Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Pure Bliss

Zach’s P.O.V

So I get home to find my dad on the couch. I walk up to him and say, “What the hell was that?”

“I was trying to do everyone a favor, espically the guys, and make you realize you like her, like her more than a friend even. I mean the guys have been telling you for years that you like her, but you always disagree. I made you realize you do like her with my random outburst.”

“How were you so sure? What if you were wrong?”

“Son, the look in your eyes when you look at her says it all. I made you admit you like her because your heart already knew, and now your head knows as well. I mean I understand why the bear was at the table. I mean it is odd for a seventeen year old girl to have a bear, but with her dad’s no friend policy I understand. Lucky for her, and you he is letting you be her friend.”

“Dad what do I do?”


“About the fact that I love her.”

“Whoa! Love… Well son are you sure you aren’t rushing your feelings a bit?”

“No dad. I have had the same feelings for her since before her mom left when she was seven.”

“Well in that case son, with her you have to take it slow. Realize she needs a friend first, and once she is ready to fall she will let herself fall for you. Being her friend is important because she will never open her heart to someone who isn’t her friend first.”

“How do you know she will fall for me?”

“The look in her eyes when she looks at you. Now tell her I’m sorry will you?”

“Yeah dad. Night.”


I wake up the next day more excited for life then I have even been before.

I get dressed and go downstairs and eat breakfast waiting for it to be noon.

Suddenly Nathan and Cameron appear at my door without warning.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Just wanted to hang.” Nathan says.

“Um… I’m going out in an hour. Sorry guys.”

“Whatever. We will hang for an hour then.” Cameron says shrugging.

Then Nathan curiously asks, “Who are you hanging with?”


“Wait, but she purposely has no friends.” Cameron confusingly states.

“She’s letting me in.”

“Finally man. You have been in love with her since forever, but be careful.” Nathan warns me.

“Is it that obvious?”

“The eyes man.” Cameron says.

We hang for an hour, and then I kick the guys out and head to Aida’s.

I ring her bell and Aida and Cuddles appear at the door. Aida is clearly nervous, shown by the fact that she is holding Cuddles so she is covering half of her face. She isn’t as nervous as yesterday; however, she is still nervous.

“Hi Cuddles. Hi Aida. Ready to go? Oh and did Cuddles change her mind and decide to come with us and help us pick movies?”

She waves hello and shakes her head no that Cuddles will not be coming with us to the movie store. One thing that I like, but dislike at the same time with Aida she is a girl of few words, and she always speaks quietly.

She puts Cuddles down, and grabs a purse and then we start walking towards my car, and I begin to drive.

“You look pretty.”

“Thanks.” she mumbles as red starts to creep up on her cheeks.

“Well since it is noon, would you like to grab some lunch?”

She nods her head in agreement.

“Prefect. Where would you like to eat?”

“Buffalo Wild Wings… Is that alright with you?”

“Perfect. There is also a hockey game now so I can check the score.”

“You found my alterative motive.” She says with fake shock, thought I know she cares about the score of the game.

We order the food, and I notice she is getting more, and more comfortable with me. Slowly, but surely.

We war and talk, well I mainly talk, and she talks a little.

We get to the movie store after we eat and I tell her to pick some movies, that we will watch whatever she wants. She picked some romance movies and some other more guy friendly movies as well. She picked 27 dresses, Batman Begins, Letters to Juliet, The Dark Knight, Valentine’s Day, No Where Boy, The Proposal, and Inception. Those are a lot of movies, but I asked her to pick a lot.

We go back to her place and start the marathon. After five mintues I pull her down so her head is on my lap. At first she is hesitant, which makes me curse myself for moving too fast, but a moment later she relaxes in my lap while hugging Cuddles to her. We watch the movies like this with her head in my lap and me playing with her hair. I love watching her face during the movies because she is very animated person when she watches movies, and when she is herself. Surprisingly she is one of the people who talk a lot during movies, which doesn’t fit her personality, which I love. Right here, right now I’m in pure Bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
so you know every three chapters are in Zach's P.O.V

I would really LOVE some feedback

sorry for any errors I am typing this up late at night, I will check for errors tomorrow.
