Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

merely the begining

Ch 29

I wake up the next morning naked on my bed with Zach next to me. I should be mad. I should feel like I was used. I should feel taken advantage of. I don’t feel any of that. I feel loved. I feel like someone cares about me.

Looking at a sleeping Zach makes me realize I am head over heels for this boy. I would easily take a bullet for him and not think twice about it. He is all I want and need in a guy. He is everything.

After watching Zach sleep for an hour my dad opens my door, I pull my covers to my chest.

“Um Hi dad…” I whisper to loudly to him.

“Hi honey. What would you two like for breakfast.”

“Wait you know and you aren’t mad?”

“Your room is sound proof, but your door was ever so slightly open, I heard you so I just closed your door. And I’m not mad. As long as it is with Zach, not constant, and as long as from now on you put something on your door handle when you guys are… That and you must use protection! You did use protection right?”

“Yeah we did.”

“Alright good.”

“So is it still alright if he sleeps over then?”

“Yeah it is fine with me.”

“Why are you trusting of Zach?”

“The love in his eyes. The love he holds for you in his eyes. Love in someone’s eyes is always a millionth of the love someone has for the person, and his eyes scream so much love it’s scary. Your eyes look the exact same when you are looking at him.”

“You trust him after mom…?”

“Yes because you two look at each other with more intensity and love then I ever looked at your mother, and I looked at her with A LOT of love. She never looked at me with that kind of love however, and that is why she left. I should have seen it coming.” My dad gets this look in his eye that I can’t read before saying, “When Zach wakes up let me now I will make waffles ok?”

“Yeah thanks dad. Thanks for everything.” I say meaning to thank him for not leaving me for trusting Zach, and for everything he has done for me, and he knows that.

The sheet only covers Zach’s lower half, and he is sleeping on his stomach so I start drawing shapes on his back until an hour later a hand grabs mine stopping me.

“Morning gorgeous.”

“Morning 14.”

“I just wanted to say last night I wasn’t using you. I was not having sex, or fucking, or any of that. I was making love to you, and nothing else.”

“I realize when I woke up this morning and I didn’t feel used.”

“Good!” He says breathing out a sigh of relief. “Oh no! your dad. He is gonna kill me, and never let me come over, and then I can’t see my girlfriends and—“

“14 calm. My dad walked in earlier. He is cool with all this.”

“Really? Yeah he knows what we did even and he is cool with it.”


“Cause of the look of sheer love you have in your eyes when you look at me, and the look of sheer love I have in my eyes when I look at you.”

“Well he is right I look at you with so much love it scares the crap out of me, but I wouldn’t change my love for you for anything. I’m so in love with you. I never knew what true love was, and then I saw you. At such a young age I knew what true love was. That is a scary thought.”

“It is. Well let’s get dressed I want waffles.”

“Wait are we never allowed to do this again?”

“We are allowed we just can’t do it constantly, we have to use protection, and I have to put something on my door so my dad knows what is going on. No worries when my door is closed my room is sound proof.”

“This is everything I have ever dreamed of, and so much more. I don’t deserve you.”

“14, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you.”

Then he kisses me because he knows we can easily get into an argument over this, which would be a stupid argument.

Zach was kissing me to shut me up when the doorbell rings. My dad calls up telling me the people at the door are for me. I quickly throw the first two things on that I see and run downstairs to find Adam, Pete, Scott, and Josh. When they see me their jaws drop, I subconsciously hug Cuddles closer. I give them a confused look before saying, “What is with the looks?”

My dad peaks his head out of the kitchen and says, “Honey you aren’t wearing your clothes.”
I look down and realize I’m wearing Zach’s boxers and V-neck. An O forms on my lips.

“Who?” Scott says pissed off and ready to bite someone’s head off.

“Whoa! Scott wait!”

“Wait for what? It’s clear what you two did and we didn’t approve of the guy.”

Then Zach runs down stairs wearing some clothes that he had kept in my house since before he became a meanie.

“WHOA! Guys… um…What’s up?” Zach says not knowing what to tell them.

Before anyone can say anything Scott has Zach up against the wall with his feet not touching the ground, and his hand on his throat.

“How dare you?” Josh says.

“WAIT!” I yell, “Don’t kill my boyfriend.”

At the word boyfriend Scott drops Zach and turns and stares at me with his jaw dropped as do the rest of the guys.

“WAFFLES!” My dad yells from the kitchen.

“Explanation over waffles?”

Everyone agrees with me and that is what happens I explain everything over some yummy homemade waffles. Getting my dad a waffle iron was a good idea. So now everyone is cool though Scott is still very cautious of Zach. Scott even has his arm around me, while Zach his on my other side holding my hand and eating with his left hand. Zach isn’t offended at Scott being so gruff and unhappy with him however because he knows he deserves it. I think he is just happy the guys forgave him in the first place, and that he has me. Finally everything is the way it was supposed to be from the start.

Oh, but my story has only begun, this isn’t the end it is merely the beginning…
♠ ♠ ♠
I just randomly decided to add Scott to the story for no reason, and now I made him protective of her :P