Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie


Staci's POV
I don't know what to do! I can be a single mother! Why did this happen!? I'm not even with Nick anymore. Why do I have to be carrying his child? As much as I wanted a family, I'm just too broken now. What if Nick finds out and tries to take the baby away? Plus what happens if I lose the baby again!? I feel like I'm going to be sick!
"Staci what's wrong? Why are you crying...what's that in your hand...oh no..."- Joe scrambled as he came in. "Staci please don't worry, everything will be ok."- He sighed.
"Ok? Ok?!?! How can anything be ok!? Joe I'm not with Nick anymore! He hates me!"-I screamed, finally cracking.
"You know he doesn't, please calm down."- Joe sighed.
"I can't do this anymore Joe. Please just leave me alone."- I begged as I sank down to the floor. And without a word he left the room. I'm just a burden to him at this point. Maybe I should move out on my own.


"So you really are pregnant."- Riley said quietly.
"Yeah"- I sniffled.
"I know. Look I'm sorry for wasting your time last night I..."
"Don't say that! I like you pregnant or not. You didn't waste my time at all."- He ensured me.
"Really? I mean I'm..."
"Perfect to me."- He smirked before kissing my forehead.
"I guess I'm just a lucky girl."- I giggled.
"But I'm luckier."- He chuckled before he kissed my nose.
"What the fuck is this!? Who the fuck is he!?"- Slurred a drunken Nick as he stumbled in with papers clenched in his hand.
"Woah! You need to calm down!"- Riley yelled as he stood in front of me.
"I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to my wife or should I say EX!? Staci what did you do!? You're a cheater!"- He screamed. He didn't even look like Nick. The alcohol has really taken over him.
"Nick we can't be together! Can't you just drop it and leave?"- I cried. It still hurts so much. There's so much love but so much pain between us. And I know there's no way I can tell him I'm pregnant now.
"I can't believe you're with someone! I get the divorce papers today and I see you're with some guy! You're a dirty little w..."
Before he could finish Riley socked him right in the jaw.
"Get out and leave her alone! And next time I'll kill you!"- Riley screamed as his body turned red. Nick got up and Riley pushed him outside and into his cab. Is he's worse than Nick?
I couldn't think anymore and just sat on the floor and cried. My students came in and I just couldn't pick my broken self up. Riley took me home but I promised my students I'd be there for their big night.

The kids had a great time and I'm so glad they did well for themselves and their parents. After acting like a zombie the whole night as I spoke to parents and students Riley took me back to Joe's place. I was still uneasy with Riley since he punched Nick but he was so sweet to me all night I let him come in.
"God I don't know how you ever married that guy!"- Riley sneered. "And now you're living with his brother!"
"I did love him and Joe is helping me don't have to be rude I've had a long day and I thought you were supportive."
"I just think you deserve better."
"Joe really helped me after everything."- I sighed.
"Why don't you let me help you?"- He said moving closer.
"What do you mean?"
"Stay with me."
"Seriously you need to get out of this madness. I have plenty of room...and we can grow closer."- He smirked.
"I...I..."- I stumbled. Some much stuff ran through my mind I was speechless.
"You can't say no. I'll help you pack tomorrow, you won't regret this."
I had a feeling I would regret it, but I guess I'll try it.
"I don't want you going to get all of your shit out of his house without me!"- Riley screamed.
"Well I think it's time. The divorce is final, the papers came yesterday."- I sighed. Nick didn't have to take me to court, I don't want his money. I just want my things; he can keep my ring and everything.
"I don't fucking care! He could come on to you!"
"Riley..."- I sighed. Moving in wasn't the best idea. Half the time we fight over stupid shit, but the other time he's really sweet. I'm just so confused with everything, and now I have a small baby bump so now it's really sinking in that I'm pregnant. I just can't think for myself anymore. Riley keeps telling me that we will be this big happy family and that he loves me so much...and I know I'm lying to him and myself when I say I love you back to him.
"I just want you and I to be together forever."- He smiled as he hugged me. Bipolar much. "And maybe you and I can get frisky later when I come home."- He winked.
"Riley I told you I don't feel comfortable doing that yet. I just got divorced."
"But you say you love me!? Show me! God I'm just going to go fix your piece of shit studio! Have fun staying by yourself!"- He yelled before pushing me out of his way so he could storm out the door.
I can't handle this anymore. I feel trapped. I felt myself sink to the ground while tears strolled down my face. I have nothing but what's growing inside me. I think I should leave Riley's place and get my own. As much as I don't want to be alone I need a breather. I think I should start packing.
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So rusty!!!!!!!!!!!!