Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"So?" Rachel said from behind me, shocking me into shrieking a little before I turned around. "What's the verdict?"

"I'm going to be a father," Jimmy said laughing. "You're going to be aunts!"

"Wow," Autumn said slowly. "That just now hit me."

"Me too," Rachel said slowly as they leaned into each others shoulder. "This is rough."

"Overdramatic," I said rolling my eyes at my sisters; I turned to Jimmy and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said smiling, it was the first time we had said it, and it was true as could be. "I love you so much."

"I think we're witnessing that love that happens once in a lifetime, this is really cool," Autumn said as she and Rachel awed over Jimmy and I. "I'm touched."

"My hands are right here," Rachel said side stepping away from her.

"Not like that," Autumn said sighing heavily and very dramatically. "I meant I'm touched in my heart over the love that is being shared before my eyes."

"Oh, I knew that."

-----Two Weeks Later------

Its been two weeks since I found out I was pregnant, today is the day that I finally got all my stuff in Jimmy's house, and the day that we were telling his friends that we where pregnant as he says.

I tried to explain that I was the one that is pregnant and he's the one that has to put up with me being pregnant.

"Come on Kayci," he whined over and over again as I tried to make a sandwich before we left for Matt's house, I glanced back at him with narrowed eyes and shook my head. "Why?"

"I'm not done with my sandwich Jimmy, be patient."

"I'm not a patient person, you know that," he whined as he ran over beside me and began to make the sandwich for me.

"You know I could have done that."

"You take to long," he said as he finished plastering mayo on the bread and then slapped it on the turkey and handed it to me.

"I just started making it," I said in shock at how patient he really was, about as patient as Autumn—who has A.D.D.

"Well," he said biting his lip, he leaned down and grinned innocently before he kissed my lips and handed me the mayo jar before he ran out of the kitchen. "Going to start the car!"

"Uh…" I said slowly. "Okay?"

I laughed a little as I placed the mayo in the refrigerator door; I stepped back and closed the door before I walked out of the kitchen taking a bite out of the sandwich. "Honey? Are you coming?" he asked from the door.

"Jesus you're fast," I said softly as I grabbed my coat and ran to the door. "Here."

"Okay good, come on," he grinned and grabbed my hand as he pulled me out the door and locked it, I laughed sarcastically at how childish he was today, I took another bite as I started for the car. "You're eating in the car?"

"Uh…" I said holding my sandwich up. "I kind of need too, I just made it."

"Don't get crumbs everywhere please," he said as he sat in the driver's seat, I rolled my eyes as I sat in the seat and cupped my hand under sandwich, after a few times of grumbling about the crumbs I went to roll the window down, but Jimmy stopped me. "We're having a kid, they aren't neat freaks so, eat the sandwich and get crumbs everywhere!"

"Are you kidding me?" I asked with a mouthful.

"No I'm not kidding you," he mocked me with a smile on his face. "Give me a bite though."

"Alright," I smiled and leaned over to let him have a bite, after a few minutes of casual conversation we arrived at the house we were meeting at, Matt's.

I yawned as I pulled the seat belt off me, I unlocked the door and pulled the handle as I stood out the door and let the crisp air hit me. "You tired?" Jimmy asked as he walked over to my side of the car.

"Slightly, you kept me up to late," I whined as I grabbed his hand and laid my head against his shoulder, he had me up late last night picking out colors for the nursery/ guest room, we decided on green.

"I'm sorry sweetie," he said sadly as we walked up the stepping stones to Matt's front door, Jimmy knocked on the door and kissed my head before Matt opened the door.

"Hey guys!" Matt said smiling as he stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, he then did the man hug thing with Jimmy before he motioned for us to come in.

"What's the big news that we all had to come over at eleven in the morning dude?" Brian asked as he lay out on the couch, Michelle sitting in front of his stomach on the edge of the couch, she seen me and waved frantically.

"Hey James and James!" she giggled as she stood up and ran over for a hug, I laughed and hugged her back before she went and sat back down.

"James? I thought we were seeing Jimmy's gir-" A brown haired girl said as she walked in the room, she seen me and nodded. "James is a nickname I'm guessing, hi I'm Val."

"Hi Val, and yes it’s a nickname, my real name is Kayci," I said as I held my hand out, she walked over and shook it before she pulled me into a hug. "And I can see why you all hang out, all very huggy and affectionate."

"Kayci isn't short for James…" Val said slowly as she pointed to me.

"Middle name is Jamie," I announced as I shrugged my shoulders. "It’s a thing we started when the shop started to get known."

"Oh," she said in understanding as she nodded her head and sat beside Matt who had retired to a worn out recliner in the corner. "So Jimmy what's the news?"

"Okay," Jimmy said taking a deep breathe as he pulled me closer to him. "We're having a baby."

All at once, everyone's eyes went as big as milk saucers and their mouths dropped open in shock, I shifted nervously to my left side, making all my weight depend on that leg. "You're shittin' me."

"No Brian, I'm not shittin' you," Jimmy said in annoyance to his friend's lack of joy for his newly found happiness, he was having a baby they should be happy as clowns!

"C-congratulations guys," Michelle said wide eyed as she stood up slowly and cautiously before she walked over and hugged Jimmy and I both gently.

"Thanks," I said nodding as I turned to Jimmy with alert eyes, I whispered. "Are they supposed to be this shocked?"

"I didn't think so, apparently they didn't see me having a kid anywhere in the near future," Jimmy said scratching his head in confusion; he sneered in thought before he shrugged his shoulders. "I was a drunk and a druggie at one point so I can see where they get the whole shock thing from."

"Well yeah," I said nodding my head. "But you stopped so…"

"Still, they know me as a literal crazy mother fucker, not a father," Jimmy defended as he looked at the people he called friends. "They'll get used to it; they have to sooner or later."
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