Status: Completed! Look for the sequel!

Married to a Rock Star


"So you had fun today?" Alex asked casually. We were sitting on his-our couches, and watching TV.

"Yeah, I did." I nodded. "You're friends are great."

"Wait until they start to stay over, and believe me, it will happen. Most of the time, it's Jack."

"That's crazy." I giggled.

I stared at Alex, who laughed, but kept his eyes on the TV. He was so freaking adorable with his grey beanie, gym shorts, and white v-neck.

"Staring is rude, ya know." He stated with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"I was just wondering something..." I trailed off, quickly thinking of some question to ask him.


"Were you with anyone when your dad told you about this...marriage?"

"Nope." Alex shrugged. "Come here." he patted the spot beside him. I slowly got up, and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You are it, babe." He kissed the side of my forehead.

I started to blush like crazy.

"So it is just me?" I questioned. "I'm not going to be one of those Rock Star Wives that has to worry about groupies do I?"

"Definitely not." He laughed, reassuring me.

"Good, because we're married, Alex. And I hate sharing." I stated before snuggling up to his side more.

"Me too." His arms tightened around me. "Come on, let's go to bed."

I nodded.

"Okay." I yawned as I stood up, and I headed back to our bedroom. We were lying down for a few minutes before I felt nasty. "Alex, I need to take a shower,"

"Take one in the morning." He stated, already pulling me closer. Trying to move was useless.

I waited a few minutes before relaxing.

"Okay. Goodnight."


Alex was already half asleep.

I woke up before Alex, who was snoring with his mouth wide open. I giggled lightly before I got out of the bed, and I looked through some drawers to find a pair of his black skinny jeans and another one of his shirts. I very much so enjoyed wearing his outfits. I took a quick shower, and I got out. I found his hair dryer, and flat iron. Thank God my husband can be such a girl. I blow dried my hair, and then straightened it. I quickly found my tooth brush on the sink, and I brushed my teeth.

When I was done, I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I found some bacon (ewwie!) and some eggs. I decided to make bacon, eggs, and toast for Alex, but I eggs and toast for myself. I was over half way done when I heard the shower start. I knew that Alex had decided to get up and take a shower.

The doorbell rang when I just took out the bacon. I hesitated, but decided to go ahead, and answer the door.

"Hello?" I asked. On the other side of the door was a shorter, blue eyed brunette.

"Uh...." She just looked at me for a few minutes. She stared over Alex's clothes hanging off of my body.

"Can I help you, ma'am?"

"Is Alex here?"

"He's in the shower." I replied, inching the door forward slowly so that she didn't notice.

She nodded.

"Can you tell him that Lisa stopped by?"

"I guess?" I shrugged.

"Thanks." Lisa replied.

"You're welcome..." I started to shut the door slowly.


I slowly opened the door.

"Yeah, Lisa? I assume that is your name right?"

Man, I was coming off as a complete bitch.

I tend to do that unknowingly.

"It is." She nodded. "Are you and Alex like...fuck buddies or in a relationship or something?"

Before I could answer, Alex called from the kitchen.

"Babe, where did you go?" He called. "The breakfast is amazing by the way."

"I-uh...I'm at the door." I called back. I turned to look at Lisa. "I'm his…friend."

"You’re his friend?"

I nodded.

"Look, do you want me to just go get him? It's not hassle really."

"Nah." She shook her head. "It's fine."

"Okay?" I replied as she waved and turned around, making her way back to her car. "That was odd."

"What was?" Alex asked me.

I jumped slightly because I thought that he was in the kitchen.

"Some girl named Lisa came to the door, and I asked her if she wanted me to come get you cause she was asking for you." I stated. "but she said no and left."

"Lisa, really?" He asked, his eyes lighting up for only a moment.

I eyed him cautiously.

"Um...yeah. You know her?"

"She's an old friend." He stated before nodding his head toward the kitchen. "Let's eat."

Slowly but surely, I followed him into the kitchen.

I sat down, and I started to eat my eggs and toast.

"What aren't you eating bacon?" He asked, clearly confused.

"I don't consume meat." I smirked at him. "But I figured that you did by the way you devoured that cheese burger last night. I just thought that I would cook for you." I shrugged.

"That's really sweet of you." He smiled. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." I smiled back.

Okay, so maybe my husband wasn't that bad.

"You know, you look quit sexy in those jeans."

And there it goes, as soon as it came.

Hey...I did say maybe.

"Pig." I muttered to him.

He rolled his eyes, and kept eating his food. When we both were done, I cleaned our plates and the pans that I used. I felt a presence in the kitchen area. I knew that he was there, but I choose to ignore it.

"You almost done?"

I nodded.

"Just give me a few more minutes and then I will be. Why?"

"I want to go shopping."

"Didn't we do enough shopping yesterday?" I questioned.

"Not in New York City we didn't."

Oh I could just see that smug smirk on his face right now.

"New York?" I asked as I turned toward him.

He smiled and nodded.

"We leave in an hour. So hurry up and pack an over night bag."

"We're staying overnight?" I asked.

"Yeah. We've got some band things to do there so the guys will be coming too, but we don't have to share a room with them or anything."

I rolled my eyes.

"And I was SO looking forward to sharing a bed with Zack. Mmm. Damn." I replied sarcastically.

Alex rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. His biceps are amazing. Now hurry." He scooted me out of the kitchen. I went to our room where I found a bunch of my suite cases still packed up. I picked up the small carry-on, and decided that I had enough clothes in there.

"Alex?" I called.

"Yeah?" He answered from his closet.

"How long are we staying?"

"A few days."

"How long is a few days?" I asked getting annoyed with him already.

Great. I'm pissed and it's on 9:15 a.m.

"Three days tops." He replied.

"Great." I mumbled to myself, and I checked my bag. I had at least three days worth of outfits in there. I should be covered. "Do you think that you could pack my toothbrush in with yours?"

"Sure." He stated, coming out of his closet with his bag. "Here"

Alex tossed me a bag for that stuff.

"Thanks." I replied as I went to his bathroom and quickly packed our hair stuff as well as our toothbrushes.

This better be a good trip, or I'm going to hurt him.

I hate surprises.

Even if they are trips to New York City.

"ALEX!" I yelled for about the tenth millionth time. I'm not a very patient person, so when I'm ready to go, I wanna go then. "We have GOT to go!"

"I'm coming! Damn."

I smirked.

"That's what he said."

Alex laughed lightly.

"Why in such a hurry, Mackenzie?"

"Our flight leaves in forty-five minutes, and we still have to pick up my new iPhone."

"Ooh. Sorry, I forgot."

"Clearly. Now move your ass already." I replied as I pilled the last of our bags into his car. I shut the trunk as he cranked the Audi. I got into the passenger side of the car soon afterward.

"Let's go." He stated.

I rolled my eyes.

He really must enjoy pissing me off.

"Alex don't make me go on that thing." I almost whispered.

"What thing?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "The airplane?"

I nodded my head up and down quickly. I was practically hiding behind his back.

"It's huge. I don't like the idea of being so far off of the ground."

"You haven't ever been on a plane before?"

"No, and I really wasn't planning on it. It I would have known that we weren't driving...I would have refused to go in the first place."


"Yeah. I just....I don't wanna go. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME!"

"You're acting like a fourteen-year old kid." He rolled his eyes.

"Only a four years difference." I mumbled, causing him to laugh.

"Look, just hold on to my arm if you get scared. I'm here next to you. You know that right?"

I stayed in my spot as he started to walk off. Alex noticed, and turned back around for me.

"Come on."


"Mackenzie!" He whined. "It's just a fucking plane."

"So?! That fucking plane could crash and we could get stranded on some weird time-warped island for seven years!"

He chuckled.

"You've seen too many episodes of Lost."

"It could happen!" I stomped my foot.

Alex walked back to me, and grabbed my hand.

"Look, I'm right here. All you have to do is look at me. You are going to be fine. I promise."

I hesitated before I answered.

"Alright...." I trailed off. "But if we end up dying on a fucking island, I'm blaming you. "

"That's perfectly fine." He laughed, lacing his fingers through mine. "Let's go."

"Fine." I groaned, allowing him to lead me onto the plane. We found our seats, near Zack and Rian, and we sat down two rows in front of them.

"You okay, Target?"

"No." I replied with a shaky voice, griping Alex's hand for dear life. "I have this fear of flying."

"No need to use the vice grip." He complained.

I stuck my tongue out at me.

"Classy babe."

"You know it." I laughed, completely ignoring his glares.

"How about you listen to your iPod?" He suggested. "It'll probably calm you down."

"Right." I nodded in agreement as I grabbed my iPod from my purse. I put the ear buds in, and I let the sounds of Forever The Sickest Kids sing me to sleep.

Sleep lasted until we landed, which wasn't long after that. Still groggy from the nap I took, I allowed Alex to lead me through the airport. I didn't realize that our hands were still locked. I guess I got comfortable with his hand in mine.

But I'd never admit that openly, or to Alex for that matter.

"Oh damn." I muttered as girls started to swarm around us. The guys started to sign stuff and take a few pictures. Alex never let go of my hand. In return I earned a few glares from some fans. I felt really uncomfortable with the looks, so I released his hand. I earned a groan from the pig himself.

I had zoned out until I heard someone talking about me to Alex.


"Who is this girl, Alex?" One girl that had yet to scowl at me asked him.

He lightly laughed.

"Who, this brunette babe right here?" He asked as he threw an arm around my shoulders. I scowled at him, but he just ignored it. "She's a random band slut."

I gasped at him, hitting him in the chest.

"Hey! That's husband abuse!" Jack called from a few feet over. "Do I have to report you?"

"No." I almost laughed. "Alex can take care of himself."

"Not if my wifey abuses me, I can't." He said in a three-year olds voice. Then he pouted.

"Fine. I'm sorry."

"That's better." Alex smiled. He turned to the girl again. "I'm sorry, this isn't some band slut. This is Mackenzie. She's my wife."

"You got married?!" A girl who was scowling at me asked him.

Alex nodded.

"I've been married for about a month now."

"Oh wow." Another replied. "How has it been?"

"Nothing but Hell." I stated, earning a few giggles.

Funny thing was that I was being serious, for the most part.

"She's just joking. It's been great." He added, completely lying.

"What happened to Lisa?"

My head shot up in the direction of the voice that girl's name slipped from.

"Lisa and I have been over for a while." Alex shrugged. "It was time for us to move on. Then I found the lovely Mac over here, and I was head-over-heels for her."

Lies, all of it.

For some reason, it made me heartbroken to hear him say that out loud to his fans.

"Yeah. Pure bliss." I faked a smiled.

"Sorry girls, but we gotta go." Alex laughed, lacing his hand with mine once again, and pulled me off in the direction of the exit. The other guys were still making their way over to us.

"Alex can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He sighed.

"Lisa...was that the same girl that came to your door this morning?" I asked.

The look on his face told me what I already wanted to know.

Alex still loved Lisa.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmmm..... thoughts???

Please don't be a silent reader! Tell me what you honestly think!

Check out The Way She Moves and it's sequel I Don't Want This To Fade Away, As Easy As It Came
xoxo Rae Marie