‹ Prequel: A Killjoy...At Heart
Status: Updates on Sundays Grammar is Terrible till i edit compleltey.

Personal Happyness

05. Don't Tell Anyone - Janie Nineteen Reprise

Gracie sat swinging her feet up top of he stool she sat on in DI E diner looking around the mass of junk that had piled around and all over the place. Maps of the area, posters and paint stuck to the walls while clothes, dead batterys and a couple popped 'balloons' that crammed into the corner where left in sight.

 Gracie sat holding onto her canteen of water humming away to what Doctor D was playing out on the air waves. Frankie and Ray hovered the cleanest table with the maps of Battery Cities underground all spread out and lookig in in excitement. 

" I'm bored." Gracie declares jumping down from stool and skipping over to the sleeping Mikey that was passed out and snoring on a rotting old matress in the corner of the main room. No one but Gracie slept in the staff room anymore since no one seemed to get any sleep in their anyways.

" Mike- Mike play with me." Gracie demands using his real name because she knew she was safe to use them. The reluctant Gerard himself gave the okay. 

"I'm trying to sleep here kid." Mikey groans cracking the kink out of his neck as Gracie kicks the corner of the matress untill Mikey gives up and rolls from the matress onto the floor. Gracie giggles as Mikey picks her up and dropps her onto his shoulder with ease as she sqeuals trying to escape- and doing an improper job. 

" Kids not in the house! " Ray teases as Mikey rolls hos eyes and starts his treck outside the old diner into the heat of the afternoon sun. 

" Mikes hold up we got a transmission from Zone 4's bunker!" Gerard calls from the back room as he flicks on the loud speaker switch to be played across the diner's old re-wired stereo system. 

"-Fucking A team anyo-on-one! We need some back up-*zzz*- track-er ch-I-I-I-p sti-l-l in tact! Z-z-ombie attack!!!" The voice chops out as the boy where already suiting up and shipping out by the time the transmission was cut inot swears. The boy burnt rubber towards the murder scene.


Ray guns fried blue lights around the bunker as the remastered Sour Candy Crew spits out blood and digs in. The bunkers leader had already called in for more back ups and destroyed the chip for another six vans of Draculoids showed up to capture or destroy or whatever they did. The Ginger spike of Sour Jesus' flaming hair bolts from her hiding spot to join the newly improved Janie Nineteen from her post and took another battery pack for her gun. 

" Your shots gotten better since last time I saw you." Sour mocks the Killjoy in a old hockey jersey and a pair of jean cut offs and cowboy boots-because why not dress like a Canadian in a gun fight? 

"Loids are a bit bigger than tin cans on a fence." Janie says with a smile and aims and fires hoping for reniforcements soon. It seemed like Janie would shots the draccloid down and two would be their to take his place amugust the six killjoys that where trying to push them into retreat. A shot wizzes by the pair as it catchs Janies defenslessy arm as she crystal out and puts pressure against the now bleeding wound.

" When the hell is back-up coming!" Sour Jesus screeches to noone particular as it seemed her prayer for them was answered with a roaring engine in the close proimity as the trans am flys to the resue at the mouth of the cave running over a couple bad guys.

Janie mutters a curse as she links eyes with a masked Sour Jesus as she puts her half mask down onto her face to cover her face from the people that assumed she was now a battery drone in the city. The boys all fired away at the remaing alive draucloids so fast that Janie wondered if she had time to blink. With assults on both sides the draculoids found themselves at even numbers as both Killjoy walls trapped them to their death untill like a game of childerns dogeball the last fell with a victory cry from the bunkers troops. 

The Fablous Killjoys walked in a line to the inside mouth of the bunker as the leader thanks them indivudually as the four act like super hero saying theirs no need for thanking as the bunker troops all talk animately to the Fablous Killjoys as they talked back. 

Sour Jesus makes her presence known to the four boys with a clearing if her throat as Janie stands holding her wounded arm beside what she would determine was her best friend. 

Kobra noticed first as he stopped and conversation to breathe out " Sour fucking Jesus" and gooes in to hug her. Janies throa closes up at the close proximity of the four boys that took her under their own protection to just spin around and find that  the boy she loved had a thing with the red head that was angry at her. 

Sour had changed Janies hair for her cutting the brown locks off into a short boyish cut and poured chlorine bleach over the fresh strands stripping it of colour instantly. Her mask hid her forhead to cheek bones in a pale blue and her lips painted a smilar bubble gum pink to Sour's.

" What hell are you doing here?" Jet Star asks pulling off his astronaut helmet to reveal mirrored sunglasses and a dirty complextion.

" Trainin' Excerise." Sour Jokes as Janie feels the Four Killjoys all acess her quickly standing their with a wounded arm and a look that she had braced herself to bolt.

" And you are?" Party Poison asks though she expected for him to see past the hair color and mask but was all but glad he didn't 

" Janie Nineteen." Janie introduced herself as. Her voice cracked into a new octave to keep her identiy a small secret and the boys greeted her with hand shakes and a smile. They introduced themselves again but Janie ingored that for the peircing stare of Fun Ghouls eyes made her stomach siwthc places with her heart and keep her looking like she was about to sprint off. 

" Here Miss.Nineteen." Let's get your arm looked after Jet Star decides guiding Janie to the trans am and sits her on the trunk as the people in the mouth of he cave talk animatley in he back ground. Jet takes Janie and pulls off her mask in a sharp intake with his jaw dropping onto his chest. Janie looks at him with her open doe eyes and presses her index finger to his lips and to her own with her other hand. 

" Don't tell anyone."    
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S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W stuck in my head..... Why not? Comment and Subscribe for unsheduled updates, since I'm late coming on this one expect another on Tuesday and 10 to make up for it ^^