Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

New Life

Ch 20

For weeks everything has stayed the same. Zach is with Marsha, and acting like a jerk, not just to me, but to the whole student body. I mean before he was my friend he wasn’t mean or nice to the people in school, when he was my friend he was nice to the student body, and now he is with Marsha, and to be blunt he is a jackass to everyone who isn’t Marsha. It’s really starting to piss me off. The guys continue to walk me to class however so that is nice, but all of this stuff is getting to me, and I think they know it.

One day people started harassing me like they used to. Zach was the main reason they stopped because he is the hockey captain, and therefore the top of the food chain. Now the harassment comes back.

“Hey Aida. So who are you giving a blow job now that you don’t give one to Zach anymore? I mean he just up and ditched you. Guess you weren’t good enough.”

I just look down and keep walking to my house.

“AW! I was right! You weren’t good enough so Zach ditched you for someone better, and easier.”

Then from out of know where I hear Scott talk in a threatening voice. “I suggest you shut the hell up unless you never want to walk again.”

The boy harassing me begged for forgiveness from me due to the fact he is scared of Scott. Everyone is he is big, doesn’t talk much, and actually comes though when it comes to threats.

“You ok princess?”

“I’m ok now, thanks.”

“Come on let me walk you home. And then let’s hang for a bit?” He asks me knowing I have to cry and he wants to be there when I do.

That’s the thing when you get to know Scott you realize he is just one big teddy bear, like Cuddles, and Baby, and Coco (the cow Zach won me), and Pandy (the panda pillowpet Zach helped me get).

So Scott walks me home and I bawl my eyes out. He holds me and tells me sweet things. Time passes and we do out homework with Cuddles, and then he leave to go home for dinner.
The next day I get up and get dressed how I normally do. I wear Zach’s hoodie and the necklace he gave me, and head to school.

The school day was going normally, well until lunch. Lunch is when everything took a turn, and I can’t tell if it was for the better or worse. Today is he day I sit with the guys for lunch so that made me happy because they are always there for me. Zach and Marsha sat with us per usual, but all the guys were ignoring him, and not only at lunch. They were just ignoring him all together, and finally the whole school found out they were, and found out why, this morning. The fact people found out made me happy because people were laying off me knowing I had all the hockey team but one member willing to defend me in an instant.

“ERG!” Josh yells dropping his tray to sit infront of me as he always does.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him confused.

“The dance. The Wing formal. I don’t have a date, and then after this there is prom… UG!”

“I don’t have a date either.” The hyper twins add in, while Scott shakes his head no signaling he doesn’t have a date. His arm is places firmly around my waist to keep me close because we have become really close, and he doesn’t want me to get in trouble for beating up Zach or Marsha.

Josh starts to think, and then a look of a great idea appears on his face.

“Aida! Take us four to the dance as your dates!”

“What?!?!? NO! I’m not going to do that?”

“Why cause you couldn’t get a date?” Marsha sneers at me. I am about to jump on her, but Scott’s arm stops me. I sign in defeat and reply to Josh while giving Marsha the finger when no one is looking. “I don’t like dances I wasn’t planning on going.”

“Please!” the hyper twins beg me, and then to top it off Scott nods his head begging as well in his way.


“YES!” they all yell while I laugh. So apparently I am going to the dance.


“Uh oh!” Josh says.

“You are my best friends so you have to keep me company and give me your opinion on clothes and shoes when I go shopping for the dance.”

“Ok” the hyper twins easily agreeing because they have a liking for fashion, and because they know I won’t take to long. Scott nods his head considering he knows I won’t take too long, and because it’s only fair. Josh however sighs in defeat just like I did before and nods his head reluctantly agreeing.
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hey guys! like the chapter?
ok so I have a writing contest, and I would love it if more people joined so here is the link to the contest if you're interested click here to go to contest page :P