Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"Shut up damn it, I'm not taking to you," he said as he turned to Val and pointed at her. "Bring your pansy boyfriends, I don't give a damn."

"Hey back off man!" I said as I brought his attention back to me. "Give me my jacket so me and my friend can go, you can go back to drowning yourself in toxic waste."

"I want a damn kiss!" He shouted, slurring his words slightly as he reached forward and grabbed my arm roughly.

"I don't like being touched," I stated before I kicked him between his legs, Val grabbed the coat from his hand and grabbed my arm with her other hand before we went running down the steps.

"What the hell!" Val screamed as he ran out of the club. "That moron could have raped you!"


"Yeah us!" she corrected herself as she went onto making a rant of the idiot.

“Well,” Autumn chuckled. “That was strange.”


“Val!” She turned to her and barked. “Shut up.”

“Sorry,” Val frowned.

"Its okay," I nodded softly as I patted her arm. "Autumn stop yelling at Val, she's just mad."

"Why again?"

"Some idiot wanted me to kiss him before he gave up my jacket," I grumbled as Val and I walked to the car that Michelle had pulled up to the curb.

“That would explain it,” She nodded slowly. “Raaape.”

"Its fucked up," Val growled as Michelle started down the street. "We're not going back there again."

"I agree," I nodded slowly. "I just wish Jimmy would come home already."

“Soon,” Autumn reassured and threw herself on me.

“Not soon enough.”

"Rudeness," she grumbled kissing my forehead, I whined and wiggled away from her.

"I'm pregnant, leave me alone," I whined as Michelle drove up my street. "I need to call Jimmy anyway."

"Why James, have you turned dependant on you're boyfriend?" Rachel mocked shock.

“Why, yes,” I nodded frantically. “Yes I have.”

“You’ve gone soft on us, Jamesy,” Autumn pouted. “I’m so disappointed in you.”

"I can still beat you're ass," I glared at her. "Do you want that to happen?"

"No, I believe you," she scooted away. "Are you coming to work tomorrow?"

"Yes," I nodded slowly. "I got too."

“Good, good,” She nodded slowly. “You have a big appointment.”

“How big is big?” I asked, slightly scared.

“Well,” She smiled. “It’s only Pete Wentz, but still!”

"Alright," I nodded slowly. "Pete's not that big, completely cool."

"My back hurts," I whined as Rachel rubbed my back and Autumn sat beside me watching the TV. "I'm only a few months pregnant!"

“Would you like some cheese with that whine?” Autumn growled .”Hush, the guys are on FUSE.”

"Okay but do you have to be so damn pissy to her?" Rachel snapped as I quieted and listened to the TV.

"So, Rev I hear that you have a girlfriend am I right?"

"Yeah, her names Kayci—oh shit maybe I should call her James, damn I don't know ha-ha, sorry baby."

"Whatever you want to call me," I chuckled.

“He’s so love struck!’ Autumn laughed hysterically.

"Just watch," I growled as I turned the TV up and leaned forward with my hands on my knees, watching.

"Kayci? You in love with her Rev?"

"Yes I am," he smiled at the camera and then to Matt who was laughing. "Shut up man."

"What's so funny Shadows?"

"That girl has got him whipped I'm telling you, she's a tattoo artist and she asked him the other day if she could change the bedroom at their house from black to what was it? Purple? And he was like Sure honey, do whatever you want It was, comical."

“Dude,” Jimmy mumbled. “Shut up.”

“No, no,” Matt shook his head.

“Even his sisters have him whipped!” Zacky added. “Rachel and Autumn!”

"Ah he said my name!" Autumn fell in the floor, Rachel and I both watched her nearly melt into a puddle before we looked at each other silently then back to the TV.

"Dude!" Jimmy slapped Zacky. "They do not…"

"They do," Brian nodded slowly and quietly. "He may not realize it, but they do have him whipped."

"I hate you guys," Jimmy grumbled crossing his arms.

“Do you…” I stared at Autumn. “Like him?”

“Who?” She said airily.

"Yep," Rachel and I said at the same time as the door opened. "Pete!"

"My, my," Pete Wentz walked in with his boys and a few others plus his new wife. "James you've, blossomed."

"Just say I got fat," I chuckled as I lifted my shirt. "I'm pregnant."

“That would explain it,” He nodded slowly, looking to Autumn who was still on the floor. “Something wrong, October?”

"She has a crush on my boyfriends' friend Zacky," I smiled as Pete chuckled and followed me to my chair, as he sat down I pulled on some black latex gloves and hummed to myself. "How have you been Pete?"

"Pretty good," he nodded slowly as he took off his shirt and pointed to over his heart. "I want it to say Beloved on it in red and black."

"Alright," I nodded as I grabbed the black and red bottles, filled the caps and grabbed the alcohol bottle.

“So, Ashlee,” Rachel smiled. “Happy?”

“Very,” She nodded, grinning widely.

“What about you, Petey?” I asked.

"Very," he smiled as he looked at Ashlee. "You and Jimmy getting married, James?"

"Uh," I shook my head as I sprayed alcohol over his chest and rubbed it around, then took a razor and shaved what hair he had from around the area, then alcohol-ed it again. "No, he's just my boyfriend."

“But, you-“

“Yes, I’m pregnant,” I nodded. “Doesn’t mean we have to get married.”

"Oh," he said quietly. "What if he asked you to marry him?"
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