Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"Yeah," I said slowly as I glanced up at him, my train of thought was rudely interrupted by someone picking me up and squeezing my sides.

"Congratulations you guys! I'm going to be an uncle!" Zacky Vengeance voice was heard before my left ear, where he was shouting. "I can't believe it Jimmy, she tamed you're wild ass!"

"I know," Jimmy laughed as he shrugged his shoulders as all the guys almost tackled him to the floor in hugs, rubbing his head, punching him in the arm or just hugging him tightly.

"Matt was right," Val said as she walked up beside me, looking at the guys with a sincere smile on her face. "You really are a blessing to that boy."

"Nah, he's my blessing."

-----Three Months Pregnant-----|-----The House-----

"Are you serious?" I asked in a whiney sort of tone, I seemed to be doing that an awful lot lately. "Val you have to be kidding, we can't be out of Oreo ice cream."

"Sorry sweetie but," Val said holding up the empty carton that once held a gallon of Oreo ice cream. "You ate it all."

"Damn cravings," I mumbled as I sat at the table in the kitchen, Michelle and Rachel looked at each other and bust into laughter. "Stop laughing or I'll start crying again." Yes…I did last time they laughed at me.

"Sorry," they suddenly stopped and shut up, I guess they really didn't want to hear me cry anymore, I sighed heavily as I leaned back and stared up at the ceiling fan.

"It's fucking hot," I panted as I fanned my face.

"No sweetie, it's kind of chilly in here, you're having another heat flash," Michelle mused as she sat beside Val, who was contently eating a piece of Chocolate cake that my mom made the previous day. "Just wait a few minutes and it'll pass."

"Why does it seem this kid hates me already? Not even out of the womb and acts like a teenager," I claimed as I looked at Autumn who was reading my calendar. "What are you doing?"

"Our birthday is in two weeks, you know that?"

"No I forgot my own birthday," I stated rolling my eyes; she nodded her head at my sarcasm as it rolled right over her head. "No I didn't forget."


"Sometimes I wonder about you," Rachel claimed as she sat beside Michelle, she kept her eyes on Autumn as she reached out and grabbed the cheez-it box that was lying in the center of the table. "When are the boys getting back?"

"Two weeks," Val and Michelle chimed in as they both took a bite of Val's piece of cake. "You guys birthday I believe."


"Probably not," we all said at the same time, Autumn rolled her eyes and laughed as she opened the refrigerator that she was standing in front of and grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the third shelf.

"So, what are we doing for two weeks?" Val asked as she looked at me and sighed heavily. "Would you be up to being girly for a week?"

"What do I have to do?" I asked slowly.

"Party at the local bar, the guys said its fine when they leave us home that we could party but be careful," Michelle said as she threw her keys in the center of the table, where the cheez-its had been.

"I want to go to a concert," I said softly as I looked up in the air. "I've been rather fascinated with Rob Thomas for the longest time."

"You have Ji-"

"I meant his voice," I laughed at Rachel assumption of me wanting Rob Thomas and not Jimmy. "But Robby isn't too bad on the eyes, but I love Jimmy."

"Aw," Val and Michelle said at the same time as they looked at each other teasing me, I rolled my eyes and threw the keys at them that were in the middle of the table.

"Get a life losers," I teased as I leaned back in the chair. "But I wouldn't mind going to the concert hall, or the beach to fish, or even walk the beach so I could collect sea shells, I haven't done that in the longest time."

"That's something you do with you're boyfriend, we're you're sisters and we say we're partying," Michelle said as she stood up and grabbed her keys. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I asked wide eyed.

"I'm bored, I'm hyper and I want to dance, we're going to the club up the street, a girl's night out," Michelle explained as she motioned for me and Val to get up, I looked at Val and she shrugged her shoulders with the fork still in her mouth.

"I can't drink or be near the smoke," I reminded her.
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