Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

A Real Smile

Ch 26

So I had to sing and skate, and let’s just say I am a very bad skater. I had to change 5 times and sing each song while trying not to fall, and when I fell the many times I did I just kept going acting like it was no big when it HURT! We all made sure to strategically ditch Pete and Julie. I mean when the guys were filming I asked him to hang with her as a favor to me to be honest.

After we skated some of the guys left, but the rest of us saw a movie together and then went to eat. Let’s just say Chipotle is yummy! I got my usual tacos while the guys all got burritos. While we were there Marsha and Zach walked in. Marsha walked in complaining, what a shocker. “Zach I don’t want this food! It will make me fat!”

“I want Mexican food, more specifically a burrito.”


“Marsha deal!”

All of us were shocked at his outburst. His eyes are hard, and then he looks over at me, and his eye soften when we have eye contact. I know Julie notices because she gasps. I told her about last night, and now she is team Zach, while I’m not sure I’m team Zach. I mean I love him, but the games… the games I can’t take. I mean he left me, but now he sees me and his eyes soften so obviously.

“What bitch?” Marsha says to me. I’m about to pounce on her, but Scott already has my
hands… shit.

“Scott let go.” I tell him through gritted teeth.

“No can do princess.” He tells me. Since I have become his friend I ironically make him talk more. It is ironic because I don’t speak much and anytime I talk it’s soft spoken.

Julie can tell how pissed I am so she decides to help me out that doesn’t involve violence. “Aida, I can’t eat anything today because I had 2 salads yesterday.” She says this in a valley girl voice. Her comment makes me smirk and stop fighting out of Scott’s grip. I sit back down. Scott still has his arm around me just in case, but more in a friendly fashion. I play along with Julie because to be honest I hate Marsha she took the best part of my life away from me. Zach.

“You think that is bad! I had a Whole slice of wheat bread yesterday! I mean of course that was all I ate, but carbs!” I screech like the valley girl Marsha is.

“OH NO! Carbs are the devil! How could you!”

“I know I know!”

“I’m not sure I can be friends with you anymore, you’re such a fatty! I mean really!”

“I know I know I saw this coming I wouldn’t be friends with me either.” I say before dramatically sighing.

Everyone in Chipotle cracks up including people we don’t know, and the employees. Everyone, even Zach is laughing. Everyone but Marsha of course.

She pouts, whips her hair and walks out expecting Zach to follow her. He doesn’t however he goes in line and orders his food. The smile on his face is the first real smile I have seen on his face since the day he ditched me. I know Zach, and I know when he is actually smiling and not faking it, and that is the first not fake smile I have seen on his face in what seems like forever.

Weeks pass and I continue to hang with the guys and Julie as always, and I sing while the guys film me for their video. Ever since Chipotle Zach hasn’t looked at me with soft eyes. Zach hasn’t talked to anyone other than Marsha unless it was an insult. Zach didn’t crack a real smile. Zach wasn’t Zach. He did however sneak into my room in the dead of night to sleep next to me as he did that one night when Julie was sleeping over for the first time. He always comes in and holds me mumbling how he hates himself and loves me in addition to many apologizes. I don’t forgive him, I may never forgive him, but with his arms I sleep so much better than normal. Who wouldn’t sleep better in the arms of someone they love…
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YEs! two chapters in a day *bows* yeah! lol anyway one chapter and then I have two chapter prewritten after that... yeah when I wrote this story I wrote the middle before I wrote the beginning... so after I write a chapter I have the first things I wrote for this story :)
so who is loving that I posted twice?