Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

A typical day, and the begining

This is my story. This story is how my life got flipped upside down. I normally don’t talk, so that fact I am writing this down is surprising, but I felt this was a story that needed to be shared. My name is Aida, but you pronounce it Ida. Weird I know, but that is my name don’t wear it out. Before we go to where my story really begins I feel you have to see how everything was before. So here is my life, which I know is much different from yours.

I wake up, and get dressed, nothing weird about that. Then I head downstairs kiss my father goodbye and drive to school. At school nothing unusual happens. I go to class, get constantly insulted, I do nothing about it and the day goes by. At lunch I go into the library and read romance novels, and I write a little as well. Then the bell rings and I go to class. On the way to class I run straight into Zach Porter, not my smartest move, but lucky for me he is a nice popular guy so he helps me up, and helps me grab my books. I shyly mumble a thanks and get to class. After school I go to my car and drive to the mall because it’s Friday. I shop around buying accessories and having fun alone, and then on my way home I stop at a book store and buy some books to read over the weekend. I go home and read until I am tired and I fall asleep. Nothing new.

That is all boring I know, but you have to realize there is no way for it to be fun considering I have absolutely no friends. I’m not allowed. My dad won’t allow me to have friends because he doesn’t want me depending on someone to have them leave me without a warning and without caring. That is what happened to my father. My mother used to live with us, and she told us she loved and cared about us. At that time I had friends, and lots of them. Then she left without a word only a note saying, “Goodbye, I will not be returning.” Do you know how much it hurts to receive that letter? I don’t think you can properly imagine how much it hurts. My father was heartbroken. He loved my mom with all his heart, but their love was apparently broken. After that I ignored my friends, and they drifted away, and never came back. Then my father gave me a long speech telling me I couldn’t have friends, and why. I agree with him, what is the point of having people around you when you know they will leave when you need them most. My mom did that, and my so called friends did that.

I read in my bed until I wasn’t able to keep my eyes open, then I fell asleep.

Before I continue and get to where my story really begins you need to meet someone, Cuddles, my teddy bear. Cuddles is my only friend at this point. You have to understand I have no friends, but everyone needs a friend, and Cuddles is mine. Cuddles is my only friend because she won’t leave me when everyone else does. Anytime I do anything at home other than take a shower and go to the bathroom you can assume Cuddles is there whether I tell you or not.

I woke up the next day got dressed in sweats and a band t-shirt wrote and read all day. Then it was around dinner time and the doorbell rang and I was called downstairs. Cuddles and I descended the stairs. I was nervous. When people visit it is just for my dad, one of his few friends or for business, so I don’t go down stairs, let alone get called to come down stairs. I’m nervous so I hold Cuddles in front of my face as I walk down. When I look to see who is at my door I see Mr. Popular himself, Zach Porter.
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Promise it gets better, and yes she is a 17 year-old with a teddy bear, weird, and that is the point