Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie

CH. 7

Nick's POV 
I had a huge surprise for Staci, actually a few big surprises. I waited by the door with a bag in hand. She walked in and looked terrified.
"Hey baby."- I smiled as I hugged her tightly. 
"Nick what was so important?"- She asked confused.
"I really wanted to be with you, I'm sorry for worrying you. But I got you something..."- I said as I showed her a pregnancy test. Her face turned sour as she stared at it. 
"I hope we made a baby, but if not we can try a lot tonight...and if you are pregnant we can celebrate all night."- I smirked pulling her close before kissing her. She gave me a half smile as she took the test from me. She went into the bathroom, and I waited for a long five minutes. I hope we can start over with this baby, while still keeping Mia with us everyday. 
"Babe why don't you let me in so we can wait together."- I said impatiently. She opened the door with tear stains all down her face, as she shook. 
"You're not pregnant are you?"
"No, I'm sorry Nick. But I need to tell you something."
"Don't be sorry. I love you, you don't need to explain anything to me."- I sighed as I hugged her tightly. She looked up at me and I just wanted to make her feel better. I picked her up and forced my lips on hers. I took her a few seconds to kiss back, but we ended up making love all night on the couch. 

I woke up with a smile on my face, confident we made a baby last night. I slipped out for her grip and headed to the kitchen. Geez it's 10 o'clock already! I opened the fridge and pulled out the eggs, ready to make breakfast. The phone started ringing, 
"Hello?"- I answered. 

Staci's POV 
I woke up alone on the couch, still feeling guilty as the phone rang. I slipped on my clothes as I listen to Nick. 
"No this is her husband though."- He said confused. "Oh hi Dr. Francis...wait what?"
Fuck! That's my gynecologist, why would she be calling!? I rushed into the kitchen right as Nick slammed the phone down. 
"Staci. Dr. Francis was wondering why you haven't gotten your birth control for this month. She wanted to make sure you know that just skipping one or two days can result in failure of the birth control."- He growled as he stepped closer. I backed up in fear. 
"Nick I can explain."- I started shaking and crying.
"Explain why you have been lying to me for months! You're a horrible person! How could you fucking lie about this!?"
"I was scared! But I was going to tell you last night but..."- I sobbed. 
"But what!? You should've told me when you first did this! You are supposed to talk to me, I'm your husband! God do you even love me!? I can't even look at you! You'd disgust me! Just leave!"- He screamed while I cried. 
"Nick..."- I ached. 
"Fucking leave!"- He screamed in my face before raising his hand. I cried harder in pain as I fell to the floor, not expecting it at all. 
"I hate you! LEAVE!"
I scrambled up to my feet and ran out. I drove while I sobbed and stopped at the graveyard. I made my way to Mia's grave and collapsed on the ground infront of it. He's right, I'm nothing but a horrible person. I deserved that slap.