.”

“Yeah, just a bit. Considering we have to have children eventually I suppose I should like him.”

“Mum said that you’ll grow to love each other. She did with my da,” Zaila mumbled as I climbed out of the poofy white dress.

“I know. I just wish I could have married for love.”

“Maybe it will be love, or it already is. He’s never been able to keep his eyes off you.”

“And I heard his parents fought awfully hard to make sure you two got married.” I shrugged.

“But those are all just rumors. I mean, I never wanted a Romeo. I don’t want this to end in a tragedy,” I said as I slipped on the other white dress. Zaila rolled her eyes and held my arm as I slipped back into my shoes.

“Let’s get back out there. Don’t want to leave the boys alone too long. Godric only knows what kind of trouble they could get into.” I chuckled and followed them out. We snuck back downstairs and I began to look for Draco. I rolled my eyes when I found him chatting up some girls. The two must have been under a rock when the announcement was made, otherwise they wouldn’t have been even within ten kilometers of him. I smirked and walked up, dragging my hand around his body before I leaned up to kiss his cheek.

“There you are darling! I’ve been looking for you,” I said, smirking towards the two girls. One was obviously sending me to the deepest darkest pits of hell with her eyes, and the other just looked in shock.

“I’m sorry ladies. This is my fiancé, Kalen. Kalen, this is Demetria and Layla.” I smiled and shook hands with the both of them.

“Lovely to meet you girls. Now, if you’ll excuse us, my parents are waiting in the dining room.”

“You’re parents aren’t really waiting are they,” Draco asked as soon as we got out of earshot.

“You’d think they would be smarter than to mess with someone who is obviously off the market, or were you just leading them on? It’s the first night of our engagement; it won’t look good if you’re seen chatting up women all night.” He chuckled lightly.

“Jealous are we?” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“Not in the slightest. However, you really should watch who you try to hook up with mate. I’m almost positive that ‘Demetria’ is actually a man.”
♠ ♠ ♠
and... another what, 3 months worth of waiting? go ahead and throw rocks at me. i deserve it. i'm so sorry ya'll! I got caught up in my other story and life got crazy! ugh, no excuses tho! I'll try to update this at least, once a week now. ya'll deserve that much!