Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

“Wow,” I chuckled as Zacky looked to Autumn and I, scared as hell. "Its okay Zack, his bark is worse than his bite, ask mom!"

"He bites like a wuss!"

"I didn't need to know that! I was meaning figuratively!" I shouted.

“Sorry, hun,” She called back.

“Daddy,” Autumn sighed. “Don’t yell at Zacky.”

"I'll yell all I want!"

"You didn't yell at Jimmy," I pointed out and then wished I hadn't.

"Jimmy get over here, our talk is way passed due!"

"Thanks honey," he walked past me with wide eyes.

“Sorry, babe,” I frowned.

"You just totally got them terrorized," Rachel chuckled as she leaned against the desk, watching my father scare the two men me and my sister adored. "Good one guys."

“Whoops,” I mumbled.

“Well,” Autumn mumbled. “I didn’t know he was home. I wasn’t going to do anything, but then he whispered in my ear and said I’ve been waiting so long for the moment I could hold you… and I lost it.”

"That's kind of cute," I giggled as she nodded with a sigh. "No wonder you jumped his bones."

"Sort of," she nodded, her and I listening to our dad.

“What were you doing in there with my daughter and why?” He pointed his finger accusingly at Zacky.

"Would you believe me if I said I was wrestling?" Zacky snorted nervously as Jimmy tilted his head and grunted, trying not to laugh.

"No Zach, I wouldn't believe you're punk ass, I'm not stupid."

“Well,” Zacky mumbled. “I told your daughter that I really liked her.”

“And?” My dad twitched slightly.

"And," Zacky grimaced slightly as he looked at Autumn then my dad. "You kind of know what happened I believe, sir."

"You had sex?"

"Yes sir," he gulped.

"Well," dad said slowly as he stepped back and cleared his throat, "You have ten seconds to get out of my sights, or I'll kill you with my bare hands."

"Yes sir," Zacky yelped and jumped up while Jimmy watched without emotion as Zacky ran out the door and down the street in nothing by my jacket.

"That should be on the news tonight," I mumbled as dad turned to Jimmy. "Oh great.

“And you,” My dad huffed, pulling Jimmy into a rough hug.

“What the fuck?!” Autumn yelled softly.

I chuckled slightly as I bit my lip and crossed my arms, "He asked me to marry him, I think dad's happy."


"I don't know," I shrugged as I turned and watched dad and Jimmy.

"You take care of my daughter Jimmy Sullivan or I will kill you, you hear me boy?" dad pulled away and stepped back staring at Jimmy with what me and my family have always considered death rays.

"Yes sir," Jimmy smiled.

“Good,” My dad nodded and looked out the window, watching Zacky still running down the street. “Um…”

“What?” I asked as we all turned to my dad, who was holding up my jacket.

“He’s naked and running around Huntington,” Autumn nodded slowly and closed her eyes, rubbing her temples.

"Well," I choked on the laughter in my throat and smiled, "Hopefully, he's not screaming I'm the village idiot because if he did, we'd have a big problem."

"I'll go get the moron," Brian said softly from the door as he shook his head, probably thinking about leaving him and walking the opposite way to save himself the embarrassment. But thought better of it because he started taking his shirt off as he walked down the street, going to give it to Zacky as a cover.

"Damn that boy has a nice—" I paused and smiled. "Pregnancy does some weird shit to you."

“Obviously,” Rachel spoke up. “You're crazy.”

“You know it, bitch.”

"All to well," she sighed as she sat back down and began to trace a pattern again, but stopped and opened her mouth then shut it again.

"Cat got you're tongue?" I chuckled, she nodded. "Thought so."

“She’s just jealous because now both her sisters have somebody and she doesn’t,” Autumn coughed and looked away, smirking.

"Wait a fucking second," she growled as she stood up and walked towards Autumn.

"Great day in the morning," I grumbled as I stepped back, needing not to get hit like last time one of them where in a fight. "Guys don't fight."

“I’m not jealous of you Autumn!” Rachel spat. “You fucked a guy without a second thought! He just told you that he liked you and you already sucked his dick!”

I slapped my forehead and groaned as Autumn stood up straight and glared at her, "Well excuse me Miss high and mighty, I'm sorry I'm not like you. At least I have men that want me," she said slowly. "Sorry honey, maybe staying in a relationship isn't for everyone."

"I don't need one if it's based on physical needs Autumn, all you do is stay for the ride and as soon as you know every twist and turn on that roller coaster you go for the next, Zacky won't last and I hope you know. I don't envy you or play jealous on you're games, because that's all they are, games."

“I don’t use my men!” Autumn got in Rachel’s face and screamed.

“Yes you fucking do!”

“Fuck you!” Autumn reached out and slapped Rachel hard across the face.

"Ho-shit," I said slowly as mom and dad rushed over to make them stop, but they were faster and Rachel bloodied her nose and Autumn gave her a black eye. "See, this is why I don't talk about men in front of you guys!"

"She fucking started it!" Rachel shouted as dad held her back while mom and Jimmy held back Autumn. "She had to fucking act like her shit don't stink, news flash honey you're no better than me and so what you fucked Zacky fucking Vengeance!"

“She talks about me like I’m some fucking slut!” Autumn cried. “I really like him! She thinks I just fuck a guy then leave him!”

"Because you do!" Rachel shouted as loud as she could, "Tommy, James, Regan, Frank, Alexander, Teddy, and Gaspard! I could fucking go on forever!"

"I never loved them!" Autumn shouted. "Never!"

"Then why did you fuck them!" Rachel screeched the last part as she fell to the floor, dad having to pick her up slightly, "I loved Gaspard."

"You loved him?" she whispered softly. "You loved the French guy?"

"Yes!" Rachel shouted. "If you would have fucking stopped making out with him for five minutes I would have told you! But no you had to have him to yourself and then throw him away; I don't want you doing that to Zacky! He's Jimmy's best friend, I don't want you ruining this for Kayci!"

“Fuck them!” She began sobbing. “I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that I love Zacky!” And then her face went a flush white when she realized what she just screamed.

"Well good for you Autumn," Rachel's voice was barely auditable. "Hopefully karma doesn't bite you in the ass when you turn around and you suffer all the guys you dumped's heartache."

"Fuck you Rachel," Autumn pulled away from mom and Jimmy before she walked out of the shop crying.

"What the hell!" Mom shouted.

“She fucking started it!” Rachel screamed.

“No she didn’t!” My mom growled and looked out of the door. “Hopefully she’ll be okay…”

"Why am I always the fucking blame?" Rachel shouted as she stared at mom, "She does something to me and I can't defend myself mom? Good god you have no idea what shit I have put up with over the years, she's the reason I flipped so don't say she didn't start it, I shut my mouth first, I wasn't going to say shit!"

"Rachel Michelle," dad said sternly. "Come on let's talk."

"I'm going to find Autumn," mom was flustered as she left the shop; I turned to Jimmy and grinned.

"You come back and all hell breaks loose," he grinned. "Dad's not pissed at Rachel, he's going to talk to her, mom isn't either she's just worried something will happen to Autumn."

“Hopefully she’ll be fine,” Jimmy mumbled as I picked up the phone. “Who are you calling?”


“Oh,” He nodded slowly as I dialed her number.

“Hello?” She said stuffily.

“Autumn, you okay?”

“Yeah,” She mumbled. “Just angry. I mean, Rachel knows how I get. And I do love Zach-“

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