Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Let it Out

Ch 40

He didn’t say a word, he just held me knowing there was nothing he could say. He could only hold me. He’s always been there for me since after the whole original Marsha ordeal. Even when we were together and fighting he was there. I could always come to him about anything whether it was something stupid or even a fight we were having. It was as if he has a boyfriend mode, which was dominant, and a friend mode, and he always knew which mode to be on to accommodate me. I love him, so as I was in his arms I turned, stopped crying, and wordlessly kissed him.

People don’t realize, but if you’re close enough to someone you can talk through a kiss, which is exactly what I did. I begged him to take me back all in that one kiss. He pulled away and said, “Don’t beg. I was always yours, and I wasn’t going to stop fighting for you this time, so all you’ve done is made it so I don’t have to fight because I have already won.”
I smile up at him and then mumble, “Oh how I’ve missed you so much.” Then I kiss him not waiting for a reply.

We make up for lost time talking, kissing, and just holding one another.

We both know all we want to do is spend time with the other, and the last thing I want to do is go home. When I do have to go home Zach comes with me promising to stay the night which makes me feel better and more comfortable.

When we walk into my house the first person I see id my dad. He knows I’ve been depressed lately because of Zach, and when he sees us walk in holding hands he smiles in happiness for us until the lady who gave me half my DNA walks in causing the smile turn into an apologetic grimace.

“Who is this?” the lady asks me.

“Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?”

She laughs lightly making me want to punch her, but Zach knows me well enough to know that I want to punch her so he holds my hand tighter no letting me get any close to the mean lady.

“I’m your mom of course.”

“I don’t have a mom. She died when I was seven.” (I can’t remember the age she was when she left if you do remember it please tell me. It says it somewhere in the story.)

A look of pure rage crosses her face before it is quickly masked with a smile, but she didn’t mask it fast enough 14, my dad, and I all saw it. Mission accomplished.

Since I met my goal I grab 14 and pull him upstairs with me to my room. I walk in my room, shove Zach inside, slam the door shut, lock it, and grab Cuddles. Zach responds by grabbing me and holding me tight while walking us 3 to the bed to have us lay down. Once we are on my bed he tells me, “Let it out Princess, let it out.”
♠ ♠ ♠

now I'm posting today because I'm not sure I can post this weekend cause it's homecoming so I worked to get this chapter done and up today so I hope you like it

Now let's get Mrs. Love to 10 stars :D (I am writing a new chapter of that soon/next) and yes I will shamelessly trying to get you all to read it :P Love you all!!!! THANK YOU!!!

I have 79 subbers on this and 127 comments... THANK YOU! and PLEASE keep commenting and subbing!