Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie


Nick’s POV
I smiled as I rubbed Staci’s stomach. She’s almost eight months pregnant; turns out that night really did result in her being pregnant. I leaned down and kissed her stomach softly. We have been given a lot of shit over the last months; first we had to explain to the press how things all happened so fast. They actually slightly bought our bull shit story, but I still have a bad reputation…but she’s worth the little hate. My parents love her, but they are disappointed about how we ended up together…well they think she got pregnant from our honey moon. I’m glad they don’t know I broke my promise, it meant a lot to them. I still have yet to meet her family; she says she doesn’t want to bother them. I guess when she left for New York it was the end of their relationship, which is sad. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to get her to at least call them. I’d like for our daughter to know her whole family, but I have to respect Staci’s wishes.
“Mia never stops kicking when you rub my stomach.”- Staci laughed, interrupting my thoughts.
“She’s already daddy’s little girl.”- I smiled as I crawled up to Staci who was on our bed. We moved into a house about 20 miles out of the city. This way I can get to a recording studio and she can go to her studio without a problem. We have a nice house in our own little secluded area.
“She’s going to be both of our little girl’s.”- She beamed as I wrapped my arms around her.
“I can’t wait till she’s here, everything worked out perfect for us. I love life right now. Just like I love iMa…and just like I love my beautiful wife.”
“Aw Nicky I love you so much.”- She said before kissing my lips ever so lightly. Even though she’s been pregnant all of our marriage, I still can’t keep my hands off her for long. I can’t wait till after Mia is here so it can be even better, if that’s even possible. I looked into her dark eyes as she caressed my cheek and she brushed her fingers over my lips.
“Stop being a tease.”- I chuckled before I attacked her lips.
“This is the third time this morning Nicholas!”- She said out of breath when I moved my lips to her neck.
“And *kiss* is *kiss* there *kiss* a *kiss* problem?”
“Horn ball.”- She giggled.
“You like it.”- I whispered in her ear.
“No; I love it.”- She smirked, and we both leaned in…starting another round.

Staci’s POV
“Nick…”- I whispered as I rubbed his arm lightly.
“Yes?”- He croaked as his eyes fluttered open.
“I really really really want white chocolate and pickles.”- I whined.
“Babe it’s 3:30 in the morning. I’d rather just give you another round.”- He said sitting up, he shook his head as his eyes tried to focus since I turned on the light.
“I don’t want sex right now; we spent yesterday in bed all day. I’m hungry.”
“We have stuff here, plus I don’t feel well.”
“Yeah, I think it’s low though.”- He sighed.
“That’s unusual; well I’ll just go to the store then. Want anything?”
“You’re not going anywhere. I don’t want you out now; and I don’t like you driving when you’re this big.”
“But…”- I started.
“No buts. Go back to sleep, I don’t have the energy to argue with you.”
I didn’t say anything; I just turned out the lights. Jerk; he’ll be sleeping soon enough and then I can leave. He doesn’t understand my cravings. It will torture me until I get what Mia wants. Soon enough he was passed out, when his sugar drops he just sleeps. I changed into sweats and grabbed my shoes. Finally I was on the road in Nick’s mustang…I’ll save the new SUV for when Mia is here.

Nick’s POV
I rolled over, feeling really dizzy from the low blood sugar. I opened my eyes and felt around in the bed. I realized Staci wasn’t in it; I shot up and turned on the light. Fuck. I instantly shook off the dizziness and ran to the garage calling her name. I opened the door and sure enough my mustang was gone. She’s too stubborn; I should’ve just gone for her. I sighed as I shut the door, only to find Elvis right behind me. He looked up to me and started whining. I gave him a weird look as I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge and chugged it until I knew I had enough sugar. As soon as I put the rest in the fridge and turned around Elvis jumped on me.
“What is it?”- I asked as he whined again.
“You have to go outside?”- He just looked at me, ran upstairs and started barking. What the hell is his problem? I jogged upstairs to see him sitting next to a photo of Staci dancing that was on my night stand. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this! I rolled my eyes as I sat on my side of the bed. He jumped up and laid he head on my lap as he whined once more.
“You are one strange dog.”- I chuckled as I patted his head. We sat in silence for a moment as my thoughts wondered. She should be home by now; well I don’t know what time she actually left. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the phone ringing…who calls at 5 o’clock?
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