Being Me

November 1,2011/ Febuary 23,2012

November 1st , 2011

Hey sorry I havent been on here. I’ve been sick as a dog so nothings been happening here lately but yesterday was Halloween so Maudie and I went out a few days ago when I was feeling better and got costumes. Maud got that sick cat lady outfit while I chose more of a egyptian princess. Tommy was there as a pirate photographer taking photos of everyone. Oli,who was a zombie of course, hosted the party at his new home and my god let me tell you it was amazing. Everyone got a bit tipsy and Tommy finally made his move on me. it was a simple gentle kiss really. He caught me in the kitchen making a drink and complemented on my costume. I then said thanks and thats when it happened. boom tommy placed his hand on my face and leaned in and kissed me. it was amazing, his lips were very soft and I was surp

Thursday Feb 23, 2012

Hey um this is Tom.

I’m afraid to tell you that Audie has lost battle with her cancer last Tuesday. I’m attaching this to her last note she had in here that she didn’t finish because of the sickness. Maudie told me about this journal Aud was keeping to tell her story with. And I’m gonna tell my side of it.

I meet Audie right before Matt and Maudie got together. I always knew she was special to me in some form. I didnt start getting feelings for her till around the time she went to teh States for chemo that it hit me that I needed to man up and tell her because this was probably the only chance I would get. I know she told you guys that I hogged her up the first few days after she came home. I did it so that it would confirm my feelings for her and it did. She was my everything and didn’t know it. Every time I’d come back from tour she would be there with a phone call or mail. The guys would pick on me about her and crap like that. When I went to Germany and came back that’s when I noticed that Aud was losing weight. I thought she was changing her eating habits but after a few weeks she was a stick. She was saying that seh was fine but we all knew it wasn’t. Oli hosted that Halloween party Aud was writing about and it was there that I got the guts to go up and kiss her. A few days later I asked her to be my girlfriend. We did christmas and new years together before it went all downhill. Audie was at my flat when it happened. One minute she was making breakfast for us and the next i was rushing her to the hospital after she fainted and burned herself. The doctors told me that both cancers were winning against her. He said she had about 2 or 3 months left in her. Last tuesday was valentines day and I went in to see her and give her peonies her favorite flower. I couldn’t stay long because I had to be a the shop for a meeting so I kissed her goodbye and left. About 3 hours later I got the worst news; Audie’s mom called hysterically crying and i knew Audie died. Her funeral is tomorrow and I have to make a speech infront of all her family, my family, DD family and friends. I know I’m gonna cry because I miss her. I miss her so fucking much it hurts.
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might be another chapter after this don't really know.