Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie

CH. 11

Staci's POV
Nick hugged me so tight I didn't want him to ever let me go. He obviously needed to be in my life because of our child but I couldn't help but be terrified.
"I know I've done terrible things to you but you have to know I'm sorry." He whispered to me as we both broke into tears.
"Nick..." I cried as I wiped his tears away, looking into his eyes. "We are so broken as individuals and together we were a disaster. Honestly, I don't think we could ever be happy together."
"I know we can. Let me prove myself to you. I can get sober if you give me a chance. I need you Staci. You have know idea how many times I've wished for you to come back into my life even though I had all that anger. I know you lied to keep me happy and because you were terrified about having another miscarriage but I can't imagine my life without you. You trusted me once and all I'm asking for is the opportunity to earn that trust again. I know I can trust you again and I know I won't have to fall for you again because I never stopped loving you. I lost myself in my own pain and I was too selfish to try to work things out with you. You were my wife and I let you down. I understand if you don't want to try to be together but I know I can be who you need."
I stared at him for a long time but I was so conflicted on what I should do. For now I have to listen to my brain and not my heart...but my brain seems to confused on what is truly the right thing to do.
"We can be friends and co-parents but I don't think we can go beyond that." I sighed sadly. I can't be selfish, I have to think of our baby.
He gave me a strong look and out of desperation he gave me the most passionate kiss. Out of habit I grabbed his curls and pushed my body against his. My heart, if possible broke even more as I sadly pulled away.
"Nick I'm so sorry but this can't happen. Ever."

4 and a half years later

"Happy birthday Emma!" We all sang.
I have so much to be thankful for. Riley decided to leave me alone after I pressed charges. Well the restraining order kind of forced him to say away. Right now I couldn't ask for much more. I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl 4 years ago. She is the best daughter anyone could ask for an she means everything to me. Nick and I have done a great job co-parenting for the past years and our family has been surprising supportive even though they'd like us to be together. His parents even take a trip to New York every year for her birthday. And actually they aren't the only ones who wish that. I still love him but even though he has been sober for the last 4 years I just can't get myself to let my guard down. Neither of us have seen anyone else either besides a few dates here and there. It breaks my heart to see Emma have to be in a broken family. As good as our co-parenting is it would be better for her to not have to switch houses.
"Emma what did you wish for?" Nick asked as he kissed her cheek.
"Well I can't tell you! It won't come true!" She laughed. She's so smart and more wonderful then I could ever imagine.
"Staci can I talk to you." Denise whispered from behind me.
I nodded and we walked into the other room away from everyone.
"Staci.." She sighed.
"Is everything ok?"
"I just want to thank you...I've never got to thank you."
"For what?" I asked confused.
"For getting Nick sober. We had no idea how bad things got after your miscarriage."
"I didn't get him sober, he did that on his own. But maybe things would've turned out differently if we would've reached out to you guys." I sighed.
"Staci if it wasn't for you and Emma I really think Nick would be dead. He saw how bad things had become and he wanted to changed for you guys. I'm sure you already know this but he still loves you. I'm not saying you should be with him because what you two have now works for Emma and she is the most important thing now. We all want to be supportive of whatever you two choose to do but..."
"Denise, I just can't be with him."
"I don't want to force you two together but you are the first one to say he has changed."
"Yeah he has but that doesn't mean I can give myself to him. I still love him but I have to think of Emma. Look I appreciate you trying to help, and I know Nick probably put you up to this but I just can't."
"He actually didn't. Paul, Kevin and Joe all agree that you two are worth fighting for. However, we want you two to do it on your own. Things were crazy before you two ever got married but you managed and it's a miracle that you can co-parent so well after everything. The family may not agree with how you two came to be but I'd take you over Miley any day. You are an amazing person regardless of what you have done or been through. I just want both of you to be happy and most importantly I want whats best for Emma."
"Well thank you." I said fighting back tears as I hugged her. I never knew how much his family cared for me.
"Mommy!" Emma screamed as she jumped into my lap.
"What babygirl?"
"Come have some cake with me and daddy! You too grandma!" She giggled.
"Alright." We smiled.
Emma dragged us into the kitchen.
"Mommy you sit next to daddy an grandma next to Uncle Joey!"
"I think we did a pretty good job with her." Nick smiled at me as I sat down.
"Yeah we did. I'm glad we can do this together." I said as my heart ached.

I helped Nick clean up after his family left. We all had a fun day and Emma was so excited to see her whole family.
"You think she had fun?" Nick chuckled as we looked at her passed out on the couch.
"Um yeah I'd say she did. Thanks for having the party here."
"Oh it's no probably. Thanks for your help." He said giving me that crooked smile that I loved.
"So what did my mom talk to you about? I saw her pull you aside."
"She just thanked me and gave me some advice." I said nervously.
"Thanked you?" He looked confused.
"She think Emma and I are the main reasons you became sober. But I know I didn't force you, you were strong enough to do it on your own."
"You're so wrong Staci. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Especially you. You were there through my treatments and you didn't have to be. You have been a blessing to me in more ways than one. I wouldn't be here if you and Emma weren't by my side." He started tearing up. Getting sober took a toll on him with being diabetic. He took a long time to get into the health he was when I first met him. He did some serious damage to his body in the months of heavy drinking.
"Nick you're so strong. You did it for you too." I sighed trying to pick his self esteem up.
"I'm not as strong as you think..."
Before he could finish Emma woke up.
"Daddy carry me to bed." She whined.
Nick wiped his tears, picked her up and took her upstairs. I sighed to myself and decided to walk upstairs to say goodbye. As I walked in he was just tucking her in.
"Mommy!" She smiled.
"Hey munchkin! I hope you had fun today and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon ok?"
"I had so much fun! I love you guys."
"Love you too" Nick and I said in sync.
"Daddy can you play me something so I can fall asleep?" She begged.
"Can't you be like a normal child and like bedtime stories?" He chuckled as he picked up her guitar and began to play.

It's hard to believe,
Where we are now.
Your hand in mine, babe,
Feels right somehow.
the night is so still
So don't make a sound.
Cause its almost perfect, baby
So, promise you"ll never look down.
cuz we've had our past, i know
just leave that behind.
Cause none of it lasts,
All that we have is tonight.
Cause you're not the only one,
Who's ever felt this way.
Don't let the world cave in,
Just tell me that you'll stay.

Now that the pain is done,
theres No need to be afraid.
We don't have time to waste,
Just tell me that you'll stay.
Beautiful, one of a kind.
You're something special babe,
And you don't even realize
That your my hearts desire.
all i need and more
girl I know you're scared,
But I promise, babe,
I'm not who I was before.
Cause you're not the only one,
Who's ever felt this way.
Don't let the world cave in,
Just tell me that you'll stay.
Now that the pain is done,
No need to be afraid.
We don't have time to waste,
Just tell me that you'll stay.
Cause you're not the only one,
Who's ever felt this way.
Don't let the world cave in,
Just tell me that you'll stay.
Now that the pain is done,
no need to be afraid.
We don't have time to waste,
Just tell me that you'll stay.
Tell me, tell me you'll stay.
No, tell me.
Tell me that you'll stay.

She fell asleep quickly and Nick and I were left in an awkward silence. I knew that song was about me and it just made me feel even more heartbroken. We walked out and down the hall to the stairs before he stopped in front of me.
"How can you not see that I've changed!? How can you not know by that song how much I hurt for you!" He hissed.
"Nick I never said you didn't and ugh can't we take this conversation down stairs?" I said quietly as my heart sunk.
He huffed and trotted down the stairs as I followed him. He lead me to the sound proof recording studio he has.
"Nick..." Before I could say more he lit up.
"See I'm not as strong as you think! It kills me to see you and not kiss you or hug you! Staci after all these years I still stupidly love you and I thought doing everything I could to prove myself to you would make you love me! But I guess not! I have done everything I can think of to show you that I'm worth it! I'm done with this Staci! I can't do this anymore!" He screamed while pacing back and forth. "Please, please just tell me that we are never going to happen so I can be done!" He cried as he stopped in front of me.
I felt so bad about everything and I couldn't hold it in anymore so as tears strolled down my face I swallowed my fears and walked up to him and kissed him. He was hesitant at first but kissed back. There was so much passion between us I could barley break the kiss.
"Nick I'm so sorry! I was so scared to show that I loved you but I can't deny it anymore. I love you." I cried as I stared at his puzzled face.
"You're sure?"
"I'm positive." I smiled.
"Staci, I love you so much!" He grinned before kissing me again.

We ended up making love for half the night before falling asleep. I woke up in his strong arms feeling more safe than I have in a long time.
"I hope Emma doesn't get up early for once." He chuckled.
"This would probably be the only day she would." I smiled as I turned to look at his pretty face.
"So this is real? You're mine again?" He said in a serious tone.
"I'm all yours. I've never stopped loving you, I was just so sc...."
"Scared. I know, but I will do whatever possible to make this work. You are my soulmate. I paid for my mistakes and I will continue to work on what I need to do to make you and Emma happy."
"We both weren't perfect and we have changed a lot. I know we are going to have to adjust everything again but I think we are meant to be together." I smirked before kissing him.

We talked for a little longer before getting up. We needed to see how to go about our living situations and how to tell Emma that we are going to be together. Thankfully Emma was fast asleep and we were able to shower and make breakfast before she crawled downstairs.
"Good morning muffin." I smiled as I kissed her cheek.
"Hey bed head!" Nick laughed as he gave her a plate full of eggs and bacon.
"Mommy why are you here so early?" She asked confused.
"Um..." I sighed. Why is it so weird to tell our daughter that her parents can finally be together? "Well I might be here a lot more." I added. She raised her eyebrow at me then smile. I heard her whisper something.
"What was that Emma?" Nick chimed in.
"I think my wish came true! You two are in love!" She blurted out in excitement.
"What do you know about love?" I smiled.
"Daddy looks at you like the Princes look at the Princesses! Now you have the same look mommy!"
"You're one smart cookie." Nick laughed.
"So this means one house?" She asked. This little girl watches too much Disney.
"This means we are going to all be happy and loved." Nick said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"And one house." I said before kissing his cheek. Finally things felt right and I can see that our future is the brightest it's ever been.

♠ ♠ ♠
No one will read this but I have had this story done for a long time and I just needed to finally end it! Sorry for spelling and grammar, I decided to get it off my old iPod touch before I lost it forever!