Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

What in the world is going on? Whatever it is I like it...

Ch 28

On my way home I thought about Zach and what he did today, and I appreciate it, but I don’t forgive him. If anything he has made me more confused. I mean I love this boy, but apparently I hold a grudge, I mean it makes sense I’ve held a grudge against Marsha for awhile now, why not him. What he did today was great, confusing, and doesn’t change anything. I’m still mad and now I just want to tell him what I think. I get home and start to write, just as it starts to rain.

It’s pouring rain outside, and a car pulls up to a house on my block, curiosity gets the best of me so Cuddles and I walk up to the window to see who it is. It’s him. The boy who made me alive, and so easily took that life away from me. I hear the door bell ring, and I don’t want to answer it, but I want to give him a piece of my mind, which just shows how much he changed me. I wasn’t like this before. Before him I never knew how to be… loud. The concept of being loud was foreign, and something I never thought I would be able to be, but I have been loud. It’s all his fault. It’s his fault I know how to be loud. It’s his fault that I know what it feels like to be a teenager. It’s his fault I know what it is like to have a friend. It’s his fault I know how it feels to be alive. It’s his fault I know what it is like to be in love.

I walk downstairs to the door, with Cuddles of course. I open the door ever so slightly after he rings the bell. “What?!” I practically yell in his face.
After I yell his face fills with confusion at my outburst. I am not loud. I do not have outbursts.

“Can I come in?” Zach asks me.


“Aida, please. What is wrong?”

“What’s wrong?! What’s wrong! Ha that is funny. That is a such a stupid question I think I will answer it. What is wrong is that the one person. The one person who wasn’t supposed to hurt me, hurt me. I wasn’t allowed to have friends because of this! The possibility of this! You out of everyone wasn’t supposed to hurt me. I depended on you. That was my mistake. I should have known better than to depend on you. Shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend Marsha?”

“You know why I started to back away from you? Because it is so hard to stay friends with someone, when all you want to do is this.” He angrily says before grabbing my face and bringing it so our lips touch.

When our lips touched a moan came out of my mouth, but what surprised me was all the emotions and sparks that went through my body; they are indescribable. I didn’t know what to do, but I did apply pressure to his lips, so I was indeed kissing him back. Something crazy was happening and Cuddles was watching it all happen with me still holding her to my chest. After a bit he pulls away still holding my head in his hands. “Now may I please come in?” He asks me. I nod my head as an answer and he lets go of my head as I open the door more so he can come in.

I have no idea what I am doing, but before Zach can talk after he has walked in I have pressed my lips back to him, after putting Cuddles down of course. I mean this is a boy I have had a baby crush on forever. I mean it was a baby crush so I could always blow it off, but this, now, this is love. I was worried he wouldn’t kiss me back, but he does. I have never been kissed, but when I feel Zach’s tongue on my lips I know what he wants, and I give it to him. After I opened my mouth allowing him to deepen the kiss my hands start running up and down his chest without a thought.

Before I know what has happened we are back in my room. Zach was smart enough to grab Cuddles on the way upstairs, and he puts her in my desk chair before attacking my lips again. Then before I know what is happening he is pulling away which causes a whine to appear from my throat.

“Hang on. Trust me I want to continue this, but I have to talk first.” I nod my head to tell him I’m listening to continue. “I dated Marsha because I couldn’t be so close with the girl who I have loved since I first saw her when we were so little. I mean Marsha, I don’t care about. I broke up with her today before I came here because I knew having Marsha meant losing you permanently, and that is something I can’t live with. I just have such strong feelings for you I couldn’t be around you so much and not act on them. Also I thought you didn’t feel the same way, and that killed me.”

“Zach maybe you haven’t been able to tell from my kissing you, but I feel the same way. I always had a baby crush on you, and then I got to know you, and that baby crush turned into a full crush, and then into love…..”

“Be my girlfriend.”

“Zach here is the thing whatever we start here has to be real, serious from the start, nothing

casual. This has to be real.”

“Aida, it is.”

“Then yes.” I tell him before pressing my lips to his.
♠ ♠ ♠
was going to post this earlier, but I wanted to read through it one more time before I posted, but I NEED to hear your