Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"VIP section will be fine and you don't drink anyway," Michelle said in a matter-of-fact tone as she grabbed her coat and stood at the door. "Come on, or I'm leaving."

"Uh," I said looking at Rachel and Autumn, they nodded their heads and walked towards the door, I stood up and shrugged before I followed.

-----The Club-----

"You okay?" Val asked softly as she sat beside me, I looked up from my position of laying my head on the palm of my hand so it made me look like I was about to drool and nodded my head. "No you're not, what's wrong."

"I miss Jimmy and I feel guilty being here without him," I said sadly as I moved to sit up straight, she nodded her head and leaned back in the booth before she turned to me and smiled.

"Come dance with just us girls?" she asked softly. "No worries."

"Alright," I gave in and stood up, only to have someone crash into me and made me fall back into the booth.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" A man who looked to be in his mid twenties, dark brown hair that laid down the side of his face said as his green eyes shown worry as he leaned down to help me up. "I ran right into you, God I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll feel that side in the morning," I joked as I stood up with his and Val's help; she looked at me questioningly before she looked at the guy.

"Oh," the guy said shaking his head in remembrance. "I'm Pierre Franken, if you don't mind me asking, what's your names?"

"Valary DiBenedetto," Val said holding her hand out to the guy, he smiled and shook her hand before he turned to me and raised his eyebrows.

"Ja- I mean Kayci Callahan," I said shaking my head at my forgetfulness, sometimes I forgot what my real name was, not James.

"Great to meet you two, Valary and Kayci," he said as he nodded to us both and then looked behind him. "Want to come and have a drink with me and my friends."

"I'm sorry but we're taken," Val said softly as she grabbed my hand and pulled me after her, down the stairs from the VIP section to the dance floor, which was packed like sardines from all four walls with people jumping and swaying to the music.

"That was weird," I said as she and I began to dance to the music, when Rachel and Autumn came up and began dancing along with us.

"What was weird?" Autumn asked grabbing my hand and twirling me around her like a princess. "You're hair?"

"No smartass," I laughed as I spun her. "Some guy asked Val and I to come and drink with his friends."

"After he about bulldozed her over," Val threw in as Michelle and her began to head bang to the music, I looked at Rachel who raised her eyebrows and walked over while dancing.

"What did he say?" she asked as she and Autumn began to spin around in circles. "Was he rude or was he flirty."

"Defiantly flirty," Val said as she danced her way over beside Rachel while holding Michelle's hands swaying them around. "It was weird because he seemed way too nice."

"He was wasn't he?" I asked as I was in the middle of Rachel and Autumn who were head banging softly to a guitar rift in the song.

"Like how?" Rachel asked.

"Just how he acted," Val said shrugging as she looked down at her watch, which she put on after I told her to wear it so I could tell when I wanted to go. "Kayci its twelve do you want to go?"

"Yeah," I said as we moved our way closer to the door. "Damn go on without me, I have to get my jacket."

"I'll go with you," Val said as she waved the others to go on. "Get the car and bring it up Michelle."

"Okay," she said as she and the girls walked out the door, I looked up the stairs before I made my way up them with Val behind me.

"I left it right here," I said moments later, standing in front of the booth we shared. "My best fucking jacket, my favorite fucking jacket!"

"This yours?" someone asked from behind me just as Val went to speak, we both turned around at the same time in shock of the sudden plus person behind us.

"Thanks…Pierre," I smiled slightly as I gripped my fingers around my jacket; he pulled it back slightly and sent a teasing look at me. "Can I have my jacket please?"

"Kiss first," he teased as he leaned forward with a smirk on his face, I cast a sideways glance at Val who looked bewildered at his gesture.

"Listen guy, we have fucking boyfriends and we'd hate to get them on you're ass, so give her the damn jacket back," Val said enraged, the first time I've ever heard her mad at anyone.
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Image - Pierre
