Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"I will because it was funny?" Rachel said holding her hands out in defense as she walked over to Autumn and ruffled her hair.

"Damn it Rachel, watch the hair!" Autumn said trying to fix her hair to sit back down instead of how it was standing straight up.

Three hours later, I was lying on the tattooing chair with Ville lying between my legs and we were discussing TV shows and cars in America. "I honestly think that What not to wear is amazing," I said as I played with his hair.

"I like it but Stacey London's new show is much better," Ville said as he played with a Rubik's cube that Rachel gave him when he got bored.

"I liked Clayton though," I mumbled looking up at Rachel "Don't you think he's cool?"

"I don't watch it," she said shaking her head, I looked at Autumn and she shook her head too.

"Well you guys suck," I said braiding a strand of Ville's hair.

"Do not," they both said flipping me off, Ville chuckled and looked up at me.

"They think you suck Jamesy," he said smirking

"No, I'm way cooler than them, they are just jealous," I said smirking as he laughed and looked at the girls faces who were narrowing their eyes and flipping me off. "See, jealous."

"So very," Ville said laughing

He laughed as the door opened and made a dinging noise showing that someone had came in, I looked over to see Frank from My Chemical Romance. "Frank!" I yelled as he ran over and hugged me and patted Ville's head.

"Hi Ville, Hey James, how are you?" he asked sitting down.

"Good, how are you?" I asked smiling up at Frank; he grinned and shook his head.

"Pretty good, psyching myself out for my new tattoo, you think you could get me a tattoo for my wife?" he asked

"Of course, how is she?" I asked as Ville stood up and went to mess with Rachel.

"She's good, she wondered what I was getting, I don't know yet, so any ideas?" he asked

"A few," I said sliding off the chair, and into my stool, I patted the tattooing chair before I pulled out a book from under the counter. "This book is full of tattoos I want to get but they are for when you find the one and I haven't found him yet, so pick something."

"I don't want to take something that you had picked out for yourself James," Frank said shaking his head.

"I want you to take one, my personal favorite is that one," I said pointing to the second picture, which was a small ying-yang with two roses, one was black and one was red, one on each side of the ying-yang.

"I like that," Frank said nodding

"I know Jamia, she would love it," I said nodding as he nodded and smiled.

"I want that, but where?" he asked looking around on his body.

"Shoulder, I was going to get it on my right shoulder," I said as I put on some black gloves as the door bell rang, signaling someone was going in the door.

"Hey, what can I do for you?" Autumn asked

"I called a month ago for a tattoo done by James Callahan, a friend of mine said he does fantastic tattoos," a woman said, Frank snickered as she said he.

"Um, James is right over there," Rachel said pointing over to me and Frank.

"Thank you," the girl said as she and her friends walked over, I looked up and she raised her eyebrows.

"No this is Frank Iero," one of the men said slowly

"Hey Synyster!" Frank said as he was turned on his side.

"Where's James?" Synyster asked

"I'm James, it's really Kayci Jamie, but everyone calls me James," I said

"Oh, I'm sorry, my friend said James and I just assumed," the girl said stuttering her words.

"Its okay babe, most people do," I said going back to Frank's tattoo.

"You done Benji Madden's tattoo?" another man asked

"Yeah, many of them, where is he by the way?" I asked looking up at the other man; I noticed he was the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold.

"Have no clue," Synyster said shrugging as he smiled at the girl "Can I get a tattoo?"

"If you want," the girl said looking up at him before looking down at me. "My name is Michelle."

"Hello Michelle, nice to meet you, as soon as I'm finished here, he can go annoy Obi and then I'll tattoo you," I said nodding

"Obi?" Michelle asked

"My sister Autumn October is Obi, my sister Rachel Michelle is Mikey and my mother is Hollie or everyone calls her Mah, my dad is Lee or Alex, or dad, feel free to call us what you like, but we prefer our nick names," I explained changing colors for the red rose in the ying-yang.

"Oh, I'll call you Jamie if it's okay," Michelle said sitting in on one of the couches in the waiting room, I nodded and went over the red one more time.

"Ville," I yelled, he looked up from talking to mom and walked over, pulling a cigarette out of his back pocket, he put it in my mouth and lit it before walking away again.

"You need to stop smoking," Frank said in a sing song voice, I rolled my eyes and changed colors again, to black.

"I don't smoke that much," I mumbled as the cigarette balanced on my lips.

"Still, you could get cancer," he said as I finished up on his tattoo, I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth and put it out on the bottom of my shoe before throwing it on the ground.

"Kayci!" Autumn yelled

"I'll get it later!" I yelled back getting two sheets of paper towel and the spray bottom. "May sting."

"Holy shit!" he yelled as I squirted it on his fresh tattoo, I smirked as I wiped it clean. "That hurt!"

"I told you it may sting," I said smiling as I bandaged it up and took my black gloves off.

"May sting my ass!" he mumbled standing up "Thanks James."

"Tell Jamia I said hello, give Gerard a sloppy kiss for me, love you," I said hugging him; he hugged back before walking off to Autumn to pay.
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