Status: Excited to work on it, if I get comments <3

Love the Way You Lie


Staci's POV 
I woke up next to Mia's grave, stiff and sore. My cheek still hurt, probably from a bruise. I should have never lied to Nick. I should've told him I wasn't ready for another baby. 
"Hi baby. It's mommy. I just want you to know that I love you so much, and even if mommy and daddy don't stay together we will both always love you. If you were here everything would so different. I really hope you don't blame me for what happened to you, but I understand if you do. I should have never left the house...I'm so sorry!"- I sobbed once again. 

"Miss are you ok?"- A male voice asked. I looked up to see a man about my age. 
"I'm fine."- I sniffled. 
"No offense you don't look fine."
"I'm infront of my daughters grave. I'm to blame for her death and I ruined my marriage. Yeah so I'm not fine!"- I growled. He gave me a questioning look before sighing. 
"Can I take you home then?"- He asked. "I'm Caleb."
"What are you even doing here? Why do you want to help me? I don't deserve to be helped."- I cried. 
"I work here and you look like you could use a can talk to me if you like. I deal with this daily."- He said before reaching out his hand. I hesitated but took it. He helped me up and gave me a small smile. 
"Thanks, I'm Staci."
"Would you like me to take you home?"
"I can't go home."- I sighed. I hurt Nick so bad, I can't believe myself. 
"Would you care to explain? We can go inside and have some coffee."
I looked at him strangely. Why should he care? I'm just some basket case that's fucked up in the head. But I need to let everything out. I trotted behind him into the building. I tried to fix my hair the best I could, but I could hide the dirt and grass stains that covered me. 
"Here."- Caleb said as he handed me a blanket and a cup of coffee. 
"Thank you. So I guess I should explain myself?"
He nodded as he sipped him coffee, his green eyes never left mine. 
"Months back I was pregnant with my baby Mia. I woke up in the middle of the night from a craving. I woke my husband Nick up and he told me it was too late and to go back to sleep. Being stupid I didn't listen...I ended up getting hit by some guy under the influence. It was bad; Mia wasn't old enough to handle the crash. After the C-section she died. It's the hardest thing I've ever gone through. My heart aches everyday, I feel so much gully it's just killing me."- I cried. 
"I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a child is the worst type of loss, but I don't believe it's your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself."
"I can't help it, and to top it off my husband wanted another child but I lied to him. I told him I did, but I stayed on my birth control...he found out last night. That's why I came here; I needed to be by her. My world has fallen apart."
"Did he do that to you?"- Caleb asked. 
"Do what?"- I asked confused. 
"There's a bruise on your cheek; is that from him?"
"I guess; he has never touched me like that before. But I deserved this."- I sighed as I touched my cheek softly. 
"Don't say that! No guy should ever put his hands on a woman! I don't care how bad things are, that's not right. You may have lied to him, but I'm sure you had your reasons and nothing gives him any right to touch you. And I don't think your daughters death was your fault at all. You don't deserve any of this, no one does."
"Caleb why are you being so nice to me?"
"Everyone deserves a friend. You also deserve to be happy."- He smiled at me. I sighed and looked out the window to the graves. I noticed a man stumbling closer to Mia's grave in the soft morning light. 
"Oh god!"- I gasped realizing it was Nick. 
"What?"- Caleb asked as he turned to look out the window. "Is that him?"
"Yes; just stay here please. I have to talk to him."-I said getting up. Caleb reluctantly nodded and I headed out to Nick. His back was to me and he didn't even hear me walk up. 
"Hi Mia; it's daddy."- He slurred. He was so wasted. "I miss you so much, I wish mommy would've never gone out. That ruined everything, she ruined everything! I thought everything was going to be perfect! I love her, but I'm just so mad and hurt. She lied to me!"-He started crying as he knelt by her grave. He was leaning on it for support, he was shaking violently. 
"Nick..."- I barely whispered. He turned to look at me with his blood shot eyes. "Please let me explain..."
"Don't! Everything is wrong! I want Mia back! I want another baby! I wish this had never happened! I wish I would have never fallen for you!"- He screamed at me. "This is killing me, can't you see that!?"- He shook as he turned extremely pale. He breathed heavier and heavier before his eyes rolled in the back of his head. 
"Nick!"- I cried as he toppled over.