Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Fight # 2

Ch 36

I still hadn’t told her why I was late because it wasn’t a valid reason. I mean it’s why I forgot, but I didn’t want her to forgive me because of why I was three hours late, but now that I’m forgiven I feel I should tell her. “The reason I was late is silly.” I begin, which gets her to stop fussing over me because I’m sick and she sits on my bed not saying anything, which in her way is telling me to continue. “My mom asked why I liked you. I corrected her and told her I love you. Then she asked why, and I began. Here is the thing I only barely started and three hours had passed. Time flew by. I was thinking and talking about you on my way out to pick you up and I was late. I’m sorry. So ever sorry.” I tell her sincerely.

“Whoa whoa wait. So you’re telling me you were late because you were beginning to scratch the surface on why you love me?”

“Yeah!” I say exasperated. “I wasn’t even 1/10 of the way to being finished either.”

“You’re telling the truth?”

“You always know when I’m lying. Also how could I come up with that excuse?”

Then Aida attacks me with her lips. “I’m sick Aida.” I manage to say in between kisses.

“I don’t care.” She mumbles against my lips.

Unfortunately I was correct and two days later Aida was home sick. After school I came over to take care of her like she took care of me which only started yet another fight between us.
“Zach I don’t,” she coughs, “need” she coughs again, “help” she coughs yet again.
“Aida you took care of me when I was sick, now it’s time for me to return the favor.” I respond with both of us getting furious.

She says seething, “Zach I said NO!” before she coughs.

“Aida!” I saying officially pissed off.

“Zach,” she sneezes, “I think you should leave now!”

“Remember out deal.”

“I’m sick what are we going to do? Makeout?”


“That’s a stupid idea. I’m sick.”

“I’m immune to what you have. I already had it.”

“fine, whatever.”

“How the hell can I be so mad at you for not letting me take care of you, yet so willing to jump you now?”

“The same way I can be furious with you and still be so very attracted to you.”

Then our lips meet in a very forceful passionate kiss. Somewhere after kissing we just sit and cuddle with one another still pissed off and watch 27 dresses.

In the middle of the movie I break the silence and say, “Why won’t you let me take care of you?”

“Zach…” She says exasperated.

“Princess, please.” I plead.

“Every time I start to depend on someone they leave. I already depend on you, and it scares me. Depending on you more would throw me over the edge and make me constantly think, ‘Is he going to leave me today or tomorrow?’ It’s stupid, but it’s how I feel.”

“I won’t leave you.”

“You already did.”

“Exactly so I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

She turns back to the movie with a thoughtful look on her face for about 15 minutes before turning to me and asking, “Zach can you get me another blanket and water?”

“Of course princess.” I reply getting up having realized that her asking that is her telling me I can take care of her and she is trusting that I won’t leave her. That thought makes me smile because deep down I know she is mine for the rest of our lives and more, and vice versa.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so I wrote a short story the other day, and I think it is the best one I have written so far so it would mean A LOT if you read it... here it is it's called Broken Smile