Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"Love you too James," he said walking out the door.

"Alright Michelle," I said getting more black gloves on, she gave her coat to Synyster and walked over, she was wearing a tank top that showed her back. "Where do you want you're tattoo? Upper back?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" she asked as she straddled the chair and leaned forward as I got another tattoo gun cleaned and ready.

"I've been in the business since I was fifteen, you learn from how the person acts, or what they wear, like you're wearing a shirt without a back on the top, thus making it easier for a tattoo there," I explained getting the alcohol out, paper towels, also the deodorant that makes the stencil stick to the skin.

"Oh, that's cool, I want this tattoo," she said handing me a small 6 X 6 of a death bat, I nodded and stood up.

"Be right back," I said walking over to the front desk, leaning over I winked at Ville and batted my eyelashes at my sister.

"What do you want?" Rachel asked as Autumn smiled watching me act innocent.

"Can you stencil this pretty please?" I asked handing her the paper; she looked it over and nodded.

"Five minutes," she said before I nodded and walked back over.

"Mikey is going to stencil it, so I'll alcohol you're back while we're waiting," I said sitting down on the stool, I grabbed the paper towel and squirted the alcohol on it before rubbing it on the top of her back. "So why are you getting this tattoo?"

"My boyfriend's band emblem is that and I want to support the band and him," she said laying her head on her arms that were folded on the headrest.

"That's pretty cool, taking that commitment, you're boyfriend is that Synyster guy right?" I asked throwing the paper towel away before wetting another for the tattoo gun needles.

"Yeah, Brian, he's the nicest guy I've ever known," she said smiling

"That's cute, he seems nice," I said looking up as he played with that Matt guy, punching each other and talking to the rest of the guys, the one that stuck out the most was the tall one, the drummer, he was adorable in his own way, tall, mysterious with bright eyes, his smile was sweet not like his looks, he looked like a tough guy.

"He really is," she said smiling as she turned over to watch them; he looked up and waved at her before Matt put him into a head lock while laughing.

"Here," Mikey said walking over with the stencil in hand.

"Tank you," I said like a child, she pulled her glasses off and leaned down.

"Save that stencil, it's a good picture of the death bat," she said then turned to Michelle. "Where are you getting it at?"

"Upper back," Michelle said as she looked at Rachel.

"Oh nice, very good spot," she said before walking back to the front desk.

"Don't mind her, she's a girl of few words," I said as I placed the stencil directly on her back, lined out straight.

"You ready already?" Synyster asked walking over, Michelle lifted her hand and grabbed his, holding tight.

"Yeah, what colors is this?" I asked

"Black and skin color," Michelle said I nodded and filled two caps full of the colors; I dipped the needles in the black before placing my hand on her back.

"Alright, get ready," I said as I started the tattoo gun, she squinted her eyes as I started the tattoo, letting out a breath of air she laughed.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," she explained as her boyfriend pushed her hair out of her face and smiled at her.

"See I told you baby," he said kissing her forehead as he kneeled in front of her, I smiled at the kindly words he recited to her before wiping off the extra ink, dipping the needles into the black once again I went to tattooing the outlining of the right wing when the door bell rang again, signaling someone was once again walking in.

"Hey Kass," Autumn said as she looked up to see our cousin Kassie, red hair, blue eyes, five foot three, shy girl.

"Kassie, Kassie, Kassie, what are you doing here without you're daddy?" I asked wiping off the extra ink again, dipping it into the black ink and starting on the left wing, I heard footsteps walking over to me.

"He said he couldn't come today, he had to finish his design on that new house in the hills, anyway, nice tattoo," Kassie said as she pulled a chair up and sat on it backwards, putting her arms on the back of it as she watched me tattoo Michelle.

"Oh I look forward to his strange greetings of Hello Kayci Jamie Callahan how are you my niece! that's always a treat for us triplets," I said grinning as I wiped Michelle's back and changed to the light tan color.

"Triplets, you are all triplets?" Michelle asked

"Yeah, me and my sisters are triplets, we don't look alike or act alike, yet we're triplets," I explained tattooing around the edges of the black ink.

"That's strange yet cool," Synyster said laughing

"Thanks, we're all strange," I said as the radio started blasting Against Me! Thrash unreal.

"Turn it up!" Kassie yelled leaning back, bobbing her head Rachel reached over and turned it up.

"Daddy?" I said as I heard him singing, he walked over and looked at Michelle's back.

"Missed the side, re-do it," he said, I rolled my eyes and went over it, although I was going to after I finished the middle, he nodded and walked away singing softly to the music, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket but that didn't stop the old man.

"You're dad is cool," Synyster said laughing as he kneeled beside Michelle again. "Can I go get him to tattoo me? I'll be back soon I swear."

"Yeah, go ahead," Michelle said nodding; I finished up her tattoo not thirty minutes later and put gauze on her back before she got up. "Thank you for the tattoo."

"No problem, hope you come back for more," I said smiling as she walked over to her friends who admired my work, the tall guy, The Rev as they call him on stage walked over and kneeled in front of me, making me cast a sideways glance at him. "Yes?"

"I was wondering if you had the time to give me a tattoo, or do you have more appointments?" he asked, his voice calm, smooth, not deep like I expected it to be.

"I can fit you in, my next appointment is in two hours I think," I said when I seen Ville nodding his head up and down to say yes.

"Oh good, I have been wanting a picture of an angel on the gap of my left side," he said taking his jacket off to lift his shirt and show me.
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