A Maiden Whose Heart Yearned to Dance

The Dancer who could Not Dance

A Maiden Whose Heart Yearned to Dance
Chapter 1
The Dancer who could not Dance
I flinched as I tried to balance myself on my tip toes. I groaned as I fell down onto the floor, landing on my behind.
“Keep this bad effort up and I’ll have you marry me!” Mr. Cat threatened me.
His eyes sparkled with excitement as beads of sweat trickled down his face and body. I sighed as I ignored his threat. I glanced down at my feet. I’m too hopeless and helpless. I can’t dance. I’m too unbalanced. I stood on my feet and walked over to my stuff. I packed everything and slung the bag over my shoulders, heading towards the exit. I growled as my blue leotards and my tan tights stuck to my skin as my body glistened with sweat.
“Why did I even stay in that stupid class anyways?” I asked myself.
I stared up at the sky, which would soon turn dark. The sun set itself behind the horizon. An image of Mytho appeared into the sky as I continued to stare at it. My cheeks started to heat up as my heart raced.
“I guess I did it to stay close to Mytho and to watch him dance beautifully.” I thought.
I sighed again.
Mytho is so prince like and charming. He’ll never notice an odd, unbalanced bird like me. Will I ever be able to dance so graceful like Mytho? I balled up my fists.
“No Christiane! You must practice more, until you are perfect enough to dance a Pas de Deux with Mytho!” I yelled to myself, trying to cheer myself up.
I pondered for a moment.
“Where should I practice?”
An idea struck my head. The secret place I always go to relax. I started walking towards the forest. I dropped all of my stuff on the rock filled dirt when I arrived to my secret hiding spot. My eyes glistened with excitement as I gazed at the lake in amazement. The lake was deep in the forest, surrounded by trees and rocks. The sky was dark with only the moon illuminating brightly, so brightly the surface of the lake glowed and sparkled. I stripped down from my sweaty clothing and lightly stepped into the water. I shivered as my bare skin touched the cold water, but stepped in all the way, once my foot warmed up. I sighed in relief as the water came up to my calves. I took a deep breath as I rose up both of my hands into the air. I exhaled my breath as I tried to stand on my tip toes. My eyes closed tightly as I forced my body weight on my toes. I sighed in relief when I finally managed to stand on my toes. I started dancing as a song played through my head. I balanced myself on my right foot. It was painful, but I ignored it. I kept thinking of Mytho dancing with me. I twirled around on my right foot. Breathed in and out panting as the pain from my foot shrouded my entire body. I felt beads of sweat trickle down my face. I stopped twirling, ran and jumped into the air. I tried to land on my left foot, but I ended up falling into the water. I cursed under my breath as I relaxed my body under the shallow water. I lied on my back as I started to swim.
“Maybe I am too helpless.” I sighed.
I swam over to the deep part of the lake. I inhaled my breath, holding it in and ducked underwater. I started swimming around under the lake. It was so cool and comfortable, but I couldn’t get Mytho out of my mind. I felt tears fill my eyes, but I held them back. A blue twinkling caught my attention beneath me. I swam over to it and picked it up. It was a beautiful blue gem attached to a golden lace. I stared at it in awe. Why would anyone throw this in the lake? It’s so lovely.
“What is it you desire?” said an eerie female voice.
I looked around the water to see no one. I stared back down at the gem to see it sparkled again.
“What I desire?” I asked it in my mind.
“What is it your heart yearns for?” the female voice asked.
“My heart yearns for Mytho to fall in love with her and be her perfect dance partner, but she can’t dance.” I whispered to it in my head.
“What is your wish?”
“My wish is to be a perfect dancer and win the heart of my beloved prince Mytho.”
“Your wish shall be granted.”
I gasped when I was embraced by a bright light. I closed my eyes as warmth swallowed my entire body. I felt like I was lifted up and out of the water. I felt the necklace wrap itself around my neck. I opened my eyes when the water gently placed me back down on the ground, on my tip toes. My left foot rested on my right knee as both of my arms were above my head.