Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Fight # 100 the final fight?

Ch 38

Things have not been going well. Zach and I have been constantly fighting over the stupidest things. About the fact that I haven’t been coming to EVERY hockey practice (they still have some even though it isn’t in season, but they want to keep in shape to play next year.. senior year..). The fact that I missed 2 minutes of the game (scrimmage, not real), and during those minutes he scored a goal. Over the fact that I haven’t been coming to his band practice because I have dance class or I want to write which I’m not finding time to do. Over the fact that homework has been crazy and I haven’t had much time for just him and I. We even had a fight that he hasn’t seen Cuddles enough, which is his code for the fact that we are never just hanging in my house because we always seem to be doing things outside of my place that I feel comfortable doing so Cuddles hasn’t been coming. Things are getting crazy, and I’m not liking it. See here is the thing. Those are all small fights. Small ones we manage to deal with. Small ones we can get over in five minutes. But we are having a big one now… a VERY big one!

“AGAIN!” he yells clearly not thrilled that we have another double date with Pete and Julie. To be honest I’m not happy either, I didn’t think they would need this much hand holding, but apparently I’m wrong. This is week four of them join us on ALL our dates. I didn’t mean for this, but now they keep inviting themselves and I simply don’t have the heart to say no.

“I didn’t invite them. They invited themselves… I can’t tell them no.”

“Well you need to learn to.” Then he sighs and says, “what about tomorrow?”

“Uh… I have to rehearse a dance with ChaChi…”

He growls, and not a nice growl, not a sexy growl, a pissed growl.

“There is nothing I can do… If I could I would…”

“You know what! Forget it! I’ve tried and tried to find time for just us, but simply you don’t care enough…”

“I care!—“

“You’re probably cheating on me with that Chachi guy anyway.”

Then I gasp and slap him across the face with tears running down my eyes before yelling,

Then I run away to my house in the pouring rain, which is a three mile walk or so. I can’t believe what just happened, but there is nothing I can do. I get that the date thing was my fault, but I would never cheat on him! I care too much about him! I can’t believe he even thought that... That is what hurts the most…
♠ ♠ ♠
if you forgot what Wizards Puke Frogs means it means they ACTUALLY broke up!

Alright so I started a new story and I'm VERY exctied about it! I'm hoping it will be GREAT! I would LOVE if you checked it out! PLEASE check it out! come on you know you want to!


Really please check it out! if you like this you should like that story as well.. it's a fanfic, but that isn't really relevant... just really there names and town to be honest... I mean it's before they were really a band so... yeah read.. PLEASe and subbing and commenting on it is even bettter.... though I haven't gotten comments on this story let alone that one...