Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Trusting Me

Ch 11

So here I am sitting down at my desk pouring my heart into my writing as I always do when suddenly there is a knock on my bedroom door. I assume it is my dad so I say, “Come in!” considering he knows I write and he encourages me. When I see a Zach out of the corner of my eye walk in and collapse on my bed I turn to him in my chair and say, “What’s wong?”

“Can I hug Cuddles?”

“Um… Alright…” I saying handing him the bear who has been my only friend since forever. If my father saw this he would be so shocked.

“Ok so I had hockey practice, and the coach is gone so I had to run it, and he will be gone until Tuesday or late Monday and the guys were getting on my last nerve!”

“More explanation please, you are hugging my bear to your chest right now…”

“They were acting so cockey because we beat out rivals since forever yesterday. We haven’t been able to beat them in five years, and yesterday we beat them. The guys are acting all high and mighty because they are the best team in our conference and we beat them. If they stay this cocky we will lose our next game, For Sure! But I don’t know how to kick their asses next practice…”

“I’ll do it.”


“I’ll kick their asses and take them down a peg or two for you next practice.”



“Can you do that?”


“You can play?”

“Yes I can actually, pretty well.”

“So you will help me?”

“Of course!”

“Aida you are the best!" He yells before I know it he is kissing my cheek which causes me to blush. That kiss was a surprise and uncalled for, but I can’t say I hated it. To be honest it was nice, the butterflies came back, my heart rate increases, and a sensation of heat starts
to flow throughout my whole body warming me up.

“I feel SO much better! Thanks Aida! I needed someone to talk to.”

“I realize, and I’m always here to talk.” I say with a sincere smile appearing on my face.

“Thank, again. Well I have to go, band practice and all.”

“Alright bye Zach.”

“Bye Aida.” He says kissing my cheek again causing the same sensations that occurred before when he kissed my cheek, and placing Cuddles on my lap. “One time I want to hear your stories.” He continues before he waves goodbye and walks out of the door.

A minute later I get a text saying, “Your dad trusts me and gave me a key to your house so I can check on you when I chose to, so I will randomly be popping by tomorrow after practice. I will leave an hour early like I promised.”

I smile at the fact that my dad trusts me so much, and at the fact that Zach trusts me more considering he came here to vent, and that last text….
♠ ♠ ♠
shortish for me I know, and I'm sorry, but I wanted to post before I left, I'm going on Vacation tomorrow without my computer so I can't post so I'm sorry about that, which is why I posted this. But I will post once I get back in a week or so.... I will have my phone so I can check up on my mibba account, and it would mean a lot if I checked and saw I had some comments :D

Love you all like a friend :D