Status: Completed! Look for the sequel!

Married to a Rock Star


"Babe?” I heard Alex’s voice nearly two hours later.

When he didn’t come back in thirty minutes, I was sad. When he didn’t come back in an hour, I wanted to hurt him. When didn’t come back thirty minutes ago, I started to cry. I stopped crying about ten minutes ago. I still had Bas cuddled to my chest. I heard Lisa and Kara leave less than a minute ago. I knew that he had talked to Lisa too long for my comfort.

“Yeah?” I whispered.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he closed the door behind him. I heard him change out of his skinny jeans and tee shirt. He crawled into the bed, and wound his arm around my waist.

“Lisa.” I muttered.

I heard his voice catch in his breath.

“What about Lisa?”

“What is with you two?” I questioned. My voice almost cracked, but instead I only hugged Sebastian closer to my body.

“Nothing, Mac.” He whispered, leaning his head on my shoulder.

“Sure didn’t seem like nothing.”

“Mac, really?” He asked me.

I let go of Sebastian, who just woke up, and he trotted off of the bed, and down to his puppy bed. I rolled over, and I looked at Alex with my red eyes.

“Yes, really.”

Alex’s thumb moved slowly across my raw cheek.

“You’re crying…”

I turned my head, and I stared at the ceiling.

“Just when I stopped.” I groaned. I turned my head back toward him. “I’ve been crying for over an hour. I’ve been in this room for two.”

“Two hours?” He asked me softly.

I nodded my head.

“You’ve been talking to Lisa for two hours, Alex.” I stated. “What wife in their right mind wouldn’t be worried that their husband is spending so much time talking to another girl,”

“You’re being ridiculous.” He groaned, pulling away from me.

“And he gets defensive.”
“What is that suppose to mean?!” He asked me.

I was pissing him off, but he hurt me.

It felt like I just got hit by a freaking 18 Wheeler.

“That, my dear, means that you are sleeping alone tonight.” I stated. I got out from underneath the blankets, and I grabbed a spare pillow and blanket. I walked out of our room, and into the living room. I tossed the blanket and pillow on the couch before I climbed on it. I closed my eyes with only the thought of Alex and Lisa kept running through my head.

“Mac?” I heard someone calling my name.

I slowly opened my eyes, and then I saw Mickie standing above me.

“Morning.” I groaned, and then I set up from the couch. My back hurt like hell, and I felt my hair tangled.

“What are you doing on the couch?” She asked me.

I rolled my eyes, and ignored her. I stood up, and wondered into the kitchen. I started the coffee pot, and then I made myself a bowl of cereal.

“Morning.” Jack smiled at me, but I didn’t respond. “What’s wrong?”

I just shrugged, and then Alex entered the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes, and went to make him some cereal too. He sat down on the opposite side of me without saying a single word.

“Good morning, Alex.” Mickie greeted.

He only nodded, and started to eat his food.

I ignored eye contact with him, and stood up. I poured myself some coffee. After I fixed it, I sat back down, and started to drink my coffee.

“What do you have planned for today?” Jack asked me.

I shrugged.

“Nothing.” I whispered, and I drank more coffee.

“What about you, Alex?” Mickie asked him.

“Nothing.” He replied the same way that I did.

Mickie and Jack gave each other worried looks.

“Mickie?” I squeaked.

“Yeah?” She looked worried.

“Do you think that we could go shopping today?”

“Um…I kind of had plans with Jack.” She looked at the lanky boy beside of her.


“Why don’t you and Alex go?” Jack suggested.

Alex and I both grunted in disgust.

“Okay, what in the hell is up with the two of you? Last night things were good.” Mickie stated. “I don’t understand.”

“I don’t know either, Makayla.” I stated formally. “Why don’t you ask Alexander…or Lisa,” I smirked, and then I got up. I put my bowl in the sink along with my mug, and then I walked into the bed room. I quickly changed into a sundress and flip flops. I washed my face, and then I put my hair back up in a messy pony tail. I walked out of the room. Without a word to Alex, Jack, or Mickie, I grabbed my purse, and then I walked out of the house. I got into the car that I had bought a few days ago, and I drove into town. I really wanted to freaking cry.

*two hours later.*

I heard my phone ringing from my purse, and I answered it without thinking.

“H-h-ello?” I answered. I sounded broken, and hurt.

I was both.

“Baby, where are you?” I heard a sigh at the other end of the line. I didn’t say anything back, but I left my phone at my ear once I had entered another part of Baltimore. “Shit! Mackenzie, answer me.”

“In town.” I replied.

“Pull over. I’m coming, okay?”

“Kay.” I whispered.

I wasn’t in the mood to fight. I ended the phone call, and I pulled over at a small gas station. I sat in my black car, and I hit the steering wheel with my hand.

“FUCK!” I yelled. “FUCKING FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! FUCK A FUCKING DUCK!” I kept yelling like a mad woman. The tears kept cascading down my cheeks. Two hours with myself was far too long. I needed Alex. I didn’t want to admit it out loud, but I know that I do. I sat in my car crying on my steering wheel for I don’t know how long. I cried until I cried my eyes out. I heard a car pull up beside of me, and I looked up to see Alex.

Alex looked back at me, and he looked worried.

“Mackenzie…” He stated. “You scared the shit out of me. What in the hell where you thinking?!”

“I don’t know! I was fucking pissed!” I slowly got out of my car that was beside his. He came over to my car’s driver’s side, and stood in front of me.

“Will you hear me out, please?”

“Depending on what you have to say,” I crossed my arms tightly over my chest.

He cupped my head in his hands.

“Mackenzie, please come home.”

“Alex…” I trailed off. “Do you realize how fucking stupid we’re being?”

He rolled his eyes before his lips were pressed softly against mine.

“Let’s go home, okay? We can get it all out there.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

I was putty in his freaking guitar hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm. Would you be THAT pissed at him?

Me thinks I would.

xoxo Rae Marie