Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

In his arms

Ch 16

I never got it. Why did girls always want to wear their boyfriend’s shirt? I never understood why the smell of that guy meant so much to them. I always thought big deal they don’t smell like pee, yay!

I get it now, I finally get it! How did I figure it out? One word, 14.

So my dad went out of town the weekend after I met Zach’s band mates, and I was home alone. Then a bad thunderstorm started. Bad thunderstorms scare me. Then my phone rang causing me to jump and clutch Cuddles closer. I grabbed my phone and said,


“Princess you ok?” I hear Zach’s voice say on the other side of my phone.

“Fine, just my dad went out of town and I’m home alone and the storm is scary.”

“I’ll be over in 15.”

“No! I don’t want you driving in this weather.”

“I’m coming whether you like it or not. See you soon.”

Exactly 15 minutes later my door opened and closed and in walked a soaked Zach with a duffel bag.

I was sitting on the couch trying to ignore the storm with tv hugging Cuddles very close to me out of sheer fright. Zach doesn’t say a word. He goes to the bathroom to change then comes out, grabs me so I’m leaning on him, wraps his arms around me, and whispers, “It’s ok, I’m here. I won’t let anything hurt you.” While turning up the volume on the tv.
I don’t know what came over me, but I burst out into tears.

“What’s wrong princess? Why are you crying?”

“I was scared that you would get hurt in the bad storm. I was scared… very scared and I am just a little thrown off. The idea of you getting hurt, and it being partially my fault and partially the fault of your stubbornness scared the crap out of me. Please don’t leave!” I blubber to him.

“Shhh baby. It’s ok, I’m here, everything is fine, and I am here.”

I fell asleep in Zach’s arms. He is holding me so close I don’t know where I end and he begins, I realize we are both holding Cuddles, not just me, and that makes me smile. I am awake, but I don’t want to move out of Zach’s embrace. So I don’t.

An hour after I wake up Zach wakes up as well.

“Hi Princess, sleep well?”

“Perfectly!” Then a loud clap of thunder came and I jump more into Zach’s arms, if that is possible, and I hug Cuddles tighter to my chest.

I cuddled into Zach’s chest and held onto me tighter after my jump. He turned on the tv and we watch my favorite old TV show, Happy Days. After we watch some Happy Days we play some board games. However every time there was a clap of thunder I jumped straight into Zach’s open arms. Funny his arms are one of the only places I feel safe.

If I had to pick one place to stay forever it would be his arms. The storm ended sometime that night so Zach spent the night again and left in the day for practice. That is when I got it.

When he left I went to my room, but his smell wasn’t anywhere in my room because we weren’t up there. So I went down stairs and I smelt him all over the place as I cuddle with Cuddles on the couch just enjoying the smell of the boy who is turning my world upside down.

I think I may love him……..
♠ ♠ ♠
Ta DA! short I know but more to come! :)
I had no clue why, but I had lots of trouble writing this chapter... I feel I'm on the verge of Writer's Block, and I HATE writing though that... though I always do.... AH :/
Alright more... soon...ish...