Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie


Staci's POV
It's been a few weeks since I left Nick. No one has heard from him and I sent the divorce papers a few days ago. Joe's been so nice to me and I'm starting to slightly feel a little better.
"Are you going to the studio today?"- Joe asked as I sipped my orange juice.
"Yeah I was going to relax but I think it's what's been keeping me going lately. I really missed dancing, and our new lighting guy is so cute."- I smiled.
"Oh, so Stacicakes has a new crush?"- Joe laughed, using my nickname.
"I don't that bad?"
"I have no idea, if you think you'll be happier I say go for it. I know you loved Nick, but things happen for a reason. I just don’t know how he got so bad."
"It’s my fault."- I sighed.
“Don’t even start with that! You can’t control his actions!”- He said sternly.
“I guess.”- I said rolling my eyes, still feeling guilty. I finished getting ready and heading to the studio.

"Good morning beautiful."- Riley smiled as I walked in.
"Hello."- I blushed.
"I'm almost done setting up the lights for Fridays show."- He said.
"That's awesome! I'm so excited, I missed this so much."
"Well I'm glad you’re doing this again."- He smirked.
"Why's that?"
"Because I got to meet you."
"Aw, you're so sweet."- I blushed.
"Shhhh! You'll ruin my rep!"
"And funny too."
"How about cute?"
"I wouldn't go that far..."- I laughed.
"You're so mean!"- He pouted.
"I'm sorry."
"No you're not! If you were you'd give me a kiss right here."- He smirked pointing to his cheek. I blushed as I softly pecked his cheek.
"And..."- He started.
"And what?"
"And you'd go out with me tonight, just out for dinner."
I paused for a second, thinking of the love I lost with Nick. I need happiness in my life.
"Really?"- He smiled.
"In fact I love too."- I smiled back.
"Alright. I'll meet you back here at 6, and nothing too fancy."
"I'll try."- I laughed.
My last class ended at four so I went home and changed. I was actually really nervous about going on the date...but I also felt guilty because the divorce isn't even close to being final. I walked into the studio with my black pants, heels and a deep red was Nicks' favorite color on me. I shook my head slightly, trying to push him out of my mind. As I walked past Devon's room, I was surprised to not see him. His class starts at 6 and he's always early.
"Ohhhh, now why do you look so hot!?"- I heard Devon yell from behind me.
"God you scared me!"
"Aw I'm sorry; I just got back from getting some food. Want some Wendy's?"- He said holding the bag up. I took one whiff of it and gagged.
"What? It's our favorite!"- He said bringing close to my nose. That was it. I couldn't stand the smell and ran to the bathroom.

"Staci are you ok?"
"I am now, that stuff smelt horrible!"- I said after rinsing my mouth out.
"No it didn't."
"I'm pretty sure it did, otherwise I wouldn't have thrown up..."
"Staci..."- Devon said with a serious look. Our eyes met then his dropped to my stomach. Tears stung in my eyes as I thought of the worst. Oh no...
"Devon NO!"- I started crying.
"Aw Staci please don't cry."- He said hugging my now shaking body.
"I can't be pregnant! I don't want to be! I can't lose another child!"- I sobbed.
"Staci you need to relax. We aren't even sure if you're pregnant yet. If you are I will do everything to make sure you don't lose the baby. I will protect you."
"And I will too."- I heard Riley say. I quickly looked at him when Devon released me.
"I'm sorry Riley."- I sighed. So much for a date.
"Don't be. That's all in the past and I can't judge you for that. I like you for you...and whoever else comes along with you."- He smiled.
"Yes, I'm really like you. Are you still up for a date?"- He asked reaching out his hand.
"You're amazing."- I smiled taking his hand.
"Well I already knew that."- He laughed.
"Behave you two, and have fun."- Devon laughed as we walked out.

"See you're home safe and sound. If you are pregnant I'll protect you and the little one."- He said as we traveled up in the elevator to Joe's apartment.
"Thank you; I'll definitely take the test later."- I said lifting the bag we picked up after dinner. "Tonight was really amazing, I can't thank you enough."- I smiled as we strolled down the hall.
"I think you're amazing."- He smirked as we stopped at the door.
"You're the amazing one; I wouldn't want to go out with me."- I sighed letting my low self esteem show.
"Why not? You're beautiful, smart, kind, funny and sexy. Did I forget to mention sexy?"- He chuckled.
"Thank you again."- I blushed.
"It was my pleasure...can I kiss you?"- He said staring into my eyes.
"You don't have to ask."- I giggled. Our lips met and it was...well nice. I was still expecting the spark I got from Nick, but Riley is good enough. We kissed for a few minutes before we pulled away.
"You always take my breath away, and that's the best way so far."- He laughed.
"Good night Riley."- I shook my head laughing before going inside. This could be something great.
I don't know where Joe is, but it's nice to have some peace in quiet. I took the box out of the plastic bag and stared at it for a moment. I want a child, but now isn't the best time. Plus I’m petrified of losing another child. And I'm not sure if Nick will want to be in the child's life or if I even want him to be. But I guess I need to know for sure before I stress myself even more. It's now or never.