Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"Don't start that," I whimpered as Rachel went running around singing Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold, she was decorating the shop for Christmas as I tattooed my mom's arm.

"Mother," my other sister, Autumn whined as she threw the papers she was going through on the counter in frustration to Rachel's vivid happiness.

"I don't want to hear it," Mom said holding her arm up.

"You're no help," I whispered to mom, she laughed and glanced at me before shaking her head.

"Just finish my arm so I can go hide in the back room from you three," she said putting her left arm under her head as I finished her right.

"Yes mommy," I said like a child, she laughed and lightly smacked my arm playfully.

"You are so damn weird," she said laughing as I finished the touch-up on her an angel like figure.

"Thank you mommy, you love us so dearly," I said grinning as I put up the tattoo gun.

"Thank you sweetie, you know I love you," she said kissing my head before she sat up and walked off to help Rachel decorate.

"Hey, anyone seen my tattoo gun?" dad asked walking out holding his hands out like he was lost.

"No, want to borrow mine?" Rachel asked

"No, I want mine and its gone," he said like a two year old, mom rolled her eyes and walked back to his station, she came back over with it in her hand. "Where did you find it?"

"Try in the cupboard," she said emotionless.

"Oh, thank you honey," he said kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, yeah," she said walking over to her station beside mine.

"Who all comes in today?" I asked, it was around ten in the morning, none of us were that awake besides dad and Rachel.

"Frank Iero, Ville Valo, some girl named Michelle and a few other randoms," Autumn said from the front desk.

"Thank you sister," I said smiling; she tilted her head and smiled.

"You're welcome smart one," she said scrunching her nose up like a bunny.

"You're begging to get you're eyes scribbled out aren't you?" I asked holding my tattoo gun up.

"No," she said pouting as she flipped through more pages on the desk.

"I love you," I said like a child as she flipped me off, while writing on a paper, the door opened and a dear friend named Ville Valo walked in. "Ville, you do realize it's early, right?"

"Yes, more reason to get a tattoo, I have to play tonight and I want it done sooner," he said as he walked over, pulling his scarf and news boy cap off.

"What do you want this time Ville?" I asked smiling

"Touch up for the one around my nipple," he said laughing at himself, I shook my head amused as he sat in the chair; I pushed the button to lean him back and waited for him to take his shirt off.

"Oh Ville you so sexy," Rachel said walking over and poking his belly, his shirt still on; he chuckled and poked her belly back before looking at me and winking. "You have three hours before Frank comes in."

"Thank you Mikey," I said as I put on black latex gloves.

"So James, how has you're day gone so far?" Ville asked as he took off his shirt and shivered. "Obi can you please turn up the heat?"

Autumn turned around and saluted him before walking off to the thermostat, I grabbed a razor and lightly went over the side of his chest before getting the tattoo gun ready with black ink. "So how have you been?" I asked turning the gun on.

"I've been good to tell you the truth," he said nodding

"Still smoking Ville?" I asked looking up at him before I began going over his tattoo, he grimaced and nodded before looking up at the ceiling.

"I forgot how much I hated getting this tattoo," he mumbled biting his lip. "Anyway, how have you been?"

"Been good, touched up mom's tattoo this morning, when she finds out you're here she'll show you," I said smiling at him.

"Mommy dearest!" he yelled as I went to get more ink, she screamed and came running out.

"Ville! I though you were coming in later, how are you sweetheart?" she asked hugging his head.

"I decided to spend the day with you, come in early get Jamesy to fix my tattoo then I would annoy you all until three in the afternoon, how does that sound?" Ville asked kissing my mom's hand; she nodded and kneeled beside him.

"That sounds great, we love you to come around here, oh look at what Kayci did for my shoulder!" mom said showing him the fresh ink around her angel.

"Oh Kayci you did marvelous," Ville said smirking at me.

"Family calls me Kayci, friends call me James, get it? Got it, good!" I said pointing the tattoo gun at him, he smiled and nodded before turning to mom and talking to her more.

"So Miss Hollie, how are you and you're hubby doing?" Ville asked as I finished up the outer line of his tattoo. "Oh, damn that hurt."

"Sorry Ville," I said chuckling a little.

"You are so mean, laughing when I'm hurt, it hurts me Jamesy, it hurts me right where you're tattooing," he said pointing to his chest.

"Well that could be because you have needles in you're skin, but it also could be because it's your nipple," I suggested "But yeah, that's just me."

"I love you too," he said rolling his eyes and looking at my mom pitifully. "She hurts me mommy."

"Kayci Jamie Callahan, be nice to Ville," Mom said hugging his head again, I rolled my eyes and put the tattoo gun up, since I was done with it, I grabbed two pieces of the paper towel on my desk, then grabbed the spray bottle that had alcohol in it.

"This may burn," I said spraying it once; Ville contorted his face in pain and groaned.

"That doesn't may burn, it hurts like hell!" Ville said once I wiped it clean and put a bandage on it.

"Well, now it doesn't, so stop whining like a little girl," I said smirking as Rachel walked by giggling at my comment.

"Very nice Mikey, laugh at you're lover," Ville said, he and Rachel had this thing where they called each other lovers, since Rachel had a fascinated by the Finnish language, and he's a Fin so, it's a weird people thing.
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