‹ Prequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Sequel!



Neche’s POV

I got off the plane and headed straight for the hotel the convention was being held.

“Neche Berry,” I told the receptionist.

“Here’s your key your in room 1662 and your roommate is already there.”


“Yes your company assigned roommate’s for you since you’ve worked with them before,” she explained.

I took the key with furrowed brows and headed to the elevator.

I drummed my fingers on the elevator wall as I waited for it to hit my floor. Once it did I rushed to find my room number; which after a little while I did and quickly threw open the door.

“Hello?” I called out. I seen the bathroom light on and made my way to the beds. I went to the other side that wasn’t filled with someone’s clothes and threw my suitcase on it. Soon I heard the bathroom door open.

I looked up and gasped. With a squeal I headed into the arms of one of my best friends and co-worker.

“Oh my god Lucina I haven’t seen you in months!”

She smiled wide at me and nodded.

“I know I’ve missed you too,” we instantly sat down on my bed and started talking.

She lived in L.A. so I never got to see her but we went to the same school and started working for the same company.

“So how’s your hubby?” My smile faltered a bit. “Oh God, what’s going on?”

I shrugged.

“Matt wants to have another baby,” I confessed and she grew confused.

“Why don’t you want one?”

“I want one but… I told him to wait and he doesn’t want to so we’ve been butting heads about it.”

“Well why do you want to wait? You’re older and are more responsible, a baby shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Want to know the truth?” she nodded.

I knew why I wanted to wait but I didn’t even tell my sister; she has her own problems to worry about.

“I’m worried he won’t love Bear anymore if he has his own kid. Why would he continue to raise another man’s son if he has his own?” Sympathy crossed her face.

“Matt loves Bear; but he also loves you and wants a child with you. Nothing will change that and I don’t think he’ll love Bear any less when he has his own; if anything his heart will only grow bigger so there’s room to love Bear and his own child.” I let her words sink in.

A smile took over my face as I thought about it.

“Yeah; I think you’re right.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So does this mean Neche will let Matt knock her up? We shall see.

In the meantime let’s find out what my wifey has in store with Brian ;P

-Neche Narcissist