Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Love him... loveD him

Ch 23

“Come on PETE!!! Who is she?”

“No one.”

“PETE!!! PLEASE!” I plead with him.



“What is her name?”


“Julie! Wait the one in our—“ he clamps his hand over my mouth.

“Yes her.”

“AW she is really nice! And she can deal with you being hyper! You two are PERFECT for one another! I’m on it!”

“What! NO!”

“Too late.” I say giving Pete a kiss on the cheek and walking away. I need to find Julie and talk to her because I honestly think she already has a thing for Pete so it’s time to get them together. They deserve love. Everyone deserves love. I mean I personally would sacrifice my love life forever if it meant that everyone got love.

So now id my free period and I am pulled into class by Adam, Josh, and Scott. They tell me they need a favor that affects their grade heavily. So that means now I have to help. They need to make a music video, and they need someone to actually sing to help their grade and since none of them can sing they asked me. I always feel self-conscious when I sing, but I can’t say no to these guys they are always there when I need them and to be blunt I love them… not how I love Zach… Loved! Zach, but still I love them like family. I sigh and agree and now here I am outside talking with them needing to pick five songs for me to sing and act out, and then they have to edit them together and film it. I tell them I can’t act, but they don’t care saying they can play it to make it work I just need to be able to sing, and they know I can do that. They have spied on me on the one day a week I don’t sit with them. It used to be three says, then two, and now it’s one. We, well mainly me, pick “Liar Liar” by Christina Grimmie, “Like You Do” by Angel Taylor, “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele, “Love You Like a Love Song” by Selena Gomez, and “The Way You Love Me” by Faith Hill. Funny how each of these songs describes how I feel for Zach in one way or another, honestly that is why I want to sing them because I feel these songs…
♠ ♠ ♠
short I know, but hey this is the second chapter I have posted today! anyway more soon hopefully