Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

One month later I was sitting on the couch, in the shop watching the TV when I had a sudden urgency to throw up everything I had ate that day, I took off like a rocket up the stairs making Rachel and Autumn stare at each other, they stood up from their seats on the counter and ran up after me.

"Are you okay Jamesy?" Autumn asked as she pulled my hair back, Rachel ran and got me a drink.

"I just got really sick to my stomach," I whined as I shook my head and wiped my mouth on a piece of rolled up toilet paper.

"Come on," Rachel said grabbing my right arm as Autumn had my left, they took me in my room and laid me on the bed. "Maybe you got the flu?"

"I've never had the flu, does this normally happen?" I asked as Autumn laid beside me.

"I don't know," Rachel mumbled as she handed me my drink, I smiled and grabbed it from her and took a sip.

"We'll just take you to the doctor tomorrow okay?" Autumn said smiling at me, I nodded and curled into a ball as my stomach churned.

"Go to sleep baby girl," Rachel laughed as she jumped on the bed beside me and laid her head by mine, I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Miss Callahan it seems that you don't have the flu," the doctor said as I sat on the large, uncomfortable gray doctor chair, Rachel sighed as she leaned back in her spot. "Because you're pregnant."

"What?" Autumn said as the root beer that was in her mouth was spit out as she nearly choked.

"I can't be pregnant," I whispered as I stared at him. "I- I- Oh my God."

"My God," Rachel whispered as she stared at me. "You're first time and you're pregnant, what luck."

"Oh shit, shit! I have to go," I cried as I grabbed my jacket and jumped off the chair and walked past the doctor, Rachel and Autumn apologized and followed me as I ran out the office door and stared up at the sky. "This cannot be happening to me."

"Babe, this is a tad bit Ironic, so um…lets go talk to mom," Rachel said as she grabbed my arm.

"I need to talk to Jimmy, oh God he said in so many words he didn't want children," I cried out as I put my head in my hands.

"You're kidding?" Autumn said as she glanced at Rachel for help.

"No, I'm so screwed guys," I said as I walked slowly with them both, Rachel sighed sadly and put me in the backseat of the car as she drove and Autumn sat in the passenger seat.

As we arrived at the shop, I was apparently in shock because all I could do was stare straight ahead and whine, Rachel and Autumn literally had to drag me out of the car and help me walk, as we walked inside Mom looked up and so did dad, oh this won't be good.

"Baby?" Dad said as she saw me looking almost paralyzed, I looked up out of my daze and looked over at Autumn and whined.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked as she walked over and pulled me into her arms.

"Um, I think she should tell you," Rachel mumbled as she and Autumn stepped back.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Dad asked as he rubbed my back, I looked up into his eyes and my fear doubled, not because he would be pissed but because I would be letting him down, I'm his baby girl, I'm the oldest and most responsible, and I'm pregnant, go figure.

"I'm pregnant," I said bluntly as I looked down at the floor in regret, had to say it that way didn't I?

"You're what?" Dad said slowly as he stepped back, my mom's eyes went wide and she hugged me tighter.

"I get a grandbaby!" she said kissing my head, I let my hands fall to my sides as I looked at Rachel and Autumn for help.

"You're pregnant?" Dad asked again.

"Yeah," I mumbled hiding my face in mom's shoulder, she rubbed my back comforting as I closed my eyes and imagined how I was to tell Jimmy, my boyfriend who…doesn't want kids…great.

"You need to tell Jimmy!" Mom said

"I know," I whispered

"I have to kill him now," Dad mumbled.

"No dad," All off us yelled, not including mom, she just yelled 'you don't fucking touch that boy.'

"Fine," he glared and crossed his arms.

"Honey, just go tell him, if he doesn't want it he's not the man for you, he wouldn't be a man clearly because he wouldn't handle his beautiful, special mistake that makes a beautiful baby," mom said softly as she ran her hands through my hair.

"Alright mom," I said taking a deep breathe. "I'll call him and meet him at the park."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know! It took forever but its out!

