Status: Taking some time to write every chapter because I'm busy and stressed but I'm working on it!

Quietly His Fault

Depending one someone is scary

Zach and I spent the next few days here, in the music room, during lunch. He always met me at my locker and we’d walk down together, play some music, eat, and talk. Then he would leave for his next class, and I would hang in here for my next class, music. Friday, however, after Zach left Mrs. Hallaway asked me into her office.

“Hi Mrs. H. what’s up? Oh no! You aren’t mad about me bringing someone else in here during lunch are you?”

“Oh no dear! He seems like a nice boy, I’m ok with it. I asked you in here to say I’m happy you are making a friend! Happy you are trusting someone else.”

“Me too.” I mumble just loud enough for Mrs. H to hear, though the comment was really for me.

“Also I’m not sure why, but your voice has improved so much this past week. Zach is really pulling the best of you, and your pulling out the best of him.”

Before I can reply the bell signaling the bell signaling the beginning of class rings. Mrs. H shoos me out the room and begins class.

“We have a treat someone is going to be singing for us today, hopefully a song their friend wrote.” Mrs. H tells the class and turns towards me.

As I confusingly cautiously approach the piano I hear whispers and scuffles. I’ve never sung out loud in front of anyone except Mrs. H and Zach.

I go to the piano and play the newly familiar notes and begin singing, “I’d be living the dream…”

When I’m done I realize where I am after previously being lost in the music, and blush. I look at my peers and every jaw is dropped. Was I really that bad?

“What do you think?” Mrs. H says bringing everyone out of their trance.

“Amazing.” One kid says.

“Who wrote that?” Someone else by the name of Nathan, if I’m not mistaken, asks.

“Oh just a…a friend.”

“Good song.” Nathan (?) says.

“Honestly, I think the song is amazing, deep, yet fun. It’s perfect and even the background music is perfect.” I honestly say.

“Well you just killed that song.”

“Thanks Nathan?”

He nods his head telling me that is his name.

After school Zach met me at my house because he wanted to keep our friendship a secret.

Which is fine with me as long as he doesn’t insult me behind my back or to my face and as long as he’s honest with me.

I have a friend…I, Aida, have a friend…I HAVE A FRIEND!

After I get home Cuddles is sitting with me at my desk while I write I am sitting there with my head tilted up the point the back of my neck is clearly visible. As always I’m getting into my story, when my doorbell goes off.

I run to the door and swing it open holding Cuddles tightly to my chest. I walk to the living room to sit on the couch, with Zach following me after he shut the door.

“Hi.” Zach shyly says.

“Hi.” I say even more shyly then Zach previously had.

“So what do you two want to do?”

I shrug my shoulders in response.

“How about we go somewhere.”

“What about Cuddles?”

“Where are your purses? I have an idea, because I know how shy Cuddles is. She doesn’t like people even seeing her.” He says knowing very well I don’t feel comfortable with people knowing about Cuddles.


I lead him to my purses. He finds a big one, sets it down, and gestures to me to give him Cuddles. I reluctantly hand her over. He takes her and puts her in the bag. She fits perfectly with just enough room to also hold my keys, wallet, phone, iPod, and headphones.

I smile and nod my head at him happily. He smiles at my approval and says, “To mini-golf course!” in a voice that a superhero would use to say something like, ‘up, up, and away.’ I
think he sounded cute.

We get into Zach’s car, put on out seatbelts, then halfway there I break the silence and say,

“I’m sorry, but I was forced to sing your song, “A Different Side of Me” in class the other day, sorry.”

“No Big. Wait, is Nathan in your class? He is the kid with the dreads.”

Thinking I realize that is the same Nathan who talked to me in class. Thinking of how nice of a guy he is I nod my head and smile.

“Cool. Nathan and I actually wrote that song together.”

“Oh! Now I feel bad.”

“No worries. I’m sure he didn’t mind. Did he say anything after you were done?”

“He said good song and that I killed it.”

“Yeah he’s definitely cool with you singing it. No worries.”

We stay in a peaceful silence with music playing in the background until I hear “Dead End” by the Format causing me to belt out the lyrics which results in Zach joining in singing with me. I can’t believe I am comfortable to sing like this in front of anyone, it’s a cool concept.
After the song finishes he says, “I didn’t know you like the Format.”

“Love ‘em.”

“We should go to their concert next time they are in town.”

“For sure!” I say with a lot of excitement. I have gone to plenty of concerts; I love the atmosphere of it all. But I always go alone. I had no friends, what do you expect? So the idea of going with someone means a lot to me.

Next thing I know we arrived at the mini-golf place.

“Awesome. I’ll look out for when they come. Is Cuddles going to play or just watch?”

“Just going to watch.”

“Alright cheaper for me.”

“No, I’ll pay for myself.”

“No way.”

“Zach.” I whine getting out of the car.

He locks the door and we head to get clubs and balls. Zach paid. He gave Cuddles, as well as myself a good chunk of attention when we played which made me increasingly happy.

I can tell he really cares about me. The only thing that worries me is I’m gradually starting to depend on him, and that scares me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is longer yay :) next one is longer then the previous chapters if I am not mistaken, but not as long as this one.... sorry... there are some places that are just SO PERFECT to stop at... more soon thanks for reading leave me a comment? or sub that ROCKS as well :)