Status: Completed.



Sometimes there are people you absolutely hate with your entire mind and soul. And sometimes there are people you just think you hate with your entire mind and soul. Ron Weasley was one of those people to Draco Malfoy. Just as Draco Malfoy was one of those people to Ron Weasley.

They were under the illusion of hate, but they’d never heard the common muggle saying, ‘There’s a thin line between love and hate.’ Maybe if they had it would be easier for them to realize their feelings. As it was, almost everyone but themselves could see. But no one was going to push it because that would be a disastrous match.

No, people were against this very much. And how would Mrs. Weasley react when another of her sons turned out gay?

And a Slytherin and a Griffindor would be a horrible match. No, it would never work. Because of the suppression of society, the war between the houses, and just the fact that they would never realize. And even if they did it neither would have the guts to act. At least, that’s what everyone thought and they were quite content with thinking that.

So imagine Harry’s surprise when he walked down a corridor and heard something in a classroom. This was nothing out of the ordinary except today Harry was feeling particularly curious. To open the door on Draco and Ron snogging was the last thing he would’ve expected. Not only were they both men but they were Ron and Malfoy.

Harry had been one of the few who never saw the attraction. His complete blindness was part of what made it such a shock to him.

“Oh, hello Potter. I was just getting to know Ron here a bit better,” Draco remarked snarkily when he noticed their audience, spitting out Potter’s name like usual.

Harry stared agape at them, even more shocked at hearing Malfoy call Ron by his first name. He’d only heard his last name sneered from those thin lips.

A blush was all but creeping up Ron’s neck and face at his best friend’s appearance. This was their first secret meeting but it was never intended to be found out about. And Harry on the other hand never wanted to find this out. That was why Harry was slowly backing out of the room while attempting to block the sight from his mind.

“I’ll just go then…” he mumbled awkwardly.

And with that Harry scurried out of the tense room.

After he left Draco turned to Ron.

“I understand he’s your best friend but I will never like him. Especially after he interrupted our session.”

Ron grinned at the words, knowing that he felt the same way about Draco’s friends. Although he didn’t seem nearly as close to his friends as Ron was. But how would Ron know? The only time he saw Draco was occasionally when they were insulting each other in public.

Ron loved how Draco could get his adrenaline pumping without provocative words anymore. Although the provocative words he did speak were in a much different context then they used to be.

And Draco secretly loved that red hair and freckles he would always tear down in public.

The rest of the world was oblivious to these facts about Ron and Draco. Now Harry was the only outsider. But after seeing the shocking display he’d ran straight to Hermione. She would know what to do about it.

“Hermione!” he called as he ran into the common room, spotting her in the corner.

He saw Ginny there and rammed himself in front of her.

“May I speak to Hermione alone?” he asked ever so politely, even after rudely barging into the conversation.

Ginny just rolled her blue eyes and walked away muttering.

“What is it Harry?”

“It’s Ron and Malfoy. They’re…” he looked around and lowered his voice, “eloping…”

“I already knew that it would happen, Harry. You’re so oblivious to the rest of the world. I mean, you couldn’t tell from Ron blushing beet red whenever Malfoy was mentioned or around? Or when they were insulting each other with hidden smiles and winks?”

Harry looked at the brown-haired girl in disbelief. Was he really that unaware?

Meanwhile Ron and Draco were planning how exactly they would tell everyone, if they did at all. They had no worries about Harry who was confused out of his mind. No, they were thinking solely of themselves. They were in their own world where no one else could penetrate no matter how hard they tried.