Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Cuddles and Him make a good team

Ch 2

“Zach this is Aida. Aida this is Zach. He is the son of a good family friend. You can trust him.” My father says before retreating into the kitchen to deal with dinner.

When my dad said you can trust him it shocked me. Trust isn’t something my dad easily gives, and it is something I am even worse at giving.

“Who is this?” Zach says referring to Cuddles who has moved away from right in front of my face, but she is still close to my face.

“Cuddles” I mumble.

Zach takes her paw in his shakes it, and says, “Hello Cuddles. Nice to meet you. I’m Zach.”

After he lets go of her paw I walk into the living room, and Zach follows me.

“Why aren’t you making fun of Cuddles and me?”

“Why should I?”

“You’re Mr. Popular, and I’m a 17-year old girl with a teddy bear, that’s why.”

“Your point?”

“So shouldn’t you be insulting me right now?”

“No I don’t want to, nor should I. So what would you and Cuddles like to talk about while we wait for dinner, which I will be staying for. Hope you don’t mind. As will my dad when he arrives.”

“Um… I don’t know. Tell me about yourself other than all the typical poplar stuff.” I quietly reply not wanting to talk about myself.

“I don’t care that I am popular. Anyway I’m in a band. I play a little guitar, some bass, a little piano, but I sing for the band. We are called Outerspace Politicians right now, we may change the name.”

“Cuddles wants to now who else is in the band.”

Then Zach looks directly at my bear and says, “My friends Cameron, Nathan, Michael, and Tom.”

The conversation kept like that because Zach knew somehow that I didn’t feel comfortable talking, let alone about myself. What meant the most to me was that he treated Cuddles like a person, and not a teddy bear. It’s as if he knew to me, my bear is a person, she isn't just a bear. To me she is just as human as anyone else on this earth.

Zach’s dad arrived and we went to eat dinner, my dad and Mr. Porter on one side, Zach and I on the other with Cuddles on my lap.

Mr. Porter kept giving me weird looks until he spoke his mind, “Why does she have a bear! She’s seventeen for goodness sakes! What teenager in their right mind has a stuffed animal, let alone at the dinner table.”

It isn’t his fault. I know Mr. Porter is a good guy, but he doesn’t get it. I can tell by the look in his eyes. His comment regaurdless caused me to cry and run from the table. As I running to my room I heard Zach yell at his dad, “DAD! That was out of line! You don’t know her, what she’s been through, how she feels or anything! You have no right to judge. She still has a bear, but at least she doesn’t drink, smoke, do drugs, or cut herself!”

“How do you know she doesn’t?”

“Her wrists have no scratches. One time in class we were given a taste of alcohol and she spit it out because she thought it was so disgusting. If she smoked or did drugs she would have friends, with some bad people, but friends. She is constantly too coherent to be doing of that stuff. Shut up dad!”

Then he chases after me to find me in my room with the door closed.

He knocks on my door while asking, “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” I mumble with my head in a pillow while hugging Cuddles to me.

He walks in, sits on my bed and apologizes about his dad then he pulls me from my pillow and into his chest. While I cry he tells me, “Let it all out. You’re too beautiful to cry, but if you have to cry let it out.”

Soon after I stop crying I staying hugging his chest, and he doesn’t let me go either.

Eventually he pulls back and says, “Feeling better?”

“Yeah thanks.”

“Happy to hear it. Cuddles and I make a good comforting team don’t we?”

“Yeah.” I say with a big genuine smile on my face.

“What are you doing tomorrow?”

“What I always do read and write.”

“You write?”


“What do you write?”

“Romance stories.”

“Oh cool. Anyway want to hang tomorrow? Cuddles, you, and I? We can hang here if you like. I can rent some movies and we can have a movie marathon.”

“Perfect, what movies?”

“Why don’t we go to the movie rental place together, Cuddles can come as well, of course.”

“I know what she likes she doesn’t have to come.”

“Alright then. See you tomorrow at noon. I’ll pick you up. Sound good?”

“Perfect. Thanks Zach. Really thank you.”

“For what?”


“You have nothing to thank me for, now I have to go but I will see you tomorrow. Night.”

“Bye Zach. Have a good night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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(there were a few errors before but I reread it and fixed the errors sorry about that)