‹ Prequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Sequel!



Neche’s POV

I sat at the table in the kitchen drinking my tea and reading a book.

Suddenly Jason and Mina walk downstairs.

“Where’s Matt?” I asked and Jason shrugged.

“He was with us earlier and took off.” Mina explained while Jason kept quiet.

He walked to the fridge and took out a beer.

“This early?” I asked and he just shrugged again.

I turned to my sister and cocked a brow to ask her what was with him.

“We took a pregnancy test and I came out negative…” I frowned and got up and hugged her.

“I’m so sorry sweetie.” I grabbed her in a hug.

“I’m fine, he needs the hug,” she motioned to Jason with her head.

I nodded and stood; making my way over to him. He looked at me from the corner of his eye as he continued to lean on the counter and drink his beer. I wrapped my arms around his waist and after a moment he wrapped them around my shoulders.

“I’m sorry you didn’t knock my sister up,” I sighed and he chuckled.

“T’salright,” he said.

I smirked and looked up at him.

“This only means you could keep trying,” I said and his eyes lit up.

Hey let go of me and ran towards Mina; she squealed as he tossed her over his shoulder and rushed upstairs. Matt walked down with a confused look because Jason shoved past him when he ran upstairs.

“Where are they going in such excitement?”

I made a face similar to the ones you do when you smell something bad or Matt’s feet.

“To go try and make a baby,” he stared off into space for a moment and I sighed.

“I’m sorry…”

“Why?” He asked confused.

“For making you wait but you’ll be happier we did.” I promised and he just sighed.

“Whatever,” he walked outside mumbling something about smoking a cigarette.

Did my husband just ‘whatever’ me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took long but my cousin has been hogging the computer and I only do school and get off.

Anyway sorry she couldn't be pregnant :( also.... trouble in pradise?! I hope not :O i love Matt xD

Like our layout? Someone finally made us a banner! Yay!

Bear’s here so I gotta go!
-Neche Narcissist