Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Fight #1

Ch 34

“You’re three hours late Zach…”I say holding a tear stained Cuddles.

“Princess I’m sorry.”

“Don’t princess me right now”

“Aida come on. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“You forgot… you were the one who insisted we go out today, and you ditched me. I had to fix my dance schedule to be able to go out, and you forgot!”

“Aida it was an accident.”

“Zach it doesn’t matter you still did it. You forgot…”


“Zach please go… I need to be alone…”

“What are you going to do?”

“Maybe write, read, or dance…”

“You are always doing that though.”

“Well I wasn’t suppose to do any of that today, but my so called ‘boyfriend’ forgot our date until it was three hours after our date.”

“Aida don’t do this…”

“I didn’t do anything Zach! I’m going to call Chachi and see if he can still rehearse with me.”


“Zach just go, please, just go.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Just go Zach… I’ll see you Monday I guess…”

“Are we on the verge of breaking up?”

“No, not at all I just need some time away from you to get over this Zach... I’m just honestly really hurt…”

Zach cups my face, and I lean into his hand. He gives me a light fleeting kiss before leaving. After he walks out the door the tears poor and after I calm them down which I’m amazing at I call Chachi to see if we can still rehearse.

A half an hour later I’m at the studio with Chachi and we are dancing together. He knows something is up with me, but he isn’t asking. We are working on for a competition. It will be my first competition actually because I would always avoid them before, but the boys have me going outside of my comfort zone.

“What’s wrong? I thought you couldn’t practice today because your boyfriend insisted on going out on a date today.”

“He did, and then he forgot and remembered three hours later.”

“Aw Aida, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's sort, but I just wanted to post, and I just started school recently so I won't be able to post often, but I will post as much as I can... sorry this chapter isn't so crappy :/