Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

I love you, but I can't forgive you, but for a moment I will cuddle in your arms like nothing is wro

Ch 25

“Hey Julie!”

“Hey Aida what’s up?”

“Well I wanted to apologize for one. I know you were trying to be my friend and all, and at that point I wasn’t letting anyone in because I was scared. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok I understand I know what happened with all your exfriends ditching you when you needed someone the most. I mean Marsha and you were best friends and then you needed her and she just left. So I wanted to be there for you, but you wouldn’t let me, and I understand.”

“ Well now our positions are reverse. I would like to be your friend.”


“Yeah. I’m learning to trust people. I chose one person to trust who I shouldn’t have, and yeah I’m broken from it, but I have other people to pick me up. So I learned some people won’t leave you when you need them, and you never did. You were always there when I needed a friend even though we were never friends, but you hung out with me on field trips, you were my partner for labs and such. So now that I’m not afraid I want to be friends… if you want to be friends with me that is…”

“So friend want to have a sleepover Friday?” Julie asks me.

I laugh and nod my head before we enter our class together, as friends. I know it may seem that I am only talking to her for Pete, but it isn’t. I was planning on talking to her regardless, and then Pete said he liked her so I thought YES! Two birds with one stone as the saying goes. It is perfect, I get the one person who should have been my friend from the start, and Pete will get his girl.

So Julie and I are at my house having a sleep over, she was cool with Cuddles, and to say my dad was shocked by having yet another new friend would be an understatement. When Julie and I are walk down stairs I hear my dad on the phone with someone. We both give each other a look and begin to ease drop. “Yeah she has another friend over… yeah… You are the best thing that has ever happened to her I’ve never seen her this happy…Why aren’t you… Good luck with that she is and can be a hard ass, and once you hurt her getting her to forgive you is a challenge…I understand, but that doesn’t mean it was right… I know and I knew I could trust you, which is why I gave it to you… yes I still trust you… Yes even with something that important… Just fix it. The sooner the better… Zach...”

When we hear Zach we both give each other a look and gawk at one another. I walk into the kitchen grab the phone and say, “What the hell! You have no right after what you did to me!” then I hang up the phone and then walk out glaring at my dad. Julie and I walk upstairs, and that is when I break down into tears. I feel bad because she starts comforting me, but I can’t help it. I’m so in love with this boy and look at what he has done to me. When I finish crying I apologize to Julie, but she waves it off totally understanding.

After that it is a total girls night. We watch movies, throw popcorn at each other, talk, play truth or dare, and I even found out she has a crush on Pete, and I confide in her that he likes her. I mean I felt I had to, and I mean I will tell Pete tomorrow when we all go ice skating, though I will have to be filmed most of the time we skate, which will be irritating because that means lots of changing clothes, and singing in a public place, but whatever I will have my boys with me, and Julie because I invited her and she agreed. So I’m excited for the skating.
We decide to call it a night at midnight knowing we are going to be having another sleep over tomorrow as well.

In the middle of the night I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I turn around barely opening my eyes, and I see Zach. Not Marsha’s Zach, my Zach. I can tell by the look in the sky blue eyes. The eyes that make me do bad things. I am about to push him off me when I hear him say hi to Cuddles, pull me closer to him and start to mumble how he hates himself, how he loves me, how he misses me, how he made a mistake, how he is sorry, how he just couldn’t be only my friend anymore, and how he is so hopelessly in love with me he hopes I will forgive him one day. Him saying all that stops me from pushing him away. I don’t push him away I snuggle closer to him knowing I will sleep better considering it’s 12:30 am, and I haven’t been able to sleep a wink. I know he will be gone in the morning when I awake, and I know he will act like this never happened. I also know though I am cuddling up to him right now I haven’t forgiven him, I’m not sure I ever will, but I do love him. I cuddle up to him and fall asleep in the arms of someone I love…