‹ Prequel: Unholy Confessions
Status: Sequel!



Matt’s POV

I checked my e-mail. I had a new message from Lacey. I clicked the link to some blog site and read for a few minutes. I only grew anger and anger by the second. My fists clenched and I only saw red.

“Bro?” I heard my brother’s voice but was far too gone to look at him.

I was half scared I would end up punching him or something so I thought it best to just stare in front of me at the laptop.

“Look at this,” I hissed and shoved the laptop towards him.

I stood and paced the room catching the attention of everyone else.

“What’s going on?” Johnny asked.

“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Jason said and their attention turned to him.

He came to calm me and they went to read what’s going on.

“I’m going to find that fucker and ring their neck,” I hissed.

“You can’t bro, just chill,” Jason cooed and I shook my head.

“No! Don’t you see? Their right! All of them… Everyone knows… We thought we could hide it but everyone knows…” I blinked away angry tears as I sat down and shoved my fists into my eyes.

“You’re gonna give yourself a black eye if you don’t chill,” Shadows sighed and I shook my head again.

“Let’s sue ‘em,” Johnny said just as pissed.

“I gotta get outta here,” I stated standing again.

“And go where?” Brian asked.

“Home, with my wife and her son.”

“He’s your son too,” Jason sighed.

“Not to everyone else. If I’m not blood I don’t count for shit!” Jason sighed and I went to the back to pack my bags.

Shadows tried to come and stop me but I wasn’t having it. Jason stepped in soon and handed me the phone. I was going to ignore him; no one would convince me to stay; anybody couldn’t just change my mind right now, I wasn’t even planning on talking to anyone anymore. I was too upset.

“It’s your wife,” I paused except her.

I licked over my lips and played with my piercing before grabbing my brother’s cell and putting it to my ear.


“Yeah it’s me,” I mumbled.

“You can’t just leave tour…” She stated calmly.

How can she be so calm? How can she calm me down by just the sound of her voice?

“I have to,” I nearly whimpered noticing my will slowly dissolve.

“Just ignore the stupid press, it means nothing. We all know that you’re Bear’s-“ I cut her off.

“They’re right! I’m not his dad, as much as I wish I was Trey is…”

I heard her sigh and I knew she was pursing her lips.

“Was Trey there when Bear spoke his first words?”


“You heard me,” she said.

“No,” I said confused.

“What were Bear’s first words?”


“What were Bear’s first words Matthew?” She only used my full name when she was serious.


“And who did he look at when he spoke those first words?”

“Me,” I whispered.

“I can’t hear you…”

“Me,” I spoke louder. “He look at me and called me dad.” I said.

“Listen to your son Matthew, every time you run into a blog site or stupid press that tries to tell you otherwise listen to your son. He’ll tell you who his father is.” I smiled and took a seat.

“How are you always there to calm me down and keep me from doing something stupid?” I asked.

“I’m your wife, it’s my job,” I chuckled softly at her.

“I love you,” I smiled.

“I love you too, I’ll see you in 3 weeks and no sooner,” she warned and I smiled.

“No sooner,” I repeated as a promise.

“Good now give the phone back to your brother and tell him you’re calm, he’s probably freaking out right now,” I chuckled knowing she was right and said my goodbyes before handing it back to him.

“Are you cool?” he asked and I nodded with a slight smile.

“Yeah I’m cool, I’ll stay,” I assured and he breathed a sigh of relief before taking the phone back.

I had a feeling this was just the beginning of the press talking about my family. I only hoped we were strong enough to handle it. Rumors were one thing but when it’s the truth… that’s a whole other ball game.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this chapter because it’s fun to know what Matt’s thinking, isn’t it? Also… How cute was it?!
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