Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

He's Hell without You

Ch 35

I walk to my locker the next day to see no one who is usually at my locker there. Today I see Nathan.

“What’s up Nathan?”

“Well two things. One Cameron, Michael, and I never see you and that isn’t cool so we need to fix that. Two is please stop fighting with Zach. I’ve never seen him so damn depressed or write such crappy lyrics or sing so terribly or being so antisocial…”

“Nathan!” I also yell to the halls cutting off his rambling. “I’m not going to dump him or anything, I’m just sad and disappointed is all.”

“I get that… wait he didn’t tell you why he was late?”

“No. Why?”

“It’s not my place to tell you. He didn’t tell you because he didn’t want excuses.”

“That sounds like him. Wait really what was the reason?”

“He has to tell you, not me.” After he says that he says he has to leave and we say our goodbyes and then Pete and Adam arrive, and soon after so does Julie making her and Pete flirty and cute, but where is Zach?

Between second and third period I see Cameron and he hands me a big beautiful bouquet of flowers.

“What’s this Cam?”

“From Zach.”

“Where is he?”

“Home. He’s sick. Sorry I have to get to class bye!” He says before giving me a hug and running off.

I smell the colorful flowers Zach had Cameron give to me and sigh then I notice a note.

“My princess,
I love you! I am truly sorry about the other day. I understand why you are mad and I understand if you don’t forgive me, but I think you will due to the fact that we have been through a lot together and we are meant to go through so much more together. I miss you. Your voice. Your face. Your smile. Your passion. Your... I could honestly go on forever so I’ll stop, but it’s been a day, not even 24 hours and I’m craving you. Your touch… ok don’t want to go there or I will not stop. I Love You with all my Heart, Soul, and more!
Zach ♥”

The note said in Zach’s messy scrawl that is barely legible but fits him.
I sigh yet again knowing very well he’s forgiven because everything he said is right and goes for me as well. Also that was a sweet heartfelt apology, how could I not accept that?

After school I go to Zach’s house and we make up. Too bad we couldn’t make up the fun way because he was sick, but that’s ok. We also made a deal where if we were fighting we still hung out together and kissed and all of that stuff because we lost so much time together already that we aren’t going to lose any more. The only time we won’t is if we break up and to do that we have to say Wizards puke frogs, which means this isn’t a fight we are done for good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so school is currently kicking my butt and then I have to work on college apps so I'm very sorry but posting will mainly be on the weekends, and how much I post on the weekend is unknown to me so I'm ever so sorry about that, but once I'm done with my apps things should calm down and posting will be normal and less random and not only on the weekend...

anyway I would like to THANK YOU ALL!
I have 61 subbers which is AMAZING! :D and
8 stars!!! :D I have NEVER gotten 8 stars before! so THANK YOU!