Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Now you're my servant! do what I say!

Ch 31

My team won. Honestly they all think the only reason we won is cause of me. So the losers get to pick who they listen to, Adam has to listen to Pete, Josh has to listen to Scott, and Zach gets to listen to me. The second we are done and pick orders are being shot out. I am just watching the guys tell the others to do things laughing. Zach skates up to me without me noticing and whispers in my ear, “What do you want me to do?”

“For 24 hours you are my man servant… I like this… And what I want you to do we can’t do in public.” I tell him whispering the last part to him. I don’t know what has come over me, but now I’m all over him lately, it’s just for relationships you need to know each other, be on the same page emotionally, and care about each other, and they have to know each other will react, and what they want. Zach and I have that from being such good friends. All we are missing is the physical stuff, and I want to have fun doing all that with him. I have needs as well, it’s not just guys.

“So guys let’s take our servants and go get food, make them buy us some food!” Pete says, or well screams.

Before long we are all in Chipotle eating our food. Pete made Adam buy his food, but he paid for Julie, which I thought was cute, and then I didn’t make Zach pay for my food, but he insisted. All in all it was cute. When Zach was done eating that monstrous burrito his arm found its way around my waist while I continued to finish my chips and tacos. Let’s just say the way his arm fit around my torso so perfectly simply scared me shitless.

When we were done we all went our separate ways.

When we got to my house we started to talk with my dad.

“Hi dad.”

“Hi honey, hi Zach.”


“What have you been up to?”

“Hockey and chipotle, but now Zach has to be my servant!”

“Why is that?”

“A bet, my team lost at hockey.”

“Ha! Well what are you going to make him do?”

“Not sure… um… get me water please Zach!”

“of course.” He says moving to get me water.

“You are going to love this aren’t you?” My dad asks me.

I nod my head.

“You aren’t going to make him do anything too bad are you?”

I nod my head.

Then Zach hands me my water and re-wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Thanks Zach!” I say kissing his cheek.

“Hey if that is my reward I will do things like that all the time, bet or not.”

My dad laughs before walking away and mumbling, “I love those two. They are so in love, and you can tell. I love it. It’s perfect. They are perfect for one another.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry... not to great of a chapter, but I need to start their relationship before I get things really going with the next plot line... I know this is still not as good as usual, but it's late, and I'm going to be gone until Monday, and then school starts so time is not something I have much of, so I wanted to post before I leave... I mean I will still be on Mibba I just won't be able to post.. get my drift?