Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie


Nick’s POV
“Hello?”- I questioned.
“Mr. Jonas?”- A voice asked in reply.
“Yes…who is calling?”
“I’m sorry to inform you, but your wife has been in a terrible car accident.”- The voice said plainly. My heart instantly sank to my stomach while tear stung in my eyes.
“Is she alive?”- I choked.
“As far as I know, she is being flown to North bay hospital as we speak. I’m so sorry.”- He said before I hung up. Elvis was trying to tell me she was hurt; god I wonder if Mia is ok? I grabbed a T-shirt and shorts and threw them on as I ran out the door. I fought tears the whole way there, trying not to wreck myself. They just had to fly here into the city…that means it must be bad.

“What room is Staci Jonas in?”- I asked immediately as I ran to the front desk.
“She’s in surgery right now; I’m afraid you can’t see her right this minute.”- A nurse said as she flipped threw her papers.
“Can you tell me any more information?”- I growled; she wouldn’t even look up at me.
“All I know is that they rushed her into surgery. Who are you?”
“I’m her husband and future father of the child she’s carrying!”- I cried, wanting answers.
“Well I can’t tell you anything at this moment; I know she’s in the last room on the right.”
I rolled my eyes at her and jogged down to the room. I paced back and forth as I got a sickening feeling in my stomach. I sighed loudly, and then suddenly I heard a small cry from a baby in the room. Mia is alive! Hopefully Staci is too, I quietly prayed to god before the door opened.
“Excuse us.”- A deep voice ordered. They pushed out a cart quickly; it had Mia on it. She was so tiny and helpless.
“Wait I’m the father!”
“Mr. Jonas I’m sorry but we have to get your daughter to the intensive care unit.”- The doctor said. More tears fell down my cheeks as I tried to gather my thoughts. I ran my fingers through my curls as I heard the door open again.
“Are you Mr. Jonas?”- Another nurse asked.
“Yes…is my wife ok?”- I said as I wiped off my tears.
“She’s in a lot of pain, but she’s asking for you. We are going to put her into a room near the ICU, so when she comes out just follow us. Another nurse wheeled her out, thank god she’s ok…just poor Mia.
“Nick, I’m so sorry.”- Staci whispered.
“Baby, it’s ok.”- I said as I grabbed her unbroken hand. Her right arm was in a soft cast, waiting for the harder cover. She had scratches and bruises all over. And now she is going to have to recover from a C-section. They set up everything in her room, they told her not to stress and rest if possible. Her tears streamed down her pale face as I pulled up a chair on her left side.
“It’s all my fault.”- She started sobbed as I held her hand tightly.
“No it’s not; I should’ve gone to the store for you. God I’m so dumb.”
“No Nick, I should’ve listened.”
“Please stop crying; let’s not blamed ourselves. Mia may be ok. I’m so glad you’re ok. How do you feel, you’re all wrapped up.”- I said shaky as I brushed her tears away.
“Well after the C-section they wrapped my arm and my torso because I broke it and a few ribs. I think my one leg is fractured…I don’t really care how much pain I’m in; I’m worried about Mia.”
“I’m sorry; I’m praying she’s ok. But tell me what happened in the car.”
“Well, I was turning onto the main road at the light and I had a green light to turn left…but as I made my turn someone ran a red light and hit my side. I heard the police office say he was going like 90 and he was high. But I believe my car flipped more than once, but I should’ve looked.”- She sniffled.
“What a bastard! That guy will pay. Don’t blame yourself for this…I saw little Mia. She’s beautiful; she looks like you. But she’s so tiny though. The doctor wouldn’t tell me anything.”
“Nick; he’s dead. They said he didn’t have a seat belt on and he die when he flew out of the car.”
“Wow. This is all insane.”- I shook my head. “Do you want to go ask if we can see her?”
“Yes; I haven’t even seen her face yet.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Jonas.”- Someone said as they knocked on the door and came in.
“Yes…”- I sighed.
“I have some news about your daughter.”- Obviously the doctor said.
“Go ahead.”- I said as I squeezed her hand tightly.
“She is about to go in for major surgery, since she is almost two months premature she isn’t as strong as a newborn. And I’m sure you guys have read that one of the last things to develop is the lungs…well the crashed collapsed one of her lungs and her heart is very weak. We are going to try to fix everything, but we can’t make any promises. We have to do the surgery as soon as possible, so would you like to see here. We have a wheelchair for you Mrs. Jonas.”
Staci nodded at me as we both cried. A nurse came in and put her into the chair. We stayed silent as we made our way to her room. The doctor said we couldn’t hold her or anything, just in case of infections. He told us we had five minutes…
“I’m so sorry.”- Staci sobbed as she placed her hand on the plastic that was covering Mia.
“Staci, let’s be positive for her…Mia, yeah that’s you little girl. I’m you daddy, and your mommy is right next to me. I know you’re fighting, but we need you to stay strong. You’re a Jonas and we need you to fight like one. We both love you so much; we are so excited to finally have you in our live. Please just hang on, I want to teach you how to play guitar and your mom wants to teach you how to dance…she’s an amazing dancer. That’s how we met…funny story actually. But that’s for a later time.”
“He’s right Mia. We do love you, and we really need you to pull through.”- Staci chimed in.
“Times up…”- The doctor said as he came back in.
“I love you.”- Staci whispered as she took one last look.
“I love you too.”- I said before I blew her a kiss. I wheeled Staci back to her room; they told us the surgery could take hours….so I crawled in the hospital bed with her and held her in my arms tightly. We both just prayed and cried. Our baby girl has to be ok.