‹ Prequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Sequel!


Call Me Tony

Neche’s POV

I typed the address into the GPS so I could find the place. I got it after I got the job because 95% of the time I had to meet a client at a place I’ve never been before. I mainly do prom make-up and hair or big events but rarely are there a big name client and my boss fusses when there is.

I followed the directions the lady was giving me to the location and put my car into park.

I walked through the door after grabbing my boxes out of the trunk. A big security guy stopped me and I cocked a brow; who was I doing hair and make-up for?


“Neche Berry; here to do make-up and hair.”

“Can I see your I.D.?” I sighed.

“Can you hold this?” I pushed the box into his hands while I grabbed my wallet and flipped it open.

He nodded satisfied and gave me back my box before giving me directions. I continued on my way and soon emerged into the empty room and set up my equipment. I hummed a Red Hot Chili Peppers song as I worked silently and I heard someone walk in but ignored it.

“Under the Bridge?” That voice sounds familiar…

I looked up and held back a gasp.

“A fan?” He asked and I held up my wrist to show his band logo.

“Since birth,” I smirked and he chuckled.

“I’d introduce myself but you know who I am,” he smiled and I nodded.

“Anthony Kiedis; I’m Neche Berry and I’ll be doing your hair and make-up for the photo shot,” he nodded and shook my hand.

He took a seat and I beat down the fangirl in me so I could do my job right. I started and finished all the while he talked to me about music and random stuff.

“You look really familiar… is there any chance I might of seen you somewhere?”

“Um… have you heard of Avenged Sevenfold?” He nodded. “I know them; have since high school so you might have seen me in a few of their random pictures or something,” I shrugged and he nodded.

I touched up his face and suddenly it lite up like he got an idea.

“You’re married to Matt Berry!” He exclaimed and I nodded with a smile.

He frowned suddenly.

“I remember where I seen you now,” he said sadly and I sighed.

I continued doing his make-up and avoided eye contact.

“Seen the blogs?” I guessed and he nodded sadly.

“I’m not one to judge; I have no place to say anything about ]i]anyone but I will say this; don’t fret about the press. As long as you know the truth and everyone who needs to know, knows it’s no one’s business.” I smiled at his words before nodding.

“Thanks Anthony,” I said.

“Call me Tony,” he smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short filler but eh, it’s something right? So… yeah it was Anthony Kiedis; the singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers…

>.> I legit thought I was gonna get raped at Circle K today. This creepy old (he looked around 40) guy was checking me out when I walked in with my mom.

I ignored it and walked to the sodas and my mom kept staring at him because she saw him looking at me and she said he kept watching me.

Then I paid before her because she bought beer and cigarettes (for me bcuz she stole mine >.>) and I waited by the door for her and he was watching me again bcuz he was in line behind her and I looked at him then looked away then my mom looked at him & paid then we left and I was like “Did u see that guy? O_O”

And she was all “Yeah… he kept looking at you.”

“I know… I thought I was gonna get raped so I was like mommy, and I waited for u.”
And my gram was all “Your mom’s small what’s she gonna do?!”
I was all O_O “Yell for help?!”

Then my mom started to tell me about a story when I was 5 and some older men were checking me out (and I quote her) “with lust in their eyes” O_O I was like “gee mom thanks for letting me know this isn’t the first time I’ve almost gotten raped!”

But she said she yelled at them and was all “She’s 5 years old you fucking pervs!” Sometimes I think it’s a curse to look older than I am >.>