Inked by Love, Loved for Ink

Inked By Love, Loved For Ink

"Hop up on the chair and let me see, how big do you want it?" I asked as he jumped up on the chair and showed me he wanted it about five inches big, he gave me a picture and told me it was from a art gallery painting he saw and fell in love with the picture.

"Alright then, I'll get Mikey to draw this up and I'll get to work on it," I said smiling as I took the picture and walked over to Rachel, who was talking to mom, well whispering and giggling. "Hey Rach, I need yo- what are you giggling about?"

"He's cute," mom said pointing to the guy I was talking to, Rev.

"Oh don't start this," I whined as I laid my head on the desk, my right cheek pressed up against the cold marble counter. "Just please, stencil this."

"It looks like you, shorter hair though," Rachel said as she started to draw it, I rolled my eyes and walked backwards.

"How long?"

"Five minutes minimum," she said flicking her wrist at me to go on, I rolled my eyes once again before I turned around and began walking over to the stool.

"Alright, I need to alcohol, shave and deodorant you," I said smiling as I grabbed a cheap razor from the plastic shelf I keep throw away things in, cotton balls, razors, Q- tips.

"I get the alcohol and razor thing, but I have deodorant on," he said took his shirt off with a smile on his face, showing he was playing with me.

"Really? Boy I thought right guard took a left," I said playfully as I soaked another paper towel in alcohol, I wiped his stomach, then shaved the hairs he had on the spot he was getting the tattoo before I wiped the towel over it again. "Okay, now colors?"

"White, green, black and brown I think," he said nodding

"What colors are the eyes?" I asked getting the colors and putting them in tiny caps.

"Green," he said softly as he shifted to his side, so I could have a spot to tattoo him.

"Very nice," I said as Rachel walked over with the stencil.

"Very beautiful picture sir," she explained smiling "I'm Mikey, James' sister."

"I'm Jimmy, Michelle's boyfriend's friend," he said holding his hand out to shake, they shook hands before she walked away, winking at me and pointing at him, making me laugh and roll my eyes, I seem to have been doing that a lot lately.

"Alright," I said putting the deodorant on his arm, then putting the stencil over it,

"I don't get the whole, deodorant thing still," he said smiling

"Oh, I didn't explain did I? I'm sorry, it helps the stencil color stay on while I trace it with the needle, it's like connect the dots with straight lines," I said shrugging as he nodded in understanding.

"I would have never figured that out," he laughed "Thank you for explaining."

"Not problems, so Jimmy, if I can call you that, how are you?" I asked

"Of course you can call me that, if I can call you Kayci," he said sweetly

"Alright," I said sighing "but I'll let you in on a little secret, I don't let anyone call me Kayci unless they are family, and usually they don't call me that, so feel special."

"I do," he said nodding "And I'm find, well until you get ready to stick me with that needle."

"It won't hurt long Jimmy, just a little bit, after it becomes numb, you'll be fine, I did a touchup on Ville's nipple tattoo and he complained only like twice," I said

"That's because you sprayed alcohol on it!" Ville yelled from across the store making me turn to Jimmy and smile.

"He loves me; he just chooses to gripe more than the average hormonal teenage girl!" I yelled the last part to Ville, who huffed and looked away like a scolded child. "I got him on that."

"That was a good one," Jimmy said as I placed my hand on his stomach and started tattooing the girls hair, black like the night.

"I like the Fiction tattoo your rocking," I said concentrating on the hair of the angel.

"Thank you, my life is fiction," he said smiling

"I would say so, mine is too, but I have no where to put fiction on me, unless I have it like in small letters," I explained as I wiped off some extra ink that puddle on the hair.

"You have a free spot on you're leg, right there," he said pointing to the side of my leg.

"I guess I could get one there, but I would be copying you, you know," I said smiling

"I wouldn't mind, it would look great on you," he said smiling at me; I blushed as I looked down, so my hair covered my face.

"Thank you," I said coyly as I wiped the extra ink off a couple times before trying to write again.

"Are you single?" he asked softly

"Oh," I said looking up, I grinned and nodded "Yeah, I haven't ever had a date before."

"You've never had a date?" he asked in shock, I blushed yet again and shook my head no. "Why? Are you gay or are men that stupid?"

"I'm not gay, and I guess they are just stupid?" I said shrugging

"Would you go on a date with me if I asked?" he asked as I turned off the tattoo gun and smiled.

"I don't know, maybe," I said smiling as I changed colors to green.

"Will you go on a date with me?" he asked grinning, I looked up and smiled.

"Sure, when?" I asked putting the blue up and changing to white.

"Tonight at eight sound alright?" he asked kindly as he glanced at his side, he smiled at the tattoo which was already getting shaped and character into it.

"Sounds wonderful," I said smiling as I finished up his tattoo, he left with his friends not to much later, but not before getting my number and giving me his.

"Kayci's got a date, Kayci's got a date, Kayci's got a date!" Autumn said skipping around, acting like a lunatic.

"Oh shut up Autumn, you're just jealous!" I said pushing her over, she and Kassie started cackling as they sang the song Kayci and The Rev sitting in a tree. which made me, mom, Rachel and dad roll our eyes.

"Calm down children, this is good, Kayci needs a boyfriend."

"Thank you mother," I said rolling my eyes at her helpfulness, which at the time, was not helping.

"I was just trying to help," she said innocently, I laughed and walked over to my station, waiting for six, when I could leave and get ready.
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