Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"Do you need us to go with you?" Rachel asked

"Yeah but I have to tell him alone," I said softly as I pulled out my cell phone with a sigh. "Oh shit I'm nervous."

"You can do this," mom said kissing my temple. "I know you can."

"Alright," I said pushing on Jimmy as I put it to my ear, after two rings I heard a laugh.

"Hello?" Jimmy's friend Johnny answered the phone.

"Hey Johnny, its Jam- I mean Kayci, can I talk to Jimmy please?" I said softly as I sat down on the couch, mom and dad to my left and Rachel and Autumn to my right.

"Oh hey Kayci, of course you can, just hang on a second because Jimmy is tackling Brian right now," Johnny laughed as he cheered Jimmy on.

"Listen, Johnny I need to speak with him right now," I demanded. "I don't mean to be bitchy but it's kind of important."

"Oh," Johnny said as he stopped laughing. "Everything okay Kace?"

"Sort of Johnny, I just need to speak with Jimmy, can you get him to stop so I can talk to him," I said rather exhaustedly.

"Alright, give me a second to shut them up," he said softly before I heard him yelling Jimmy you dickhead you're girl needs you!

"What's wrong?" I heard Jimmy yell, his voice was strained like he was being choked or pinned down. "She okay?"

"I think so dude but she said it's important, so get on the phone!"

"Brian get off! Brian get the fuck off me!" Jimmy shouted before I heard Brian's groans.

"Did he just?"

"Knee him in the crotch? Yeah," Johnny said before he was cut off.

"Kayci is everything okay?" Jimmy's voice came on the line, I smiled and nodded to myself, I felt better just hearing his voice.

"Everything is fine; can you meet me in the park in five minutes?" I asked softly.

"Kayci, what's wrong?" he asked softly. "Something is wrong, I can tell."

"Jimmy, just meet me there okay, by the swings."

I hung up before I started crying, I sniffed the tears back as I stood up and walked to the door. "We'll be back soon mah, dad." Rachel stated as she walked after me.

"You okay bunny?" Autumn said trying to make me smile, I grinned and nodded a little bit.

"I'm scared," I said honestly as she put her arm over my shoulder and nodded her head, we decided to walk to the park since it wasn't but five minutes away. "I'm really scared guys."

"It's okay Jamesy," Rachel said smiling as she kissed my head and rubbed my arm soothingly. "We're here for you, sisters together as always, we're Callahan's, we're strong."

"Callahan's are also drunks, druggies, angry Irish people," I mused as we crossed the street. "But we are strong."

"Yeah," Autumn laughed as she held my left hand, Rachel held my right as we walked through the park gates. "Everything happens for a reason you know."

"I know," I said softly as we walked down the sidewalk to the swings and sandbox, for children, which I should have in a few brief months.

"Jimmy's car just pulled up," Rachel said softly as she and Autumn kissed my head and rubbed my back before they walked off to the monkey bars twenty feet away.

"Hey!" Jimmy said running down the grass lawn, he jumped the small fence and walked over to me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I smiled nervously as I grabbed his hands and held them softly. "I'm as happy as can be."

"Then what's wrong? You sounded like you were nervous," Jimmy said as he pulled me in close to his chest, I nodded into his large chest and smelled his cologne as if it was the last time I would. "Kayci talk to me."

"I don't know how you'll take it, and I hope you take it good," I laughed as I stepped back and held his hands out in front of us both.

"Kayci…" he said trying to get me to talk, giving me the Tell me please look that made any girl tell their deepest darkest secret at the drop of a hat.

"I found out today, and I was happy but scared because I really didn't expect it…" I drug it out, looking at our hands.

"Kayci spit it out, please."

"I'm pregnant Jimmy," I said bluntly as I looked up into his eyes. "I'm sorry."

He stared at me for what seemed like forever until he smiled softly. "We're going to have a baby?"

"Yeah Jimmy," I said smiling as I tried not to cry. "Are you happy with that?"

"I'm so happy," he said softly as he smiled wider, while swaying back and forth. "It's unexpected but it's wonderful."

"You're really happy?" I asked smiling up at him, I was ecstatic.

"I'm really happy, I mean I always thought I would be pissed off or like…upset but I don't think I've ever felt happier," he laughed as he looked down into my eyes. "And you're the reason."

"Really?" I smiled as he nodded his head frantically, he leaned down and kissed my lips gently, holding the sides of my face softly with his large hands.

"Aw!" I heard my sisters coo as they watched me and the father of my unborn baby kiss in the moon light.

"I want you to move in with me, so I can be there for you and the baby, every waking minute," he said as he pulled out of the kiss, his lips still on mine as he mumbled against mine.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, please move in with me, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see you every day," he said laughing.

"Jimmy have you been drinking?"

"No, I'm not, I'm sober and happy as hell!" he said as he stepped back and leaned down so he was shorter than me. "Come on Kace, please?"

"Alright," I said nodding; I smiled then looked into his bright blue eyes. "Alright."

"Really?" he asked more ecstatic than before. "That's great, that's amazing!"

"You are taking this a thousand times better than I imagined," I laughed as he picked me up and held me in his arms. "Are you really happy?"

"Kayci," he said putting me down on the ground, he grabbed my face and looked into my eyes; he nodded his head slowly and smiled. "I'm happy as could be, I'm going to be a father."

"You really are amazing," I said smiling as I looked from one eye to the other. "You really are."

"So are you," he smiled and kissed my lips again.
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